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The Schutzenfest... Sharp Shooters... Tammany Hall...
The Schutzenfest... Sharp Shooters... Tammany Hall...
Item # 173218
July 18, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 18, 1868 The full front page illustration is of "The Schutzenfest-The Procession Passing Through Union Square." Inside are five illustrations pertaining to "The Schutzenfest" including: "...The Domestic Sharp Shooter," "...The Convivial Sharp Shooter," "...Shooting Gallery at Jones's Wood-Sharp Shooters Firing at the Targets," "...The Dance," and "The Prizes."
The doublepage centerfold is of "Interior of Tammany Hall, New York -The Democratic Convention in Session ." (Politics) A full page Thomas Nast illustration of "The Youngest Introducing the Oldest." includes Lady Liberty. A full page features two half page illustrations pertaining to "Washing and Shearing Sheep in the Country."
Complete in 16 pages and contains additional prints and related text. See photos for details.
Category: 1866-1869