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Hong Kong, Honolulu, Hawaii, Aspinwall, Panama views...
Hong Kong, Honolulu, Hawaii, Aspinwall, Panama views...
Item # 173204
May 30, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 30, 1868 The front page features a full illustration 'Columbus Explaining Discovery of America to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella'. A full page is comprised of two illustrations "Impeachment - Scene in 'Newspaper Row,' Washington, on the Night after The Vote" and "Impeachment - Reporters and Citizens in the Senate Lobby Seeking Information During the Secret Session".
The doublepage centerfold has 6 scenes of: "Commercial & Geographical Relation of New York to Europe and Asia, With Views of Hong Kong, Honolulu, Hawaii, Aspinwall, Panama, and on the Pacific Railroad". Prints of "Hon. Anson Burlingame, Minister From China" and "Prince Alfred of England", and "M. Jules Favre of the French Academy". One-third page "View of Astoria, Oregon". Half page illustration entitled "'Brought to Earth' - A Virginia Deer Hunt". The back page features a political cartoon on the "Effect of the Vote on the Eleventh Article of Impeachment".
Complete in 16 pages and contains additional prints and related text.
Category: 1866-1869