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Thaddeus Stevens's... Great print of Pilgrims...

Item # 173194

April 25, 1868

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 25, 1868  The front page features a hal fpage illustration of the new statue "Tigress Bringing the First-Fruit to Her Young" which was added to Central Park.The front page also begins the article "Assassination of Thomas D'Arcy M'Gee" in which two 1/4 page illustrations are within the issue. A poem entitled "Farewell to Dickens" is written by F. J. Parmenter.  Also featured is a full page illustration 'Charity: A Scene in Trinity Church, N.Y.' and a 3/4 page  'New England Puritans Going to Church'. "Historic Houses" features small illustrations of 'Thaddeus Stevens's Dwelling and Office, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.'; 'Ancient Friends' Meeting-House at Lower Merion, PA' and 'Mrs. Barbara Frietchie's Home, Frederick, Maryland'.
"Union Soldiers' Monument" article also features a 1/4 page illustration entitled "Soldier's Monument at Lewiston, Maine". An article "Cardinal Lucien Bonaparte" also features a 1/4 page illustration of him as well. A half-page illustration "The Lake Michigan Disaster - burning of the Steamer 'Sea Bird,' April 9, 1868".
Complete in 16 pages and contains additional prints and related text. 

Category: 1866-1869