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Peruvian prints... Winter scenes...

Item # 173180

March 07, 1868

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 7, 1868 (a printing typo shows date as the 4th)  Full front page illustration of "The Reporters' Gallery of the House of Representatives, Washington D.C." Inside is a 1/4 page illustration of "Adjutant General Lorenzo Thomas, U.S.A." 1/4 page illustration of "The Lost Arm" with accompanying poem. 1/2 page illustration of "Dolly's Sleigh Ride - An Illustration for the Juveniles" which features a child's sleigh being pulled by dogs.
Also, a full page illustration of "The French Poacher at Bay." Full page illustration of "Wolves Attacking a Stag on the Ice-A Siberian Scene." 1/2 page illustration of "Booth of the New Soldiers' Messenger Company." 1/2 page illustration of "A New York Street Scene-Pork vs. Milk." Many illustrations pertaining to "The Peruvian Revolution" including a small illustration of "General Canseco, Actual President of Peru."
Also, "Medanos in the Pampa of Islay, Peru," "Tambo of La Joya, Pampa of Islay, Peru," "Peruvian Infantry and Cavalry," "City of Arequipa and Volcano of Misti, Peru," "Port of Islay, Peru," and "Grand Plaza and Market Place of Arequipa, Peru." 
Complete in sixteen pages.

Note: All March 7th issues are misprinted with the date March 4th on the front page. However, these issues are all March 7th.  All inside pages are printed as March 7th.

Category: 1866-1869