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American buffalo, Broadway, Salmon fishing...
American buffalo, Broadway, Salmon fishing...
Item # 173172
February 15, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 15, 1868 Dramatic front page: 'The Great Fire in Chicago' shows firemen fighting a well-engulfed building. Half page illustrations 'An Avalanche in an Alpine Pass' and 'Relieving the Poor at No. 1 Bond Street, New York'. A full page: 'Broadway, February, 1868' is a street scene. 'Buffalo Attacked by Wolves' shows just that. Half page illustrations: 'Indians Fishing For Salmon in Oregon' and 'Hunting Quaggas and Zebras in Africa'. Half page 'Fenian Attack on the Martello Tower, Duncannon, Ireland, January 17, 1868'.
Complete in 16 pages and contains additional prints and related text.
Category: 1866-1869