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Memphis riots... Scenes of Little Rock, Arkansas...
Memphis riots... Scenes of Little Rock, Arkansas...
Item # 172992
May 26, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 26, 1866 Ftpg. has two scenes in 'Memphis, Tenn., During the Riot' one showing: 'Shooting down Negroes' and the other 'Burning a Freedmen's School House'. Three-quarter pg. illus. of: 'Edwin M. Stanton'. Nice fullpg. with 2 illus. of: 'Little Rock, Ark.' fullpg: 'Crevasse on Chim's Plantation, West Baton Rouge, La.' and a very nicefullpg: 'Washington Market, N.Y. City'. Additional illustrations, articles and advertisements are within.
Complete in sixteen pages/
Category: 1866-1869