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Capture of a rebel fort...
Capture of a rebel fort...
Item # 172834
November 19, 1864
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 19, 1864 The front page has prints of: "Lieutenant William B. Cushing" and "Destruction of the Rebel Ram 'Albemarle' at Plymouth, North Carolina".
Inside page prints include: "Confederate Iron-clads on the James, Below Chaffin's Bluff" "Gen. Butler & Staff Watching the Battle from Johnson House" "General Terry's Corps Engaging the Rebel Works on the Darbytown Road" "Captain Jerry. Z. Brown" "Capture of Rebel Fort in Front of Petersburg by the 148th Pennsylvania" "Major Thomas Jefferson Rodman" "Rodman 20 Inch Gun, Tested at Fort Hamilton" "General Hood's Attack on Allatoona..." "Armstrong's Mills and Rebel Works on Hatcher's Run, Captured by the Second Corps" "General Crawford Conducting Rebel Prisoners to His Rear".
There are two full page prints: 'Reception At the War Department...Of Guns Captured from the Enemy by General Sheridan" and "Battery Going Into Position".
The back page has 2 cartoons: "A Suggestion For Travelers by the Erie Railroad" and "Sly". Complete in 16 pages.
Category: The Civil War