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Battles in Virginia and Georgia...
Battles in Virginia and Georgia...
Item # 172792
June 25, 1864
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 25, 1864 The front page shows: "Burning of the Steamer 'Berkshire' on the Hudson River...." as well as prints of: "Governor Andrew Johnson of Tennessee" and "The Late Joshua R. Giddings". Pages 2 and 3 have much text on the Civil War.
Other prints within include: "Grant's Great Campaign--Stevens's Battery at Cold Harbor" "Grant's Great Campaign--the New York 14th Heavy Artillery Crossing Chesterfield Bridge on the North Anna, Under a Heavy Fire" "Grant's Great Campaign--General Barlow In Front of the Rebel Works, 12 Miles From Richmond" "...Our Army Crossing the Pamunkey River at Hanover Ferry, Virginia" "...the Position at Cold Harbor" "...Last Fight of the Pennsylvania Reserves" "General Sherman's Campaign--Our Army Entering Resaca, Georgia".
The doublepage centerfold is a dramatic battle print captioned: "General Grant's Great Campaign--General Barlow Charging the Enemy at Cold Harbor".
The back page has a cartoon: "About the Size of It" showing the U.S.A. versus the C.S.A. Complete in 16 pages.
Category: The Civil War