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Emancipation Proclamation & battle of Antietam...

Item # 172612

October 04, 1862

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 4, 1862  Page 3 contains the complete and historically significant printing of the Emancipation Proclamation signed in type by the President: Abraham Lincoln, & headed: "The Abolition of Slavery--A Proclamation". There is also a nice page 2 editorial concerning the Emancipation Proclamation headed: "Slavery Practically Abolished" which takes 1 1/2 columns.
Also within the issue is a nice full ftpg: "General McClellan Entering Frederick, Maryland"; nice fullpg: "General View of Harper's Ferry and the Maryland Heights", and "War Map of Kentucky".
There is also a halfpg: "Railway Depot at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania--Arrival of Troops" and "Capitol Grounds at Harrisburg Turned into a Camp". The dramatic and historic doublepage centerfold shows: "The Battle of Antietam--Burnside Holding the Hill" with 4 scenes. 
The back page has 2 political cartoons: "That Draft" & "The Rebel Chivalry". Complete in 16 pages.

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Category: The Civil War