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Abraham Lincoln hoisting the American flag upon Independence Hall...

Item # 172448

March 09, 1861

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 9, 1861  The full front page is taken up with: "President Lincoln Hoisting the American Flag Upon Independence Hall'. Other prints inside include: "City & Garrison of Fort Smith, Arkansas" "United States Arsenal at Little Rock, Arkansas, Surrendered to the State Troops", a print of: "Miss Patterson, of Baltimore", and a dramatic doublepage centerfold: "Interior of the New Dome of the Capitol at Washington".
Additional prints include: "General David E. Twiggs, Late of the United States Army" "Front View of Fort Pickens, Pensacola, Showing the Sally-Port and Galacis". There is also a nice full page of the: "Inauguration of President Jefferson Davis of the Southern Confederacy, at Montgomery, Alabama, Feb. 18, 1861"
The back page is mostly taken up with 4 cartoons headed: "The Flight of Abraham" which are caricatures of Lincoln. This issue also contains a serialized portion of "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens.
Complete in 16 pages.

Category: The Civil War