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"A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens...

The Great Eastern... Pei-Ho, China...

Item # 172300

October 08, 1859

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 8, 1859 The frontpage illustration includes; "A Broadway Sunday Sacred Concert in New York". A page includes half-page illustrations "The Tuscan Assembly Voting the Downfall of the Hapsburg-Loraine Dyn." and "How the French Empress Goes to the Baths at St. Sauveur". Three dramatic prints of "The Battle of the Pei-Ho" in China. A halfpage illustration of "Captain Harrison of the 'Great Eastern'".   This issue also contains a serialized portion of "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens.

The issue is complete in 16 pages, in good condition, and contains additional prints and related text. See photos for details.

Category: 1857-1860