Web Results (157)



Last sermon of Brigham Young before Utah... Nice on the capture of slave ships...

Item #704483

March 21, 1846

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, March 21, 1846  The front page has an editorial concerning the Mexican War: "Shall We Have Peace or War?" Page 3 has a report: "Slavers Captured" being an account of the capture of the slave ships Panther, Patuxent, and Pons. Note that although slavery continued until the Civil War, the importation of slaves was outlawed in 1808.

A... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

(Added to Catalog #344 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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Mormons vs. the Anti-Mormons... On Iowa & Wisconsin joining the Union... The Mexican War...

Item #704480

September 19, 1846

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 19, 1846

* Illinois Mormon War - Mormonism

* Nauvoo, Hancock County

* Wisconsin & Iowa joining the Union

* Mexican-American War

 Page 5 has a report headed: "States Ofd The Union - The New States--Iowa and Wisconsin" with reports on both. Iowa formally joined the Union in December, 1846, and Wisconsin not until May, 1848.

... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

(Added to Catalog #344 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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Campaign newspaper supporting Zachary Taylor for President... Great political cartoon for a masthead...

Item #702595

August 10, 1848

THE BATTERY, Washington, Aug. 10 1848  

* Great political themed masthead engraving

* Supporting Zachery Taylor for president

This was a campaign newspaper supporting Zachary Taylor for President and Millard Fillmore for Vice President.

In the era before radio, television, and the internet it was not uncommon for political parties to create short-lived newspapers to support their can... See More  

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Early Tallahassee... The Mexican War...

Item #698768

December 02, 1848

THE FLORIDIAN, Tallahassee, Florida, Dec. 2, 1848  Nineteenth century newspapers from Florida are uncommon, particularly those from before the Civil War. Here is such an issue from the capital city of Florida, 14 years before the Civil War.

The front page is mostly taken up with the: "Governor's Message" signed in type: W. D. Moseley. Related reports consume page 2.

Four pages... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends the Mexican War...

Item #698563

July 08, 1848

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 8, 1848

* Mexican War ends

* Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

* Mexico - United States - Texas

The top of page 2 has the very historic report of the official end of the Mexican War, beginning with: "A Proclamation" "Whereas a treaty of peace, friendship, limits, & settlement between the United States of America and the Mexican re... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Leaning Tower of Pisa has crashed to the ground... The Mexican War...

Item #698094

August 14, 1847

THE DAILY UNION, City of Washington, Aug. 14, 1847

* Leaning Tower of Pisa fell ?

* Campanile bell tower hoax

Inside has content on the Mexican War with the top of page 3 headed: "Army And Navy Intelligence" with many subheads. Also on page 2: "From Vera Cruz" and "Still Later from Vera Cruz". Also of interest is a page 2 article: "Fall of the Leaning Tow... See More  

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Difficulty in capturing Santa Anna...

Item #697908

October 29, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 29, 1847  

* Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

* Mexican-Amercian War

Inside has some great content on the Mexican War including nearly a full column letter: "Dispatches From Major Downing" on the situation from near the end of the war. It includes a letter from him to President Polk which begins: "I've done my best, acc... See More  

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Much detail on General Scott entering Mexico City...

Item #697657

October 26, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 26, 1847  

* Occupation of Mexico City

* General Winfield Scott

* Mexican-American War

Page 3 has a a full column letter concerning the Mexican War.

Also, most of a column is taken up with some fine reports on the war in a letter prefaced in part with: "...from a high source of military information...that every word of it may ... See More  

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Rare mention of the 'Mormon Battalion' during the Mexican War...

Item #697647

March 20, 1847

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, March 20, 1847  Near the top of an inside page has a brief yet notable report: "Letters received also state that Col. Cook and the Mormon battalion were 350 miles beyond Santa Fe. They were generally in good health and progressing slowly."

This is a very rare mention of the 'Mormon Battalion', which was the only religious unit in U.S... See More  

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Finding a location for the Smithsonian Institution... The Mexican War...

Item #695907

February 17, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Feb. 17, 1847 

* Smithsonian Institution

* Finding a location for

* From Washington D.C.

The top of the ftpg. has an interesting article: "Smithsonian Institution" which deals with finding an appropriate place to build it. One thought mentioned is on the Mall near the Capitol.

The back page has most of a column taken up with: ... See More  

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Reports from the Mexican War...

Item #695506

October 28, 1848

BURRITT'S CHRISTIAN CITIZEN, Worcester, Mass., April 24, 1847  The masthead features a pastoral engraving, showing a lion sleeping with a lamb.

Although much of the content is religious there are other items as well including reports from the Mexican War: "Another Battle In Mexico" "Gen. Taylor and the Presidency" "Equal Suffrage & the Religious Press" &... See More  

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Great news from the Mexican War... Four slave-related ads from this leading slave import city...

Item #695246

August 12, 1847

THE CHARLESTON COURIER, South Carolina, Aug. 12, 1847  In 14 years this city would be the hotbed for secession from the Union, not surprising given it was the largest American point of disembarkation for the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Page 2 has a great wealth of reporting from the Mexican War, including historic reports on General Scott having come to the gates of Mexico City, one of th
... See More  

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The Mexican War... Three slave-related ads from this leading slave import city...

Item #695244

December 30, 1847

THE CHARLESTON COURIER, South Carolina, Dec. 30, 1847  In 14 years this city would be the hotbed for secession from the Union, not surprising given it was the largest American point of disembarkation for the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Page 2 has some lengthy reporting on the Mexican War headed: "From the Rio Grande".

Page 3 has three slave-related ads, one headed: "For S
... See More  

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Two slave-related ads from this leading slave import city...

Item #695241

August 03, 1847

THE CHARLESTON COURIER, South Carolina, Aug. 3, 1847  In 14 years this city would be the hotbed for secession from the Union, not surprising given it was the largest American point of disembarkation for the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Page 2 has reports from the Mexican War headed: "From The Brazos".

Page 3 has three slave-related ads, each having various particulars. One is a
... See More  

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A wonderful issue on the California Gold Rush...

Item #693467

December 06, 1848

THE DAILY UNION, Washington, D.C., Dec. 6, 1848  

* President James K. Polk

* State of the Union Address

* Discovery of California gold

A great newspaper to find the state-of-the-union address by a President, and this issue has all of pages 1, 2, and a bit of page 3 taken up with that signed in type by: James K. Polk.

Within his message, and on the front page, he devotes much space ... See More  

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Confirming the Treaty of Peace ending the Mexican War...

Item #693466

June 08, 1848

THE DAILY UNION, Washington, D.C., June 8, 1848  

* Mexican-American War ending

* Confirming the Treaty of Peace

Page 3 has a nice report headed: "The Tidings of Peace Confirmed" noting in part: "...fully confirming the telegraphic announcement of THE RATIFICATION OF THE TREATY by the Mexican Chamber of Deputies...will be seen that no doubt was entertained of the prompt ... See More  

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When Abraham Lincoln was an unknown...

Item #693455

July 29, 1848

THE UNION, Washington, D.C., July 29, 1848 

* Early in Abraham Lincoln's political career

This newspaper contains on pages 2 and 3  reports from the "House of Representatives" and includes the results of votes concerning establishing territorial governments in Oregon. Within the "Yea" list is "Lincoln", this being Abraham Lincoln when he was servin... See More  

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Lengthy on Abraham Lincoln and his 'Spot Resolutions" in Congress...

Item #692512

December 22, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 22, 1847  

* Early Abraham Lincoln

* Spot Resolutions in Congress

Page 2 has an uncommonly lengthy report from [Abraham] Lincoln in the House of Representatives. This was his "spot resolution" and speech condemning the reasons for starting the Mexican War. He requests proof from President Polk that American blood wa
... See More  

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Lengthy on Lincoln taking center stage on the debate regarding the Mexican War...

Item #692510

January 20, 1848

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., January 20, 1848 

* Early Abraham Lincoln

* Speech re. Mexican War

The back page has an uncommonly lengthy report on Lincoln speaking in the House of Representatives questioning President Polk's judgement on entering and prosecuting the Mexican War.

This Lincoln report takes fully 2 1/2 columns. Portions include: "...Mr. LINC
... See More  

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The Moravians... The Mexican War...

Item #691660

June 22, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 22, 1847  Page 2 has an interesting article: "The Moravians" taken from Bancroft's History of the United States,  Nearly 3 columns are taken up with: "The New Continental War" which is themed on the Mexican War.

Page 2 has several reports on the war with: "From the Army of Gen. Scott" "From the A... See More  

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Latest reports from the Mexican War...

Item #691659

June 21, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 21, 1847  Inside has 4 1/2 columns of a large number of reports on the Mexican War, headed: "The March Upon the Rio Grande" plus a letter signed by: Z. Taylor from Corpus Christi, Texas headed: "Headquarters Army of Occupation" "Latest From Vera Cruz" and "From General Taylor's Army". 

Four ... See More  

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Latest news on the Mexican War...

Item #691657

June 17, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 17, 1847  Inside has various reports on the Mexican War including: "Gen. Pillow's Statement" 'Santa Anna" "General Scott's Army" "From Texas" "General Taylor's Movements" "Later From the City of Mexico" and other smaller items. 

Four pages, very nice condition.... See More  

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The Mexican War...

Item #691656

June 16, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 16, 1847  The front page has two columns taken up with: "Speech of Mr. Ashimun, of Mass., On The Mexican War" which carries over to page 2 as well

Page 3 has several reports on the Mexican War including; "Letters of the Sec. of War to Gen. Taylor" "Affairs In Mexico" "Additional Items From Vera Cruz"... See More  

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General Winfield Scott's Proclamation to the people of Mexico...

Item #691655

June 15, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 15, 1847  

* General Winfield Scott

* Letter to the Mexican people

* Mexican-American War

Page 2 begins with: "OFFICIAL--General Scott's Proclamation" to the people of Mexico. It begins: "The late events of the war... make it my duty to address you, in order to lay before you truths of which you are ignorant, beca... See More  

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The Mexican War... Sale of land in Florida & Missouri...

Item #691653

June 12, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 12, 1847  The front page has 2 documents: "By the President of The United States" concerning the sale of public land in Florida and Missouri, each signed in type: James K. Polk.

All of page 2 and a bit of page 3 are taken up with a very lengthy editorial: "What We Are Fighting For--New Grounds of the War".

Also within:... See More  

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Lengthy on the 'slavery question'... The Mexican War...

Item #691651

June 09, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 9, 1847  

* David S. Kaufman - U.S. Representative (Texas)

* Question of slavery speech in the House of Congress

Three columns are taken up with: "Speech of Mr. Kaufman, of Texas, On The Slavery Questions" in the house of Representatives. Also within is part 7 of: "Mills' Route To The Pacific".

Mexican War re... See More  

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The Mexican War...

Item #691650

June 08, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 8, 1847  Two columns are taken up with: "Spirit of The Free Press" being various editorials from other newspapers, most focused on the Mexican War.

Also inside: "A Letter From Ex-President Tyler" relating, in part, to the Mexican War. Also: "President Tyler & Texas" "Later From Santa Fe" "Tr... See More  

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The Mexican War...

Item #691640

May 21, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 21, 1847  Page 2 has over half a column taken up with: "Mill's Route to the Pacific Ocean". And page 3 has many reports on the Mexican War with: "Our Armies In Mexico" "Extract of a Letter from Lieu. Corwin" "The Indiana Volunteers--Again" which is a letter datelined at "Camp Buena Vista"... See More  

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Terrific issue on building the Smithsonian "Castle" in the nation's capital...

Item #691600

March 23, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D. C., March 23, 1847  

* Smithsonian Institution

* Construction of the "Castle"

* Washington D.C
. publication

Page 3 has a wonderful article on the building of what we now know as the "Castle", the original building of the Smithsonian Institution. 

It is headed: "Smithsonian Institution" and bits include: &... See More  

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Closing items on the Mexican War... On annexing Texas to the Union...

Item #691550

January 26, 1848

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Jan. 26, 1848  

* Mexican War closing events

* re. Annexation of Texas

Page 2 includes: "Extract from Mr. Benton's Bill to Provide for the Annexation of Texas to the United States". This is followed by a letter datelined from the "Hermitage, Sept. 4, 1836" signed by Andrew Jackson concerning Sam Houston as the lea... See More  

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Latest from the Mexican War...

Item #691485

January 17, 1848

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Jan. 17, 1848  The front page has much concerning: "The Army Court Martial" of Col. Fremont. The back page has; "Late From Mexico" with several subheads including: "Destination of Troops" "Reorganization of the Mexican Army" Also: "...a Copy of the General Orders...lately issued by Gen. Scott".

... See More  

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When Abraham Lincoln was an unknown...

Item #691484

January 20, 1848

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Jan. 20, 1848  This newspaper contains on pages 1 and 4 reports from the: "House of Representatives" with mention of Abraham Lincoln.

The ftpg. has a lengthy address by Mr. Jamison which mentions in part: "...The gentleman from Illinois, from the Hardin and Baker district, (Mr. Lincoln,) took a strange position before the America... See More  

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Lengthy on Abraham Lincoln and his 'Spot Resolutions" in Congress...

Item #691094

December 23, 1847

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 23, 1847  

* Early Abraham Lincoln

* Spot Resolutions in Congress

Page 2 has an uncommonly lengthy report from [Abraham] Lincoln in the House of Representatives. This was his "spot resolution" and speech condemning the reasons for starting the Mexican War. He requests proof from President Polk that American blood was shed
... See More  

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Pyramid Lake War... On Lincoln's Presidential campaign...

Item #690616

June 08, 1860

NEW YORK HERALD, June 8, 1860 

* First Battle of Pyramid Lake

* Paiute Indians - William Ormsby

* Numaga - Nixon, Nevada

* Abraham Lincoln's campaign

Page 5 has reporting headed: "Additional From Carson Valley" "The Battle with the Indians at Pyramid Lake" and: "Lincoln & the Mexican War".

Page 10 has: "The Presidential Campaign" "... See More  

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Latest on the Mexican War...

Item #690598

July 07, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 7, 1847  Page 3 has: "The Course of the War" which takes three-quarters of a column; "From Jalapa" takes two-thirds of a column and has a wealth of war news.

Also: "Late From Vera Cruz" is on the war, and a report: "Late From California".

Four pages, minor loss to an upper corner does not affect any... See More  

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Sloat takes command of California during the Mexican War.. Mormon War has ended?

Item #688639

September 26, 1846

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 26, 1846

* Commodore John D. Sloat

* Mexican-American War

* Claims California for U.S.

* Illinois Mormon War ending

* Nauvoo, Hancock County

 Inside has a very historic article headed: "The Pacific Squadron - Commodore Sloat Takes Possession of California". The letter reports that Commodore Sloat has taken possession of Calif... See More  

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Rare reference to the 'Mormon Battalion' during the Mexican War... The slave trade... The Oregon Treaty with England...

Item #688634

August 15, 1846

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 15, 1846  The top of the back page has a very notable report: "Mormon Volunteers" being a brief item noting: "Capt...Allen has reached Fort Leavenworth with 500 Mormon volunteer infantry. They proceed forthwith to join Gen. Kearney in his expedition against Santa Fe."

This is a very rare report on the 'Mormon Battalion'... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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On the capture of Vera Cruz, and much more...

Item #688244

April 14, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., April 14, 1847  Much on the Mexican War, with page 3 containing: "Col. Harney's Dragon Fight" "The Capture of Vera Cruz" "The Victory" "The Navy at Vera Cruz" "Later from the City of Mexico--Another American Victory--The Fall of Chihuahua--Santa Anna's Progress to the Capital" plus there ... See More  

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Much on the capture of Vera Cruz...

Item #688243

April 13, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., April 13, 1847  

* Mexican–American War

* Siege of Veracruz

* General Winfield Scott

Page 2 has over two columns taken up with: "Further Official Papers Concerning the Capitulation of Vera Cruz - Dispatches From Gen. Scott." 

These accounts and letters, including a lengthy one signed: Winfield Scott, give much detai... See More  

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Great on the surrender of Vera Cruz...

Item #688239

April 17, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., April 17, 1847  

* Mexican–American War

* Siege of Veracruz (surrender)

Page 2 begins with: "The Surrender of Vera Cruz" which has a fine account. But the reports on the Mexican War continue in this issue with: "The Administration & the Army" "Late From Mexico" "From the Army at Vera Cruz"... See More  

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Great on the Battle of Buena Vista...

Item #688238

April 21, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., April 21, 1847  

* Battle of Buena Vista

* General Zachary Taylor

* Mexican-American War

A great issue as nearly half of page 2 is taken up with: "Battle of Buena Vista" "General Taylor's Detailed Report" signed by him in type: Z. Taylor.

Taylor's 4800 inexperienced volunteers managed a victory of Santa Anna&... See More  

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The Battle of Cerro Gordo in the Mexican War...

Item #688234

May 15, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 15, 1847  

* Mexican-American War

* Battle of Cerro Gordo

* Winfield Scott vs. Santa Anna

Page 3 has a reporter headed: "The Battle of Cerro Gordo" mostly taken up with a detailed letter from Major Wm. Turnbull.

The Battle of Cerro Gordo was a key American victory in the Mexican War, wherein General Winfield Scott's tr... See More  

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Much on the Battle of Cerro Gordo in the Mexican War...

Item #688233

May 19, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 19, 1847  

* Mexican-American War

* Battle of Cerro Gordo

* Winfield Scott vs. Santa Anna

Page 2 has a lengthy report headed: "The Battle of Cerro Gordo" and next to it is: "Battle of Cerro Gordo--Mexican Account".

The Battle of Cerro Gordo was a key American victory in the Mexican War, wherein General Winfield S... See More  

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Giving up much for the gold in California...

Item #686966

April 09, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., April 9, 1849  The entire front page & a portion of page 2 are taken up with the: "Speech of Mr. Jas. McDowell On the Formation of Governments for New Mexico and California", recently won during the Mexican War.

Page 3 has: "From the Isthmus of Panama" concerning passengers who used this route to the gold fields of Calif... See More  

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How to manage the land gained in the Mexican War... Taylor's inauguration...

Item #686936

March 01, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 1, 1849  Half of the front page, all of page 2 and much of page 3 are taken up with an interesting discussion in the Senate on: "The New Territories" which were gained in the treaty ending the war with Mexico, including New Mexico and California.

The back page has half a column giving the "Order of Procession" of: &quo... See More  

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When Abraham Lincoln was an unknown...

Item #686934

February 21, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Feb. 21, 1849  

* Early in Abraham Lincoln's political career

* Addresses United States Congress

Page 3 has much reporting from the "House of Representatives" which includes mention of when Abraham Lincoln spoke on the floor. The report notes: "Mr. Lincoln, by unanimous consent, presented joint resolutions of... See More  

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When Abraham Lincoln was an unknown... "Claim for a Slave", votes "nay"...

Item #686921

January 20, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Jan. 20, 1849  

* Early in Abraham Lincoln's political career

* Slavery related U.S. Congress vote "nay"

Page 3 has much reporting from the "House of Representatives" which includes 2 mentions of when Abraham Lincoln voted on two topics. On a debate headed "Claim For A Slave" his name appears under the &q... See More  

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The Mexican War, with thoughts of California joining the Union... End of the Mormon War...

Item #685166

October 17, 1846

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 17, 1846   Page 3 has: "Illinois. The Mormon War ended" which is an interesting account taking close to a full column. It notes in part: "...Articles of capitulation...drawn up to the following effect:..." followed by the four articles, which include: "The Mormon population to leave the State, or disperse immediately.... See More  

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Debating the Compromise of 1850... Heading for the gold fields...

Item #682930

June 06, 1850

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 6, 1850  The entire front page & some of page 2 are taken up with the: "Debate In The Senate" on what would be called the Compromise of 1850, championed by Henry Clay. This work would determine whether new territories won in the Mexican War would be free or slave.

Page 2 has reports from the Senate including the: "Fugitive Sla... See More  

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Henderson, Kentucky, from the Civil War...

Item #682760

December 11, 1862

HENDERSON WEEKLY REPORTER, Kentucky,  Dec. 11, 1862

* Very rare publication

* Neutral stance to Civil War

From a state that chose to be neutral during the Civil War but remained a part of the Union, there were, as a result, supporters of both sides. This newspaper, judging by its reporting and other content, seems to have remained neutral.

The front page begins with over 2 columns tak... See More  

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