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The Mexican War... Slaves or servants?

Item # 691647

June 03, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 3, 1847  Inside pages have many reports on the Mexican War including: "Gen. Scott's Proclamation" "The Ten Regiment Bill" "Late From the City of Mexico" and: "Rio De La Plata".
Also inside is: "A Slave Case in Albany" concerning a New Orleans man with two young slaves who arrived in Albany, causing a bit of a commotion. Going before a judge in hopes of rescuing them from servitude, the owner said they were not slaves but voluntarily agreed to accompany him as servants to France. The judge gave the choice to them both: continue in servitude or agree to accompany their owner to France. They both selected the latter.
Four pages, very nice condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War