Much detail on General Scott entering Mexico City...
Item #697657
October 26, 1847
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 26, 1847
* Occupation of Mexico City
* General Winfield Scott
* Mexican-American War
Page 3 has a a full column letter concerning the Mexican War.
Also, most of a column is taken up with some fine reports on the war in a letter prefaced in part with: "...from a high source of military information...that every word of it may ... See More
Sherman in Georgia...
Item #694400
June 29, 1864
RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, June 29, 1864
* General William T. Sherman
* Now in Georgia - march to the sea
* Rare Confederate publication
Not only a nice newspaper from the Confederacy, but from the capital of the Confederate States.
This issue has on the front page: "Latest From The North..." "The War News" which includes a dispatch from Marietta to General Br... See More
Much detail on the Battle of Chippewa: the court testimony...
Item #693885
September 15, 1815
THE WEEKLY MESSENGER, Boston, Sept. 15, 1815
* Battle of Chippewa - Ontario
* General Winfield Scott victory
Page 2 has over two columns taken up with: "Battle of Chippewa - Military Court Of Inquiry" which is prefaced with: "In the following article the reader will find a very clear & consistent statement of many occurrences in the battle of Chippewa which were omi... See More
One of the more rare illustrated Civil War newspapers...
Item #691853
May 24, 1862
NEW YORK ILLUSTRATED NEWS, May 24, 1862 Formatted much like 'Harper's Weekly' but a much more rare title.
The front page shows: "Commodore Farragut" "General Hancock..." and a war scene: "Dashing Charge of the Hawkins' Zouaves...Near Elizabeth City, N.C...". Inside shows: "Scene at Yorktown..." "Professor Lowe's Balloon Intrep... See More
California news... Women needed in Australia...
Item #691722
December 14, 1852
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 14, 1852 Page 3 has: "California Intelligence" taking half a column, reporting on the great fire in Sacramento, plus other items.
Also within: "Female Emigration To Australia" noting that it is: "...successful in an eminent degree...The first consisted of 39 females of respectable character--mostly distressed need... See More
Wagon trains of settlers heading to the West... General Winfield Scott on slavery...
Item #691666
August 05, 1852
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 1852 Page 3 has an entire column taken up with: "Gen. Scott On the Subject of Slavery" which is signed in type: Winfield Scott.
Page 3 also has a nice item: "From the Western Prairies" which is a great account of wagon trains making their way across the prairies to the West, with nice detail.
Four pages, good... See More
General Winfield Scott's Proclamation to the people of Mexico...
Item #691655
June 15, 1847
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 15, 1847
* General Winfield Scott
* Letter to the Mexican people
* Mexican-American War
Page 2 begins with: "OFFICIAL--General Scott's Proclamation" to the people of Mexico. It begins: "The late events of the war... make it my duty to address you, in order to lay before you truths of which you are ignorant, beca... See More
The Mexican War...
Item #691642
May 22, 1847
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 22, 1847 Page 3 begins with a nearly full-column article concerning the recent discovery of the planet Neptune. Also on page 3 are a few articles on the Mexican War including: "Illustrated Life of Gen. Winfield Scott" "Departure of Troops" "The 'Second Conquest' of Mexico" "and a half-column articl... See More
Astrology newspaper proves correct in predicting McClellan's future...
Item #689740
December 01, 1861
* Uncommon publication
* Astrology - Horoscope
* General George B. McClellan
A fascinating and very unusual newspaper of small-size themed on predicting what would happen in the future as well as astrology and phrenology.
The ftpg. has: "The Nativity of Gen. George B. McClellan" ... See More
Much on the capture of Vera Cruz...
Item #688243
April 13, 1847
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., April 13, 1847
* Mexican–American War
* Siege of Veracruz
* General Winfield Scott
Page 2 has over two columns taken up with: "Further Official Papers Concerning the Capitulation of Vera Cruz - Dispatches From Gen. Scott."
These accounts and letters, including a lengthy one signed: Winfield Scott, give much detai... See More
The Battle of Cerro Gordo in the Mexican War...
Item #688234
May 15, 1847
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 15, 1847
* Mexican-American War
* Battle of Cerro Gordo
* Winfield Scott vs. Santa Anna
Page 3 has a reporter headed: "The Battle of Cerro Gordo" mostly taken up with a detailed letter from Major Wm. Turnbull.
The Battle of Cerro Gordo was a key American victory in the Mexican War, wherein General Winfield Scott's tr... See More
Much on the Battle of Cerro Gordo in the Mexican War...
Item #688233
May 19, 1847
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 19, 1847
* Mexican-American War
* Battle of Cerro Gordo
* Winfield Scott vs. Santa Anna
Page 2 has a lengthy report headed: "The Battle of Cerro Gordo" and next to it is: "Battle of Cerro Gordo--Mexican Account".
The Battle of Cerro Gordo was a key American victory in the Mexican War, wherein General Winfield S... See More
Great wealth of information on the Mexican War...
Item #666784
March 29, 1847
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 29, 1847 Over one-third of page 3 is taken up with: "Correspondence Between Gen. Taylor and the War Department" concerning events in the Mexican War. Several letters are including, 2 by Winfield Scott.
Also: "Exciting News from Mexico" includes a letter from New Orleans, and then: "Repulse of Santa Anna--Three Da... See More
Fine content on the closing events of the Mexican War...
Item #658831
November 15, 1847
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 15, 1847
* Battle of Contreras & Churubusco
* Mexican War - Mexico
The front page has over a full column letter signed in type by Winfield Scott, headed: "Battles of Contreras and Churubusco - Report of Major General Scott" which offers tremendous detail on these military events from near the end of the Mexican W... See More
Terrific report as the Mexican War nears its end...
Item #657897
September 16, 1847
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept. 16, 1847
* Battle for Mexico City
* General Winfield Scott victory
* Mexican-American War ending
Much of page 2 is taken up great & very detailed accounts of the final battles of the Mexican War before the Armistice, as General Scott advances upon Mexico City.
The page begins with column heads: "THE LATE VICTORIES IN MEX... See More
Has General Winfield Scott entered Mexico City?
Item #657768
August 14, 1847
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Aug. 14, 1847
* Occupation of Mexico City ?
* General Winfield Scott
* Mexican-American War
Page 3 has news from the Mexican War under the heading: "From The Rio Grande". This report focuses on whether General Winfield Scott had entered Mexico City, on letter noting: "It is rumored here for a week past that Gen. Scott had... See More
Item #653257
April 17, 1819
NILES WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, April 17, 1819 Among the articles are: "Privateering--and Piracy" "Banking Scraps" "Western Banks" "Jackson--Clinton and Scott" includes a letter signed by: Winfield Scott.
Sixteen pages, 6 1/4 by 10 inches, in very good condition.
As noted in Wikipedia, this title: "...(was) one of the most widely-circul... See More
Very extensive reporting on the Mexican War...
Item #647570
November 13, 1847
THE DAILY UNION, Washington, Nov. 13, 1847 Two-thirds of the front page are taken up with lengthy & detailed: "Official Dispatches" "Battles of Conatreras and Churubusco" which includes two lengthy letters signed in type by: Winfield Scott.
Coverage of the Mexican War continues to take off of page 2, and nearly half of page 3 with reports from Generals Pillow, Twiggs... See More
Death of General Winfield Scott...
Item #628007
May 30, 1866
NEW-YORK TIMES, May 30, 1866
* General Winfield Scott death
The front page has: "Death of Lieut.-Gen. Scott" "Sketch of His Long & Glorious Military Career" "His Political Aspirations, Successes & Defeats" "His Course During the Rebellion--The Organization & Handling of the First Army" "His Last Illness & Death--Personal Rem... See More
Death of General Winfield Scott...
Item #601711
May 31, 1866
NEW YORK TIMES, May 31, 1866
* General Winfield Scott death
The top of the front page has: "Honors To Gen. Scott" "Official Statement of His Illness & Death,..." "Medical Diary of His Physical Condition from His Arrival at West Point" "His Burial Place..." "The Funeral Cortege..." and more.
"Old Fuss & Feathers" had a... See More
General Jackson and General Scott...
Item #599594
April 10, 1819
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, April 10, 1819
* Asbury College (Maryland)
* Andrew Jackson & Winfield Scott
Inside has nearly 2 pages taken up with much on Asbury College, a one-time Methodist school in Baltimore, which ended in 1832. Also in this issue: "General Jackson and Scott" which takes 5 1/2 pages and includes 2 letters signed by Andrew Jackson, and 2 sig... See More
Death of General Winfield Scott...
Item #597003
May 30, 1866
NEW-YORK TIMES, New York, May 30, 1866
* General Winfield Scott death
The top of the front page has: "Death of Lieut.-Gen. Scott" "Sketch of His Long & Glorious Military Career" "His Political Aspirations, Successes & Defeats" "His Course During the Rebellion--The Organization & Handling of the First Army" "His Last Illness &... See More
The late Winfield Scott...
Item #564526
June 16, 1866
LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, from New York, dated June 16, 1866 The full frontpage portrait is "The Late Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott." Portrait of Scott is in an oval frame draped in black. Fullpage prints inside: "Funeral Ceremonies Of The Late Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott, At The Cemetery At West Point--Bearing The Body To The Grave" and "The Chapel At West Point--Th... See More
Notable death... Winfield Scott...
Item #551393
May 30, 1866
NEW-YORK TIMES, New York, NY, May 30, 1866
* General Winfield Scott death
* Post civil war original
This 8 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include:
* Death of Lieut.-Gen. Scott
* Sketch of His long & Glorious Military Career
* His Political Aspirations, Successes & Defeats
* His Last Illness & Death--Personal Reminiscences, &c. ... See More
Color cover by W.H.D. Koerner... Print by E.W. Kenble...
Item #177626
October 14, 1911
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 14, 1911 (with color cover by W.H.D. Koerner)
This issue has a full, color cover before the front page. The front page of this issue is a photo of "Winfield Scott Schley, U. S. N."
This issue has an illustration of "The Spear That Knows No Brother" by Kemble. There is a photo of "What the "Hawke" did to the "Olymp... See More
General Winfield Scott...
Item #538222
March 25, 1817
SALEM GAZETTE, Salem, Massachusetts, March 25, 1817.
* Marriage of General Winfield Scott
Among the Marriages on page 3 is one that says: "In Virginia, Gen. Winfield Scott, of the U.S. army, to Miss Maria D. Mayo". It seems he can win the fair as well as the field.
Other news of the day with several advertisements. Bit of margin dirtiness on the front page, some lite... See More
Uncle Sam cartoon by Rogers...
Item #177109
August 10, 1901
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 10, 1901 Frontpage political Uncle Sam cartoon by Rogers; fullpage illustration "The Philadelphia Mint - Old and New" by Lawrence; In Whittier's Country; doublepage centerfold "The Strenuous Side of Life at Newport"; Cavalry Evolutions by the Black Horse Troop at Fort Myer, Virginia; Opening the Kiowa and Comanche Reservations; and... See More
The Civil War near Williamsburg, Virginia...
Item #172574
May 24, 1862
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 24, 1862 The full front page is taken up with 5 prints concerning the: "Reoccupation of Norfolk by the Union Forces Under General Wool". Other prints inside include three full pages on: "The Expedition Against New Orleans" shows many, many ships assaulting various forts; a doublepage centerfold with 8 prints: "Scenes & Views at ... See More
The Mormon War...
Item #172158
May 29, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 29, 1858 The front page features a print of: "Hon. William M Gwin, of California".
Other prints within include: "'Travel Notes in Bible Lands" includes a print of: "Plain and Ruins of Sardis".
"The Great Bell Crevasse' is just above New Orleans and shows 3 scenes. Nice full page illustrations of the: "... See More
Black troops...
Item #176338
May 28, 1898
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 28, 1898 Full ftpg. shows: 'Comm. Winfield S. Schley on the Bridge of the ship 'Brooklyn' '. Nice fullpg. Remington print: 'Colored Troopers of the U.S. Cavalry Taking their Horses for a Dash into the Gulf' at Tampa, Florida. Nice fullpg. with 3 prints of the 'U.S. Regulars at Port Tampa, Florida'. Much more on the military i... See More
Bunker Hill... End of the Mormon War...
Item #172164
June 19, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 19, 1858 A nice front page illustration of: 'Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott' with a biography of him. A text article: "The End of the Mormon War". Two full page illustrations entitled 'Fashionable Promenades of Europe - Rotten Row, Hyde Park, London' and 'Longchamps, Champs Elysees, Paris'. "Monument to Col. Wm. Wa... See More
Thomas Nast prints...
Item #174508
November 20, 1880
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 20, 1880 Full ftpg. Th. Nast illus. shows a good view of the Republican elephant created by Thomas Nast, with the cartoon captioned: "The Republican Pachyderm Alive & Kicking" . Full page political cartoon by Gillam captioned "Victory!" showing the Republican candidate, James Garfield. Nice prints of James A. Garfield and Cheste... See More
Civil War events in Kentucky, North Carolina, and elsewhere...
Item #172550
March 01, 1862
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 1, 1862 The full front page is a dramatic print captioned: "The Surrender of Fort Donelson, February 16, 1862" which is very nice for display.
Inside has a full page with 3 scenes of: "Our Navy in the Savannah River--Loss of Steamer Winfield Scott--The Expedition in Warsaw Sound--Gun-Boats Entering Savannah River Above Fort Pulaski"; ... See More
General Fremont... his bridge... his march... Hampton Roads...
Item #172520
November 16, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 16, 1861 Full front page is a print captioned: "Last Meeting Between General Scott and the Cabinet" which shows Lincoln among them.
Other prints inside include: "The Great Expedition--General Sherman Giving His Final Orders to His Brigadier-Generals on Board the 'Wabash' " "Consultation Between General Viele & the ... See More
Rifle match...
Item #174470
July 10, 1880
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 10, 1880 Front full pg. Nast illus. of "Boom!!! - So Near, and Yet So Far." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "The Democratic Convention at Cincinnati - The Break for Hancock." 1/2 pg. portrait of "Major General W. S. Hancock, Democratic Candidate for President."
Doublepage centerfold of "The First Public Reading of the Dec... See More
St. Paul Ice Palace... General Winfield Scott Hancock...
Item #175058
February 20, 1886
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 20, 1886 Full ftpg. Thomas Nast illus. Major Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock who recently died. Fullpg. shows 4 scenes of "The Ice Palace at St. Paul". A 2/3 page Nast print: "Defacing the Administration Sign". 2/3 page print of "Cardinal James Gibbons". Nice fullpg. print of "Gen. Hancock". A half page print: "... See More
On the death and funeral of Winfield Scott...
Item #172998
June 16, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY June 16, 1866 Front full pg. illus. of "Scott." Inside has a full pg. illus. of "Winfield Scott." Full pg. illus. of "Scott's Death Bed." Dblpgctrfld. of the "Burial of Scott--Services at the Grave, in West Point Cemetery." 1/3 pg. illus. of "Scott's Funeral-in the Chapel." 1/3 pg. illus. of the "Battle of Lundy'... See More
Memphis, Tennessee...
Item #175216
August 27, 1887
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 27, 1887 Nice full ftpg: 'Protecting The Bluffs At Memphis, Tennessee'. Fullpg: 'At Narragansett Pier--Views of the Casino'. Great double page centerfold: 'Views In Memphis, Tenn.' ' shows 5 scenes. 'Interior View of the New York Clearing House' is in the Supplement issue.
Other news and advertisements of the day are ... See More
Uylesses S. Grant and his famous quote...
Item #172784
May 28, 1864
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 28, 1864 The full front page is taken up with a nice print of: "Major-General Winfield Scott Hancock". There is much reporting on the war with articles: "Our Armies" "The Dead Heroes" "The Army of the Cumberland" "The Early Hopes of the Rebels" "The Army of the Potomac" "The Battles in the Wil... See More
Great slave auction print... Winslow Homer print...
Item #172484
July 13, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 13, 1861 The front page features: "Battle of Boonville, Missouri" and smaller illustrations of: "Brigadier-General Lyon, U.S.A." and "The late Captain Ward".
Inside prints include a full page: "The Cabinet at Washington" showing Abraham Lincoln and the others. Also featured is a full page Winslow Homer print: "Crew o... See More
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