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Civil War events in Kentucky, North Carolina, and elsewhere...
Civil War events in Kentucky, North Carolina, and elsewhere...
Item # 172550
March 01, 1862
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 1, 1862 The full front page is a dramatic print captioned: "The Surrender of Fort Donelson, February 16, 1862" which is very nice for display.
Inside has a full page with 3 scenes of: "Our Navy in the Savannah River--Loss of Steamer Winfield Scott--The Expedition in Warsaw Sound--Gun-Boats Entering Savannah River Above Fort Pulaski"; a full page with 4 prints of: "The Capture of Fort Henry, Tennessee"; a full page map captioned: "General Map of Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds, Showing the Theatre of Operations of the Burnside Expedition"; a small map of: "Roanoke Island, Showing Position of Rebel Batteries"; a full page: "Gallant Charge of Hawkins's Zouaves Upon the Rebel Batteries on Roanoke Island"; a halfpg: "Destruction of Commodore Lynch's Fleet by the Union Gunboats"; a halfpg. showing both: "Brigadier-General Burnside" and "Flag Officer Goldsborough"; small prints of: "Brigadier-General Foster" and "Captain W. D. Porter of the Essex"; a halfpg: "Union Southern Men Welcoming Our gunboats in Alabama"; a halfpg: "Camp of 4th Kentucky Regiment Near Somerset, Ky., Lately Occupied by 17th Tennessee Regiment"; and a halfpg: "General Mitchell's Division Crossing Green River, Kentucky"
The back page has 5 political cartoon. Complete in 16 pages, nice condition.
Category: The Civil War