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Web Results (128)



On Seward's famous "irrepressible conflict" speech regarding slavery...

Item #708322

October 27, 1858

NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 27, 1858 

* William H. Seward on slavery

* Irrepressible Conflict speech

Page 4 has a report concerning the famous "irrepressible conflict" speech of William Seward. It does not print the text of the speech, but rather reports on it in editorial format. It is headed: "An Anti-Administration Douglas Letter from Gov. Wise, and Anti-Administration Spee... See More  

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Lincoln's cabinet published...

Item #706373

March 06, 1861


* President Abraham Lincoln

* 2 days after inauguration

* Cabinet announcements

Page 3 has s small yet notable report headed: "Cabinet Appointments" beginning: "We understand that the following nominations were yesterday made by the President and forthwith confirmed by the Senate:..." and what followed is the list of ap... See More  

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The Emancipation Proclamation... In a pro-South newspaper...

Item #704713

September 24, 1862

THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 24, 1862  Given the focus of this controversial newspaper, being supportive of the Southern cause while publishing in the North, it is particularly noteworthy that this issue contains on page five the Emancipation Proclamation whereby President Lincoln would free the slaves on January 1 of the coming year.

The introductory subheads would be of no surprise as... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Synagogues hold memorial services... Much on the assassination & funeral of Lincoln...

Item #704120

April 21, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, April 21, 1865 

* Rare 1st-page mentions of Synagogue services

* Re: Abraham Lincoln's assassination & funeral

* Black mourning borders on all eight pages

Perhaps the most noteworthy coverage is the front-page details regarding various services being held at local synagogues - which includes the congregations at "B'nai Israel," "Bikur Cholim... See More  

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Ratifying "Seward's Folly"...

Item #702873

April 10, 1867

SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, April 10, 1867 

* Alaska purchase - Seward's Folly

* William H. Seward - Russia

* Votes for ratification - success

Page 4 has a somewhat inconspicuous yet very historic report headed: "Washington" "Special Dispatch to the Republican" "The Purchase of Russia-America". The report mentions there were votes aga... See More  

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Utica, New York, almanac for 1809...

Item #701101

January 01, 1809

The Farmers' Calendar, or UTICA ALMANACK For the Year of Our Lord, 1809... by Andrew Beers. Printed & sold by Seward and Williams. It appears to be missing the back leaf, otherwise typical margin wear, rounding of corners, small tears at margins.

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Death Of William Seward In 1872....

Item #700126

October 11, 1872

THE NEW YORK HERALD, October 11, 1872

* William H. Seward death (1st report)

* U.S. Secretary of State under Abraham Lincoln

The top of page 3 has a one column heading: "SEWARD" with subheads. (see images) A lengthy biography on him that takes up over 4 columns.

Complete with 12 pages, nice condition.

Available Now


United States-Russian Treaty: "Seward's Folly"...

Item #698786

June 21, 1867

NEW-YORK HERALD, June 21, 1867 

* Alaska purchase - Seward's Folly

* William H. Seward - Russia

The top of page ten has: "Washington" "Proclamation by the President--Ratification of the Treaty With Russia"  which formalized the controversial purchase of Alaska.

The proclamation states in part: "Whereas, The Treaty between the United States...and His M... See More  

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The North says the war is hopeless...

Item #698347

January 27, 1863

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, January 27, 1863  

* From the capital of the Confederacy

* The North claims the war is hopeful

The front page includes: "From Fredericksburg" "The Courts" "Virginia Legislature" "Additional From the North--The Situation at Fredericksburg--The Peace Movement in the New Jersey Legislature--The Administration Denounced--The W... See More  

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Rare Lincoln's assassination report, in a Washington, D.C. newspaper...

Item #696929

April 15, 1865

EVENING STAR, Washington, D.C., April 15, 1865  

* Abraham Lincoln assassination (historic 1st report)

* It is BEST to have reports from the city where it occurred

Terrific to have this first report of Lincoln's assassination in a newspaper from the city where it happened. This is the first of this issue we have offered.

The top of the front page has a column with heads: "ASS... See More  

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Very famous anti-slavery newspaper... On the Fugitive Slave Law & more...

Item #695942

April 24, 1851

THE NATIONAL ERA, Washington, D.C., April 24, 1851  

* Harriet Beecher Stowe

* Rare Anti-slavery publication

* Pre-American Civil War era

An anti-slavery newspaper which is best known for its link to the best selling novel of the 19th century, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe. This historic work first appeared as a 41-week serial in The National Era, starting... See More  

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Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial... African-Americans in politics...

Item #692692

March 21, 1868

THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, South Carolina, March 21, 1868  The top of the front page has a column headed: "Things In Washington" "The President's Line of Defence in Impeachment--Petitions for the Removal of Mr. M'Culloch..." with more. Then a string of subheads including: "Impeachment Rumors--Reported Resignation of Secretary Seward--What the Radicals Will Pro... See More  

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First report: Lincoln's assassination...

Item #690672

April 20, 1865

THE JOURNAL & COURIER, Little Falls, New York, April 20, 1865 

* Abraham Lincoln assassination (1st report)

* Ford's Theater - John Wilkes Booth

Being a weekly newspaper this issue has the first report of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. All columns on all pages have wide, black mourning rules.

The front page has: "The Great Calamity" which is an essay on Lincol... See More  

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President announces the purchase of Alaska from Russia had been formalized...

Item #690139

June 21, 1867

SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, June 21, 1867 

* Alaska purchase - Seward's Folly

* William H. Seward - Russia

Near the bottom of page 2 is a brief yet very notable report on "Seward's Folly" headed: "The Russian Bargain Completed" which includes in part: "The president issued a proclamation on Thursday announcing the ratification treaty wi... See More  

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Peace talks... Lee is after Sherman...

Item #689837

February 04, 1865


* Hampton Roads Conference

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Question Of Peace" "Secretary Seward & the Commissioners" "They Meet at Anchor in Hampton Roads" "Speculations As To the Result" "Mr. Lincoln at Fortress Monroe" "Lee Reported Sending Troops South"... See More  

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Abraham Lincoln's 1st speech upon being re-elected...

Item #689182

November 11, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Nov. 11, 1864 

* Abraham Lincoln address

* "In Response to a Serenade"

* Jefferson Davis & arming of slaves ?

Page five has column heads: "UNION REJOICES" "Serenading the President and Cabinet - Speeches of Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Seward, and Others."

The article includes one of the most humble calls for unity given by Lincoln: "The P... See More  

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An uncommon 1866 newspaper with a focus on phrenology...

Item #688360

March 01, 1866


* Uncommon mid-19th century title

* Astrology - Horoscope

A fascinating and very unusual newspaper of small-size themed on predicting what would happen in the future as well as astrology and phrenology. The "science" of phrenology believed that a person's intellig... See More  

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America now owns Alaska...

Item #684865

June 23, 1867

THE TIMES, San Francisco, California, June 23, 1867  

* Alaska purchase - Seward's Folly

* William H. Seward - Russia

The top of the front page has column heads including; "Formal Ratification of the Russian Treaty" which refers to the purchase of Alaska from Russia, or known as "Seward's Folly".

The report is very brief, just noting: "The final exchan... See More  

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A newspaper predicting the future...

Item #684750

April 01, 1866


* Uncommon publication

* Astrology - Horoscope

A fascinating and very unusual newspaper of small-size themed on predicting what would happen in the future--great to read in hindsight.

Among the articles: "Professor Owen on Astrology, Astronomy, and Medicine" "The Nativi... See More  

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Editorial commentary on Seward's "irrepressible conflict" speech...

Item #683708

October 28, 1858

NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 28, 1858  

* William H. Seward on slavery

* re. Irrepressible Conflict speech

Page 4 contains a lengthy editorial on Seward's "irrepressible conflict" speech given just 3 days prior at Rochester. In his speech Seward took the opportunity to characterize the United States as divided between two opposing political systems, one based on slavery and the ... See More  

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The famous "irrepressible conflict" speech...

Item #683605

November 13, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 13, 1858 

* William H. Seward on slavery

* Irrepressible Conflict speech

Nearly three columns on page 2 are taken up with the: "Speech Of Mr. Seward, of New York, delivered at a political meeting held in Rochester on the 25th of October, 1858".

This speech, although harmful to his political career, put the slavery issue on... See More  

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The slave ship...

Item #683378

June 02, 1860

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 2, 1860 

* Likely the most sought after slave ship print

* Much text re: slave ships
- black americana interest

The prime print in this issue is the three-quarter page illustration captioned: "The Slave Deck on the Bark 'Wildfire' Brought Into Key West on April 30, 1860." This print shows a huge number of slaves crammed on the deck.... See More  

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Much on the trial of Lincoln's assassination, and the end of the Civil War...

Item #683269

May 23, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 23, 1865 

* Abraham Lincoln assassination

* Trial of the assassins - traitors

The front page has column heads on the trial of those accused of assassinating President Lincoln: "THE ASSASSINATION" "The Trial on Monday" "Evidence of an Important Witness Suppressed" "Capture of Booth and Harrold" "Testimony of Captain Doug... See More  

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Peace talks are a failure... Sherman advances thru Georgia...

Item #682963

February 06, 1865

THE WORLD, New York, Feb. 6, 1865  

* Hampton Roads Peace Conference fails

* On board the River Queen steamboat

* General William T. Sherman in Georgia

Formatted very much like its competitors, the Times, Tribune & Herald.  

Among the front page first column heads on the Civil War: "PACIFICATION" "Return of the President & Secretary Seward to Washington&qu... See More  

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Lincoln is assassinated... One of the most desired titles... An early edition...

Item #682863

April 15, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, April 15, 1865 

* Abraham Lincoln assassination (1st report)

* Ford's Theater - John Wilkes Booth

Not only this event, but this title remains one of the most desired by collectors; a very significant event in American history reported by one of the most respected newspapers in the country.

The first column heads tell it all: "AWFUL EVENT" "President ... See More  

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This racist newspaper reports the Lincoln assassination...

Item #680184

April 22, 1865


* Abraham Lincoln assassination (1st report)

* Ford's Theater - John Wilkes Booth

* In a pro-white publication

A decidedly racist newspaper which began well before the Civil War & lasted a few years after. As such their reporting on war events provide a contrasting perspective beyond most other Northern newspapers.

With thi... See More  

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Mark Twain gains his "first national headline"....

Item #678516

September 29, 1866

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 29, 1866 

* Early Mark Twain - Samuel Clemens

* Clipper "Hornet" disaster report

* First national headline for Twain

The most notable content would be the full page print: "Burning of the California Clipper 'Hornet', One Thousand Miles from Land" not so much for the print but for the accompanying article titled: "Bu... See More  

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Lincoln to meet with Confederates to talk about peace...

Item #664017

February 03, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Feb. 3, 1865  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War include: "THE PEACE MOVEMENT" "Arrival of the Rebel Commissioners at Fortress Monroe" "President Lincoln Goes to Meet Them" "Late Rebel News" "President Lincoln Leaves Washington in a Special Car for Annapolis--He is to Join Sec. Seward at Fortress Monroe..." &#... See More  

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Seward's Folly: the Alaska Purchase...

Item #662786

April 02, 1867

THE EVANSVILLE JOURNAL, Indiana, April 2, 1867 

* Alaska purchase - Seward's Folly

* William H. Seward - Russia

The front page has a one column heading: "Russian-American Treaty" See photo for brief text on the current negotiations.

Eight pages, irregular along the spine, some staining along folds, generally nice.... See More  

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Seward's Folly... Purchase of Alaska...

Item #658707
THE CIRCULAR, Oneida NY April 15, 1867.

* Seward's Folly

* United States purchases Alaska

This 8 page newspaper is in very nice condition, contains news of the day and stories. The back page has a interesting report on the purchase by America of what we know now as Alaska from Russia.

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Potential gold diggers change their minds... Hebrew Benevolent Society...

Item #657630

November 24, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 24, 1849 

* California gold rush fever

* 49ers hearing of hardships

Page 3 has a small item: "The California Fever" which notes: "...that divers & sundry persons who had intended to start for California...have given up the idea in consequence of the very discouraging accounts they received from the return passenger... See More  

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The nomination of General McClellan...

Item #651771

September 03, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Sept. 3, 1864 

* General George McClellan

* Presidential nomination

* Rare Confederate title

Not only a very nice newspaper from the Confederacy, but from its capital as well. The ftpg. has: "The War News with several subheads from various fields of operation: "From Atlanta" "From Mobile" "From Louisiana" and "From C... See More  

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William H. Seward speech...

Item #617888

February 23, 1866

CLEVELAND DAILY LEADER, Ohio, February 23, 1866 

* William H. Seward speech

* Restoration of the Union

* Cooper Institute, New York

The front page has a speech by William H. Seward headed: "SEWARD" "Speech At Cooper Institute". speech takes up over 1 1/2 columns.

Other news and advertisements of the day. Complete in 4 pages, large issue measuring 32 x 23 inches, m... See More  

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The Civil War... Marriage of the Prince of Wales...

Item #596234

April 11, 1863

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 11, 1863  The full front page has 3 prints captioned: "Bayou Navigation in Dixie." Inside includes a full page of: "The Prince & Princess of Wales"; a three-quarter page: "Queen Victoria & the Princess Beatrice"; a doublepage centerfold: "Marriage of the Prince of Wales at St. George's Chapel, Windsor."; ... See More  

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Peace conference...

Item #582135

February 04, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 4, 1865 

* Peace conference

* Abraham Lincoln

* Last months of the war

Among the front page one column Civil War heads are: "THE PEACE CONFERENCE" "Secretary Seward in Waiting to Receive Them" "From City Point" "From Savannah" "Sherman's Campaign--A Movement of the Left Wing up the Savannah..." "IMPORTANT ... See More  

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The Great Alaskan Earthquake...

Item #575909

March 30, 1964

LEOMINSTER ENTERPRISE, Leominster, Massachusetts, March 30, 1964 

* The Great Alaskan Earthquake

This 8 page newspaper has three column headlines on the front page: "Baby's Cold Keeps Mother Here, Safe from 'Quake'"; "Alaskans Begin To Rebuild As Rescue Work Goes On" with related photo (see).

Other news of the day. Some small binding holes along the sp... See More  

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Prisoners of War...

Item #569115

January 06, 1862

THE NEW YORK HERALD, January 6, 1862 

* Union prisoners

* Original Civil War

Among the front page reports are: "The Returned Prisoners" "Interesting Incidents Connected with the Union Prisoners from Richmond" "The First Glimpse of the Stars & Stripes" "Movements  of  Mr. Seward" and more.

Eight pages, very nice condition.... See More  

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South Carolina Secession Convention...

Item #565228

December 26, 1860

NEW YORK TIMES, New York, NY, December 26,1860

* Proceedings of the South Carolina Secession Convention

The front page has: "The Disunion Crisis", "Important Dispatches from Washington", "Mr. Seward's Propositions in the Senate Special Committee", "No Probability of an Agreement", "The South Carolina Commissioners not to be Recognized" ,"... See More  

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The Great Alaskan Earthquake...

Item #563480

March 28, 1964

LEOMINSTER ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, March 28, 1964 

* The Great Alaskan Earthquake (1st report) 

This 8 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page: "Alaska Jolted By Earthquake" with a few smaller subheads. (see)

Other news of the day. Some small binding holes along the spine, otherwise in good condition.

wikipedia notes: The 1964 Alaska earthqua... See More  

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Industrial Issue.... Suffrage...

Item #177607

May 20, 1911

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 20, 1911

The front page of this issue is a photo of "Marching on to Suffrage."

This issue has an illustration of "A Gallery of Golf Enthusiasts--I.--The Laird of Skibo" by Kemble. There are photos of "The March of 3,000 Women" and "Six Hundred Bankers from all America Consider the Newest Aspect of the Trust Question."... See More  

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Early Football...

Item #177327

October 21, 1905

HARPER'S WEEKLY, October 21, 1905, from New York Front page illustration "Ditched" by W. A. Rogers; Plan to Detect and Arrest Automobilists [Automobile drivers] Who Break the Speed Laws; Mrs. Ralph Pulitzer, From the Painting by James. C. Porter; Two Important Football Games of the Early Season; Only Photographs of the Japanese Naval Victory in the Korean Straits--The War's Decis... See More  

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Bird's-eye view of the St. Louis Fair Grounds...

Item #177270

October 01, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 1, 1904  Front page illustration "Oh, the bulldog on he bank, and the bullfrog in the pool; the bulldog...." etc., etc." by W. A. Rogers; Frank W. Higgins, Republican Nominee for Governor of New York State; Photograph of the Delegates at the Republican State Convention in Saratoga on September 14; Members of the Eighth International ... See More  

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Item #177188

February 07, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 7, 1903 Frontpage photo Americans of To-Morrow, XXVI -John S. Sargent;  The New York Charity Ball; A Dramatic Coast Scene; Luxury in Automobiles; and other news and advertisements of the day. See photos for full details.

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"Great Expectations" Collection IV

Item #206671

March 30, 1861

Harper's Weekly, March 30, 1861 through May 4, 1861. This is a six-issue set (part 4) of Harper's Weekly containing the Charles Dickens "Great Expectations" in serialization format. The set provides more than a 10% discount over purchasing the issues individually.

This set would look great displayed in one of our 17 inch by 14 inch display cases which can be viewed at www.rar... See More  

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Mark Twain...

Item #177164

September 06, 1902

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 6, 1902 Frontpage photo Americans of To-Morrow, Cornelius Vanderbilt, The President in New England with photos; Mark Twain in His Country Home with photos; Marksmanship in the Army with photos; The Great Dam Across the Nile; color doublepage centerfold "The Blacksmith's Noon Hour" by Ranson; and other news and advertisements of the day. S... See More  

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The National Democratic Convention...

Item #177024

July 14, 1900

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 14, 1900 The National Democratic Convention; Fire in New York Harbor; War-ships in Chinese Waters; douplepage centerfold "The National Democratice Convention In Session, Kansas City, July 4-6, 1900"; Chinese in New York City; Intercollegiate Boat-Races; and other news of the day. See photos for full details.

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Larchmont Yacht Club...

Item #175716

June 11, 1892

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 11, 1892  Front full page illustration of "Lay Aloft! - A Steamship Drill of the Naval Academy Cadets." Inside is a full page illustration of "The Opening of the Yachting Season - Larchmont Yacht Club." Two small portraits of "James S. Calrkson, of Iowa" and "John C. New, of Indiana." 1/2 page illustration of "Th... See More  

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General Grant in Chicago...

Item #174408

December 06, 1879

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 6, 1879  Full ftpg: 'Unveiling the Statue of Gen. Thomas at Washington'. Fullpg. kitchen scene: 'Mixing the Thanksgiving Pudding', includes a Black cook. Dramatic dblpgctrfld: 'Gen. Grant at Chicago' shows a grand parade. Three-quarter pg. Nast political cartoon.

Other news and advertisements of the day are included. This issue ... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Item #174082

October 28, 1876

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 28, 1876  Famous full front page Thomas Nast political cartoon: 'Willie, We Have Missed You!', and another great fullpg. Nast cartoon shows a large Republican elephant "The Elephant Walks Around - and the Still Hunt is Nearly Over". A famous Black-related Nast doublepage centerfold: "He Wants A Change Too" showing a Black with... See More  

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Henry Wilson...

Item #173992

December 18, 1875

HARPER'S WEEKLY, December 18, 1875. Full front full pg. Nast illus. titled: "Post Haste--Let This Be the Fastest (Male) Mail on Record." Inside are two 1/2 pg. illus. pertaining to "Obsequies of Henry Wilson" including "...The Procession Passing St. Paul's Church, New York" and "...The Remains Lying in State in Doric Hall, Boston, Massachusetts." Fou... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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