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Jury convicts gangster Al Capone, reported in a Chicago newspaper...
Item #710301
October 18, 1931
* Al 'Scarface' Capone guilty
* Infamous tax evasion conviction
* Best title to be had - very rare
* Inventor Thomas Edison death
The front page has the perfect headline for any collector of gangster-era newspapers, particularly being in a Chicago title: "U.S. JURY CONVICTS CAPONE". The sub-headline: "Gang Monarch Guil... See More
Edison's latest telephone in 1879...
Item #710222
September 27, 1879
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, September 27, 1879
* Inventor Thomas Edison telephone invention
* Carbon button transmitter and 'chalk" receiver
The cover features "Meier's National and Astronomical Clock". Inside the issue is "Reynier's Electric Lamp"; "Tucker's Surf Boat"; "Edison's New Telephone" with very descriptive... See More
Electric Edison torpedo...
Item #704807
July 26, 1890
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, July 26, 1890 The front page has an illustrations "The Sims-Edison Electric Torpedo -- The Torpedo at Full Speed -- Sectional View of the Torpedo" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "The Steel Cruiser Chicago, as She Appeared in the Mediterranean"; "Redwood Logging in California"; and more illustrations, articl... See More
Details of a horrible crime... Thomas Edison & P. T. Barnum...
Item #702034
June 15, 1878
ST. LOUIS GLOBE DEMOCRAT, June 15, 1878 The top of the ftpg. has column heads: "SENT TO SEE SATAN" "The Revolting Alliance Formed by Fiendish Quartet" "A Farmer & His Voluptuous Wife Their Victims" '"How the Latter Gave Battle to the Lecherous Brutes" "Three of Whom Expiated Their Crime on the Gallows". The article takes nearly ... See More
Thomas Edison invents the phonograph...
Item #701605
December 22, 1877
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Dec. 22, 1877
* Inventor Thomas Edison
* The phonograph invented
* Best title to have this in ?
Page 2 has an extremely significant article headed: The Talking Phonograph" which begins: "Mr. Thomas Edison recently came into our office, placed a little machine on our desk, turned a crank, and the machine inquired as to our health, asked how we ... See More
On the invention of the electric light...
Item #699893
January 20, 1879
THE MISSOURI REPUBLICAN, St. Louis, Jan. 20, 1879
* Inventors Thomas Edison & Henry Draper
* Electric light experiments & development
Page 3 has over a full column taken up with much detail on a controversy on the invention of the electric light, this one concerning Professor Draper and his involvement, with much mention of Thomas Edison as well.
Eight pages, nice condition.... See More
Thomas Edison's last will and testament...
Item #698878
October 29, 1931
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., October 29, 1931
* re. Thomas Alva Edison death
* Official last will and testament
The top of the front page has a two column heading: "Edison Left Most of Estate To Two Sons" with subheads. (see images)
Complete with 20 pages, light toning at the margins, a few small binding holes along the spine, generally in nice condition.... See More
Edison's phonograph... Oil regions of Pennsylvania... Morgan Silver Dollar...
Item #697728
March 30, 1878
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 30, 1878
* Historic Phonograph invention
* Thomas Edison - inventor
The full front page is a Thomas Nast political cartoon: "Fulfill Your Promises" and a fullpg. inside has another Nast political cartoon: "Our Uncle's 'Honor' Touched" showing Uncle Sam.
The great, tipped-in (no binding holes), doublepage centerfold:... See More
Thomas Edison inventions...
Item #696615
October 31, 1878
ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, Oct. 31, 1878 This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many interesting advertisements. Page 2 has an article headed: "When Edison Was A Boy" with subhead. Text takes over a full column.
Eight pages, nice condition.
Thomas Edison on the possibilities of his new phonograph...
Item #694611
May 03, 1878
* Thomas Edison & his Phonograph machine
Page 2 has a wonderful article taking two-thirds of a column, headed: "The Future Phonograph" "Edison Speaks For Himself--He Tells What the Machine Will Do for Future Generations".
The full article is shown in the photos, however a few bits include: "...describing ... See More
Electric light patent to Thomas Edison...
Item #688833
March 19, 1881
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, March 19, 1881
* Thomas Alva Edison
* Electric light patent #
Near the back is an inconspicuous yet very significant item under the list of: "Index of Inventions For Which Letters Patent of the United States were Granted in the Week Ending Feb. 15, 1881" is an entry reading: "Electric light, T.A. Edison.....237,732".
This was the pat... See More
Thomas Edison becomes ill....
Item #686766
August 02, 1931
THE DETROIT NEWS, August 2, 1931
* Inventor Thomas Edison becomes ill
* Prelude to his death shortly after ?
The front page has a great banner headline: "EDISON RALLIES AFTER COLLAPSE" with subheads. (see) Nice for display. Edison would die about 2 months later. Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication.
Complete 1st section only with... See More
Thomas Edison death... Burial....
Item #683537
October 22, 1931
CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, October 22, 1931.
* Inventor Thomas Edison death
* Funeral - burial ceremony
The front page has a one column heading: "DARKEN NATION AS TRIBUTE TO THOMAS EDISON" with subhead. Four related photos are on the back page. (see)
Complete with all 34 pages, rag edition in great condition. A few small binding holes along the spine.... See More
Great issue on Edison's invention of the phonograph, and thoughts on its use & what's next...
Item #683472
March 26, 1878
* Historic Phonograph invention
* Thomas Edison - inventor
This is a terrific issue on Edison's newly invented phonograph machine, taking half of page 3 & over half of pg. 4 including four illustrations. The article is headed: "THE PHONOGRAPH" with subheads: "Lectures by Professor J. W. S. Arnold" "Character... See More
Lengthy article on Thomas Edison...
Item #683382
August 24, 1878
ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Aug. 24, 1878 Page 2 has over a full column taken up with: "TOM EDISON" "The Great Electrician Among the Wires in the Western Union Offices" "A Great Invention by Which an Army Can Annihilate Its Enemy" "What He Thinks About Sun-Stroke and Its Causes".
Twelve pages, very nice condition.
Thomas Edison Electricity From Fuel...
Item #674271
August 27, 1887
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN August 27, 1887. This issue contains illustrations of the latest inventions of the day including the following inventions: EDISON'S ELECTRICAL DISCOVERIES - HORSE COLLAR - ODOMETER - WATER WHEEL & Much More. These illustrations also have text that goes along with them. Very interesting advertisements as well.
Complete in 16 pages, archivally repaired at... See More
Thomas Edison supports Prohibition law....
Item #673875
December 18, 1930
THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 18, 1930
* Inventor Thomas Edison
* U.S. Prohibition support
* Anti beer - liquor law
Page 17 has a one column heading: "EDISON SEES BOON IN PROHIBITION LAW" with subheads. (see) See images for a question/answer article showing Thomas Edison's support for the Eighteenth Amendment. I suspect this is one of the few publications to report this parti... See More
Greeley was no fan of Edison?
Item #661474
December 30, 1879
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 30, 1879
* Charles F. Brush
* Early electric light
* Patent sold
Horace Greeley may not have been a fan of Thomas Edison as almost nothing is published in this title about the electric light inventory. However at the same time most other newspapers were reporting the invention the Tribune did not, but instead had on the ftpg: "The Brush Electric Light"... See More
Gandhi, Thomas Edison, and Al Capone...
Item #655279
February 25, 1931
TAUNTON DAILY GAZETTE, Massachusetts, Feb. 25, 1931 The front page has a large photo of Gandhi with the caption: "Gandhi Happy To Be Free Again." Also on the front page is an interesting article regarding Albert Einstein: "Einstein Used the Cigarette Relatively." Page 3 has a 2-column, two-line heading regarding Al Capone: "CAPONE ELUDES THE CROWDS AND GOES BEFORE U.... See More
Thomas Edison invention from 1891...
Item #653739
July 25, 1891
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, July 25, 1891
* Thomas Edison invention
This 16 page issue is in nice condition (except for some front page margin wear) and contains illustrations of the latest inventions of the day including the following: Edison Motor - Mixer - Edison Motor Switch, with corresponding text (see images f
... See More
* Thomas Edison invention
* Electric Motor & Dynamo
This 16 page issue is in nice condition (except for some front page margin wear) and contains illustrations of the latest inventions of the day including the following: Edison Motor - Mixer - Edison Motor Switch, with corresponding text (see images f
Thomas Edison & Al 'Scarface' Capone...
Item #649900
October 17, 1931
THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 17, 1931
* Inventor Thomas Alva Edison
* Falls into a coma - would die next day
* Al 'Scarface' Capone's tax evasion trial
* Would be found guilty on this day
The front page has a one column heading: "EDISON IN DEEP COMA" with subheads. (see) Edison would die on the following day.
Page 4 has a one column heading: "CAPONE AS 'NO P... See More
Thomas Edison Honored In 1928....
Item #647586
October 21, 1928
THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 21, 1928.
* Inventor Thomas Alva Edison
* Honored By President Calvin Coolidge
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "EDISON IS DECORATED BY NATION AND HAILED BY THE PRESIDENT" with subheads. (see) Lengthy text continues inside. Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication.
Other news of
... See More
* Inventor Thomas Alva Edison
* Honored By President Calvin Coolidge
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "EDISON IS DECORATED BY NATION AND HAILED BY THE PRESIDENT" with subheads. (see) Lengthy text continues inside. Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication.
Other news of
Babe Ruth birthday photo... Thomas Edison...
Item #647524
February 17, 1929
NEW YORK TIMES (Rotogravure Section only), February 17, 1929
* Babe Ruth birthday photo
* Thomas Edison & Henry Ford
This section is loaded with photos involving sports, entertainment, fashion and much more. The front page has a photo titled: "A Birthday Cake Fit Four A Sultan: Babe Ruth" Also 2 related photos regarding Thomas Edison's birthday as well.
Complete rotograv... See More
Thomas Edison's court case... 400th anniversary of Columbus' arrival in America...
Item #636501
October 15, 1892
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Oct. 15, 1892 The front page shows: "The New Santa Maria, Replica of Columbus' Vessel, which is to be Sailed Across the Atlantic", celebrating the 400th anniversary. Items inside include: "Baker's Rocking Chair Fan" "Front View of the Apparatus for Lifting Blocks of Beton and Carrying them to the Car" "Edison's Pat... See More
Brothers in crime: the Hildebrands... Thomas Edison...
Item #633688
August 31, 1878
* Outlaw Bill Hildebrand
* Southeast Missouri Bushwhacker
* Inventor Thomas Edison
The top of page 3 has heads including: "BRED IN THE BONE" "Bill Hildebrand Following in Sam's Footsteps" which begins: "William Hildebrand, a brother of the renowned Missouri desperado, Sam Hildebrand, following the apparent instinct ... See More
Thomas Edison on the meaning of life...
Item #633307
November 28, 1891
THE EVENING BEE, Omaha, Nebraska, Nov. 28, 1891 Page 7 has a very interesting interview with Thomas Edison in which he is asked "What is life?" with the heading: "What Is Life?" "Tom Edison Considers Man a Microcosm of Intellectual Atoms". His response takes over a full column (see for the beginning).
Eight pages, loose at the spine, various margin tears & ... See More
Thomas Edison described...
Item #631754
June 04, 1892
DAILY TIMES, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, June 4, 1892
* Inventor Thomas Edison described as humble
The top of the back page has: "Edison Isn't Proud" "His Hats & Cigars are Cheap & His Clothes are not a Bit Stuck Up". An interesting article on how "ordinary" Thomas Edison is, with a short interview with him as well (see).
Four pages, very large f... See More
Thomas Edison as chairman...
Item #628054
October 02, 1915
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Oct. 2, 1915
* Thomas Alva Edison
The color cover shows soldiers scaling the side of a mountain. Items within include: "The Exchange of Severely Wounded Prisoners" "The Development of the Army Pistol" The Naval Advisory Board of Inventions" which includes a photo of: Thomas A. Edison, Chairman. More articles concerning the militar... See More
Thomas Edison to service on Navy board... Fight at Atchi Baba...
Item #620693
July 13, 1915
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 13, 1915 The front page has a column-wide headline "EDISON WILL HEAD NAVY TEST BOARD" with subheads "Accepts Secretary Daniels's Invitation to Try Out New Devices for Warfare" "Got Idea From the Times" "It Caused the Secretary to Announce Bureau of Invention and Development" and more. "'The United States is far beh... See More
Thomas Edison at Rollins College...
Item #618735
February 25, 1930
THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 25, 1930.
* Inventor Thomas Alva Edison - Founders Day
* Rollins College - receives honorary degree in science
* President Hamilton Holt
Page 16 has one column headings: "EDISON HONORED BY ROLLINS COLLEGE" "Doctor of Science Degree Is Conferred on him at Winter Park, Fla." "He Walks In Procession" and more. (see)
Other news, spor... See More
Thomas Edison's megaphone...
Item #616759
August 24, 1878
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, August 24, 1878
* Inventor Thomas Edison
* Megaphone invention print
Taking a bit more than half of the ftpg. is an illustration of a gentleman and a few onlookers using "Edison's Megaphone". The article, which begins on the ftpg., gives the background of "ear & speaking trumpets" plus talk about Edison's invention. The c... See More
Thomas Edison... Phonograph... Stock ticker...
Item #616732
April 02, 1892
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, April 2, 1892 Within this issue is an article "A Talk with Edison" in which Thomas Edison talks personally about the phonograph, telephone, stockticker and much more. A very fascinating insight into this amazing man.
There are additional illustrations, articles and advertisements within.
This is complete in 16 pages with several non-archival m... See More
Thomas Edison into gold mining ?...
Item #614672
April 18, 1880
ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, April 18, 1880
* Inventor Thomas Edison
* Venture into gold mining ?
* Separation - extraction
This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many advertisements. Page 14 has an article headed: "FUGITIVE GOLD" "Which is Said to Escape from Hydraulic Mines, Etc." "Edison's Method of Saving It Not Described...." T... See More
Thomas Edison's court case...
Item #613922
October 15, 1892
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, October 15, 1892 The front cover is "The New Santa Maria, Replica of Columbus' Vessel, which is to be Sailed Across the Atlantic". Inside the issue is "Baker's Rocking Chair Fan"; "Front View of the Apparatus for Lifting Blocks of Beton and Carrying them to the Car"; "Edison's Patents Sustained by the United States... See More
Edison's electric railway...
Item #605748
May 30, 1880
* Inventor Thomas Edison
* 1st electric railway success
Page 3 has small one column headings: "Edison" "His Latest Venture a Success--Riding at a Forty-Mile Speed on His Electric Railroad...." See images for text here.
Other news of the day with several interesting advertisements. Complete in 8 pages, minor spine wear, otherwise... See More
Thomas Edison....
Item #604856
August 30, 1878
EASTON EXPRESS, August 30, 1878
* Inventor Thomas Edison
* Ink for the blind
The bottom of page 2 has a small one column heading: "Edison's Last Contrivance" See image for brief text here.
Other news of the with several interesting advertisements. Complete in 4 pages, nice condition.
Thomas Edison's phonograph...
Item #600395
June 07, 1878
THE CLEVELAND LEADER, Cleveland, Ohio, June 7, 1878
* Inventor Thomas Edison
* Phonograph invention
The front page has a report headed: "Edison's Inventions" with subhead: "An Exhibition of the Phonograph and His New Instrument for Measuring Heat--The Suit of the Two Telegraph Companies". Near the beginning is: "...Mr. Edison gave an exhibition of the phonograph... See More
Talking with Thomas Edison... Banking in New York...
Item #597441
HARPER'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE (New York), February, 1890* Inventor Thomas Alva Edison
Included is a 19 page article: "Jamaica, New and Old" by Howard Pyle, which is accompanied by 22 illustrations. Also a 9 page article: "Talks With Edison", and a 16 page article: "The New York Banks" which includes 8 illustrations including a full page: "A View of Wall St... See More
Sitting Bull surrenders... Thomas Edison...
Item #596925
July 22, 1881
BETHLEHEM DAILY TIMES, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, July 22, 1881
* Chief Sitting Bull surrenders
* Thomas Edison
Inconspicuously found amongst a list of "Domestic" news items is a report: "The surrender of Sitting Bull to Major Brotherton at Fort Buford on the 20th inst., is confirmed by a dispatch from Gen. Terry to Gen. Sherman." There is also a report on a lawsuit ... See More
Thomas Edison advertisement...
Item #593966
October 01, 1911
SUNDAY ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE of the DAILY PICAYUNE, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 1, 1911 The cover of this issue contains a young lady outside in the woods. Within the issue are a variety of articles, stories and advertisements.
The of the issue is a full page advertisement for the General Electric Company on "Edison's Dream Comes True" and contains a photo of Thomas Ediso... See More
Thomas Edison in 1879...
Item #585971
December 08, 1879
THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 8, 1879
* Inventor Thomas Edison
* Tasimeter invention
This 8 page newspaper has small one column headings on page: "Edison's Tasimeter" and "Mr. Proctor On It's Uses-The Statements Of Prof. Young"
Other news and advertisements of the day. Complete, light browning with a little margin wear, should be handled with care.... See More
Thomas Edison close to death...
Item #585070
August 02, 1931
PRESCOTT JOURNAL MINER, Arizona, August 2, 1931
* Thomas Edison's health takes downturn
This 6 page newspaper has one column headings on the front page: "THOMAS EDISON SERIOUSLY ILL", "Three Physicians Caring For Inventor At His West Orange Home". 1st report coverage on the famous inventor's illness in which he would never recovery from with his death ... See More
Thomas Edison 50th year celebration...
Item #585021
October 22, 1929
PRESCOTT JOURNAL MINER, Arizona, October 22, 1929
* Thomas Edison 50th year anniversary
* Dearborn MI celebration
* Henry Ford
This 8 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page: "THOMAS EDISON HONORED BY PRESIDENT HOOVER'S VISIT TO ELECTRICAL WIZARD'S DEN"
1st report coverage on the dedication of the Edison Institute in Dearborn ... See More
Edison's work on the telephone...
Item #582916
July 17, 1877
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 17, 1877
* Early Thomas Edison
* Telephone demonstration
The bottom of the front page has an article headed: "Prof. Edison's New Telephone" which begins: "This evening Prof. Edison gave a public rehearsal of his telephone, which consists of a musical instrument not nearly as loud in tone as that of Prof. Gray of Chicago..." with more (... See More
The Otto Bicycle... Thomas Edison...
Item #581882
July 20, 1878
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN New York July 20, 1878 An article inside describes "Professor Edison's New Carbon Rheostat". Includes an illustration of this instrument. Also includes "The Otto Bicycle", with image and description. Complete in 16 pages, and in very nice condition.
The death of Earle Lewis Ovington...
Item #580887
July 23, 1936
THE DETROIT NEWS, Detroit, Michigan, July 23, 1936
* Earle Lewis Ovington death
* 1st airmail airplane flight fame
This 44 page newspaper has a small one column headline on the front page: "Pioneer Flier's Ashes to Be Strewn Over Sea".
A 1st report on the death of Earle Lewis Ovington, best known for flying the 1st official airmail flight. Unfortunate for such a small... See More
Death of Thomas Edison...
Item #580585
October 21, 1931
MEMPHIS EVENING APPEAL, Memphis, Tennessee, October 21, 1931 This 18 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page: "EDISON'S LAST RITES MARKED BY SIMPLICITY", "Burial Proceeded By Singing of Favorite Songs, Reading of Eulogy By Friend"
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Light browning, little margin wear and chipping, irregular at the sp... See More
Thomas Edison's shop advertisement...
Item #578300
December 06, 1919
THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 6, 1919 The back page has an unusual ad which includes a photo of Thomas Edison. The full page ad is for: "The Edison Shop" in New York City which has a 8 by 6 inch photo of Edison headed: "Thomas Alva Edison; The Creator Of the Phonograph" and the street address located a the bottom right. The rest of the page is blank. A nice ad for display ... See More
Kodak Camera founder George Eastman in 1931..
Item #577303
February 10, 1931
NEW YORK TIMES, February 10, 1931
* George Eastman... guest of honor
* Kodak camera inventor - roll film
This 44 page newspaper has one column headlines on page 4 that include: "EASTMAN IS HONORED FOR GIFTS TO WORLD", "Hoover, Coolidge, Mussolini and Ortiz Rubio Join in Tribute to Philanthropist", "Two Nations Decorate Him", and more which includes a photo of E... See More
Al Capone's reign about to end...
Item #575087
October 10, 1931
THE OMAHA BEE-NEWS, Omaha, Nebraska, October 10, 1931
* Al Capone - Chicago mob boss
* Tax evasion trial
This 20 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page: "U.S. Exposes Trail of Money to Capone in Florida"
This tells of the beginning of the end of Al Capone as he would receive a guilty verdict a few weeks later that would send him to prison for 11 years... See More
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