Web Results (1831)



John Logie Baird & television...

Item #621012

July 15, 1930

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 15, 1930

* John Logie Baird - father of television

* TV in it's infancy - inventions - experiments

* 1st public showing in Great Britain

The front page has a two column heading: "Television Play Is Broadcast in Britain; Dramatic Critic Sees Perfection Far Off" Very significant reporting during the founding of television, an invention which would chan... See More  

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Building the Brooklyn Bridge...

Item #620994

August 04, 1877

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Aug. 4, 1877  The front page features two prints & an article: "Cable Making of the East River Bridge" which we now know as the Brooklyn Bridge.

Sixteen pages, a bit irregular at the spine, good condition.

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Thomas Edison to service on Navy board... Fight at Atchi Baba...

Item #620693

July 13, 1915

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 13, 1915  The front page has a column-wide headline "EDISON WILL HEAD NAVY TEST BOARD" with subheads "Accepts Secretary Daniels's Invitation to Try Out New Devices for Warfare" "Got Idea From the Times" "It Caused the Secretary to Announce Bureau of Invention and Development" and more. "'The United States is far beh... See More  

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Pneumatic pile driving...

Item #620323

February 09, 1850

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, February 9, 1850  The front cover has "Potts' Pneumatic Pile Driving for Forming Foundations, for Piers, Embankments, &" and "Allen's Alphabetical Spelling, Reading and Arithmetical Table". Inside the issue is Improvements in Apparatus for Making Mould Candles"; "Shark's Tooth found in Pease Creek, East Florida"... See More  

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Movable loading cranes... Brooklyn Navy Yards...

Item #620322

June 10, 1893

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, June 10, 1893  The front page features "The New Traveling Cranes at the Brooklyn Navy Yard" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is "The Hagen Mangle"; "Methods of Rescue from Drowning as Practiced and Taught by the Life Saving Society"; "Rolling Mill of the Etaings Works"; "A Carriage Attachment for Sign
... See More  

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Edison makes improvements to his phonograph invention...

Item #619805

June 12, 1880

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, June 12, 1880 

* Thomas Alva Edison

* Phonograph invention

An inside page has a brief yet noteworthy report under: "Patent Office Items" reading: "Mr. Edison has just obtained a new patent for improvements on his original phonograph, by which the machine is made to speak to better advantage than ever before." (see)

The balance of the ... See More  

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Jamaica Anthelmia...

Item #619610
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, December, 1751  Over two pages are taken up with: "An Account of the Incas or Emperors of Peru..." with a related plate of them in the November issue.

Over a page is on: "Account of the Anthelmia..." plant from Jamaica, which is accompanied by a full page plate of it as well as other items (see photos).

Other items in t
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Thomas Edison at Rollins College...

Item #618735

February 25, 1930

THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 25, 1930.

* Inventor Thomas Alva Edison - Founders Day

* Rollins College - receives honorary degree in science

* President Hamilton Holt

Page 16 has one column headings: "EDISON HONORED BY ROLLINS COLLEGE" "Doctor of Science Degree Is Conferred on him at Winter Park, Fla." "He Walks In Procession" and more. (see)

Other news, spor... See More  

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Thomas Midgley, Jr. freakish death...

Item #618692

November 03, 1944

THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 3, 1944

* Thomas Midgley Jr. death

* Ethyl gasoline inventor

Page 21 has one column headlines: "THOS. MIDGLEY DIES; NOTED CHEMIST, 55" "Inventor of Ethyl Gasoline Is Accident Victim--A Pioneer of Synthetic Rubber" with photo. (see) 1st report coverage on the freakish death of ethyl gasoline inventor, Thomas Midgley, Jr.

Other news, sports an... See More  

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Ice yachting...

Item #618308

February 09, 1884

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, February 9, 1884  The front page is "Ice yachting on the Hudson -- Watching a Regatta" with a related article within. Inside the issue is "Single Rail Elevated Railway and Train"; "Photo-Enlarging Apparatus - Obtaining the Focus"; and more illustrations, articles and advertisements.

This is complete in 16 pages, has several tiny bi... See More  

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The Grand Prix...

Item #617483

July 28, 1906

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, New York, July 28, 1906 The front page features 6 photos captioned: "Prominent Cars Which Took Part In The Grand Prix" and an article titled: "Details of the Grand Prix Racing Cars". The lengthy article carries over to page 2 where there is also another photo of "Bariellier in the New Richard-Brasier Car." Other articles inside are: &qu... See More  

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Early automobiles...

Item #617482

August 09, 1902

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, August 9, 1902  The front page of the issue contains five photos "The Great Floating Docks of Bermuda and Algiers, LA" with an accompanying article. Within in the issue is: "A Unique Railway"; "The New Marconi Wireless Telegraph Station At Cape Breton"; "Varied Modern Uses of the Automobile" and more illustrations, article... See More  

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Sitting Bull described: a powerful savage... The telephone wars...

Item #617251

September 18, 1879

THE AMERICAN SOCIALIST, Oneida, New York, Sept. 18, 1879 A article inside has the heading, "One Thing And Another", which states in part: "Sitting Bull is a powerful savage with a massive face-- as big, say, as a ten quart pail--and with plenty of room on it for the display of deep-plowed lines of decision around the mouth". Directly above this article is another which is notew... See More  

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Early talking machine in 1881...

Item #617236

June 23, 1881


* Inventor Herr Faber

* Amazing talking machine

Page 5 has a somewhat discrete article along the first column with small heading: "A Speaking Machine" with text that begins with: "A new and most ingenious speaking machine has lately been exhibited by Herr Faber...." (see)

Other news and advertisements of the day. Complete in 8 pages... See More  

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The New Tower Bridge in London is opened...

Item #617021

August 04, 1894

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, August 4, 1894  The front page of this issue the illustration "Opening of the New Tower Bridge, London" which has an accompanying article and two additional illustrations within the issue. Also in the issue is: "Grant's Calculating Machine"; "The New Lift Bridge, Halsted Street, Chicago"; and more illustrations, articles and adv... See More  

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Thomas Edison's megaphone...

Item #616759

August 24, 1878

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, August 24, 1878 

* Inventor Thomas Edison

* Megaphone invention print

Taking a bit more than half of the ftpg. is an illustration of a gentleman and a few onlookers using "Edison's Megaphone". The article, which begins on the ftpg., gives the background of "ear & speaking trumpets" plus talk about Edison's invention. The c... See More  

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Thomas Edison... Phonograph... Stock ticker...

Item #616732

April 02, 1892

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, April 2, 1892  Within this issue is an article "A Talk with Edison" in which Thomas Edison talks personally about the phonograph, telephone, stockticker and much more. A very fascinating insight into this amazing man. 

There are additional illustrations, articles and advertisements within.

This is complete in 16 pages with several non-archival m... See More  

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The bicycle...

Item #616308

April 10, 1869

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, April 10, 1869  This 16 page issue contains illustrations, accompanied by text, of the latest inventions of the day including: "Progress of the Velocipede", "Conarroe's Buckeye Ditching Machine", "Little's Stove Funnel Cap and Ventilator", and "Gross' Patent Combined Letter Opener" and additional illust
... See More  

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Sawing the ice... Opening of the East River Bridge...

Item #616307

January 02, 1904

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, New York, January 2, 1904  The frontpage has two halfpage photos: "Sawing The Ice" and "Hoisting Ice From Channel To Ice House" which is regarding ice harvesting. Also within the issue are: "The Illumination of the New East River Bridge on the Night of Its Opening"; "The Durban Floating Dock and Workshop"; "Meteorite... See More  

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America is not about to compromise with England...

Item #615582
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1778  Among the articles within are: "The Theory of Insulating Bodies Examined, & some of the Supposed Properties which Electricians have ascribed to Glass, proved by Experiments not to Exist" includes reference to Ben Franklin; "On the Worshiping of the Primitive Christians to the East" , and more.

The most significant c... See More  

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Dinosaurs - Extinct Monsters...

Item #615414

March 04, 1893

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, March 4, 1893 The front page of this issue features "The Mexican Central Railway's Monster Locomotive -- Designed by F. W. Johnstone". Within the issue is "The Manufacture of Dynamite"; "Raising the Flag on the Steamship New York"; "Extinct Monsters" which are of several dinosaurs; "The World's Columbian Exposition... See More  

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A new fire ladder...

Item #614893

September 03, 1887

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, September 3, 1887  The front page of this issue has a large illustration "Casting the Bronze Buffalo's Head for the Union Pacific Bridge at Omaha" with an accompanying article. Within in the issue is: ""The Floating Balance"; "Parisian Fire Ladders"; "Spencer Fullerton Baird"; and more illustrations, articles and ... See More  

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Thomas Edison into gold mining ?...

Item #614672

April 18, 1880

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, April 18, 1880

* Inventor Thomas Edison

* Venture into gold mining ?

* Separation - extraction

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many advertisements. Page 14 has an article headed: "FUGITIVE GOLD" "Which is Said to Escape from Hydraulic Mines, Etc." "Edison's Method of Saving It Not Described...." T... See More  

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Locomotive print...

Item #614515

May 16, 1885

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, May 16, 1885  The front page has a large illustration "Standard Passenger Locomotive of the New York, New Haven, and Hartford R.R." and has an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "Nixon's Course Reading Attachment for Transits"; "Whale Captured at Vadso, August 15, 1884"; and other illustrations, articles, and adv
... See More  

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Columbia University... photos...

Item #614511

March 26, 1898

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, March 26, 1898  The full front page has 2 photos of: "The New Columbia University" and another full page inside has 7 photos of "Columbia University". There is a related article on the facing page.

Inside the issue is: "The Zerograph"; "The Miller Electric Wide Spray Sprinkling Car"; "The Conning Tower of the Gunboat... See More  

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Edison's Railway Telegraphy...

Item #614510

February 20, 1886

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, February 20, 1886  The front page has illustrations of "the Hoboken Inclined Cable Railway" and an associated article. Inside the issue is: "The Ingersoll Stone Channeling Machine"; "Benson's Improved Farm Locomotive"; "The Edison System of Railway Telegraphy"; and more illustrations, articles and advertisements.

This... See More  

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A nice train issue...

Item #614422

September 05, 1885

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, New York, September 5, 1885  The cover page is a full page illus. of H.M. Stanley with an article on the second page on his being appointed the First Governor of the New Free State of the Congo.

This paper contains 2+ full pages of prints and an article concerning: FOUR-COUPLED PASSENGER ENGINE, GREAT SOUTHERN AND WESTERN RAILWAY OF IRELAND. Detailed drawings ... See More  

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The Starrucca Viaduct, still in use today...

Item #614118

February 07, 1852

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Feb. 7, 1852 

* Starrucca Viaduct print

* Lanesboro, Pennsylvania

The front page features a nice engraving of: "Starrucca Viaduct, on the New York and Erie Railroad". At the time of its construction, the bridge was thought to be the most expensive railway bridge in the world, at a cost of $320,000 (equal to $8,722,462 today). It was the largest ... See More  

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Thomas Edison's court case...

Item #613922

October 15, 1892

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, October 15, 1892  The front cover is "The New Santa Maria, Replica of Columbus' Vessel, which is to be Sailed Across the Atlantic". Inside the issue is "Baker's Rocking Chair Fan"; "Front View of the Apparatus for Lifting Blocks of Beton and Carrying them to the Car"; "Edison's Patents Sustained by the United States... See More  

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The controversial Alexander G. Bell telephone patent case...

Item #613917

January 02, 1886

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, New York, January 2, 1886  Includes an article of: THE BELL TELEPHONE CASE . This article details the Interior Department recommends that the Attorney General investigate to see if Bell's first patent was valid. The front page of the issue "Hydraulic Machinery for Operating the drawbridge Across the Harlem River at Second Ave. N.Y. City". Inside t... See More  

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Sydney Harbor Bridge...

Item #613755

September 01, 1922

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, September, 1922  The front colored cover is "Geological Survey Maps in the Making: A Transit Station on the Idaho-Montana Boundary" with a related article inside. Inside the issue is: "Skilled Hands, or Automatic Machinery?"; "The Seventy-Five Mile City"; "The Sydney Harbor Bridge"; and many more illustrations, articles an... See More  

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First issue of the new format...

Item #613731

July 02, 1859

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, July 2, 1859  This is the first issue of the new format, or "New Series" as described in the dateline. This was previously a folio-size newspaper. The front page has an illustration of "Nystrom's Improved Hydraulic Pontoon Dock". Inside the issue is "Baird's Car Seat and Reclining Chair"; "Crumbie & Brigg's Impr... See More  

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Building Penn Station... San Francisco earthquake photos...

Item #613616

August 18, 1906


* Penn Station construction - New York City rail train

* San Francisco earthquake photos

The full front page is an illustration of: "Acres of Valuable Land in the Heart of New York City laid Waste for the New Pennsylvania Railroad Station.". This is Penn Station which would be completed in 1910 only to be demolished... See More  

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The Deseret Museum...

Item #613216

April 20, 1895

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, April 20, 1895  The front page of the issue contains four scenes from "The Deseret Museum, Salt Lake City, Utah" with an accompanying article. Inside the issues is "Whitlock's New 'Western' Independent Chuck"; "Hedges' Water Tube Stationary or Marine Boiler"; "The Sumatra Rhinoceros"; "An Explo
... See More  

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American brick making machine...

Item #613214

January 18, 1873

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, January 18, 1873  The front page has a large illustration "The Great American Brick Machine" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is "Emerson's Feathering Paddle Wheel"; "Nine Horse Power Compound Steam Engines"; "Design for Ball Ground Pavilion" and other illustrations, articles and advertisements.

This is ... See More  

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Pneumatic message system...

Item #613211

March 24, 1877

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, March 24, 1877  The front page features a large illustration "Pneumatic Transmission in New York City" with an accompanying article and more illustrations inside. Inside the issue is "New Experiments in Mechanical Flight" with illustrations; "Houyoux' Rotary Pump"; and more illustrations, articles and advertisements.

Complete i... See More  

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Ice Machine... Steam Pump...

Item #613207

March 16, 1878

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, March 16, 1878  The front page of the issue features a halfpage illustration "The Holden Ice Machine" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is "The National Steam Pump"; "Double Shearing, Punching and Straightening Machine"; "New Boat-Propelling Device"; "Phillip's Improved Buckboard Wagon"; "Mi... See More  

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Scientific Apparatus...

Item #612881

April 28, 1888

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, April 28, 1888 Full front page has seven scenes: "Manufacture Of Scientific Apparatus--Factory, Stores, And Offices Of J. W. Queen & Co." with an accompanying report inside includes five more illustrations. Inside the issue is: "Engish Coupling and Uncoupling Devices", "A Twenty Thousand Dollar Country House" and more illustrations, ... See More  

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Making Ivory Soap float... A New fire escape...

Item #612654

April 01, 1882

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York City, April 1, 1882  Amongst the vast variety of inventions and mechanical improvements which are found throughout this issue--many of which are illustrated--is a  fascinating little article titled: "Floating Soap".

Portions of it include: "...the peculiarity of the soap they were using. When one of the men had soaped himself he would drop th... See More  

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Snoqualmie Falls power plant...

Item #612652

August 30, 1902

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, August 30, 1902 The front page has several illustrations of "The Snoqualmie Falls Power Plant" and an accompanying article inside the issue.

Inside is "A Mammoth Combined Harvester"; "Electrical Resonance and its Relation to Syntonic Wireless Telegraphy -- II"; "The United States Naval Observatory at Washington"; and more arti... See More  

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Hydraulic locomotive...

Item #612651

February 10, 1877

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, February 10, 1877  The front page has a very interesting illustration captioned: "Novel Hydraulic Railway Locomotive"  showing what essentially looks like a paddlewheel-powered flume ride. A related front page article as well.

Inside the issue is "Guardiola's Sugar and Coffee Machinery"; "Blaisdell's Upright Moulding Machin... See More  

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Fireless locomotive...

Item #611414

October 20, 1877

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, October 20, 1877  The front cover continues a halfpage illustration "Fireless Locomotive For Street Railways" which has an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "The Baromotor"; "Root's Blower for Mine Ventilation"; "Automatic Fire Extinguisher"; "Small Geared Locomotives"; and more illustrations, articl... See More  

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Opening of the St. Louis World's Fair issue...

Item #611401

January 31, 1904

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, May 7, 1904  The front cover of the issue is entitled "The Opening of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition" which is comprised of two photos with additional photos inside the issue. Within the issue is "The Russian Ice-Breaker 'Ermack' Capable of Forcing Her Way Through Ice Twenty-Five Feet Thick"; "High-Velocity 6-inch Wire-Wound G... See More  

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Making cable for the Brooklyn Bridge...

Item #610925

May 18, 1878

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, May 18, 1878  This issue contains illustrations and articles on the latest inventions of the day including: "Cable Making on the East River Bridge"; "The Kunstadter Rudder Screw"; Calendar Clock"; "Steam Engine"; "Plante's Secondary Batteries" and more illustrations, articles and advertisements.

This is complete ... See More  

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Torture device illustrated... Madras, India...

Item #609768
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1747 One page has an interesting engraving of: "...a cruel machine...supposed to be made use of by the rebels to extort confession..." with the text going on to describe its use (see). Another page has a print of: "...a Stone found in Cast Steeds Garden..." with an inscription (see).

Another page is taken up with: "A Suc
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Fire engine #31... Fire Boat...

Item #609731

March 01, 1890

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, March 1, 1890  This issue includes the following inventions and/or prints: "Fire Engine #31", "Fire Boat", "Cable Grip", "Printer's Galley", "Window Shade", "Car Coupling", "Hedge Fence", "Riverside CA View", and more illustrations, articles and advertisements.

... See More  

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Soviets shock the world: Sputnik is launched...

Item #608572

October 05, 1957

MIRROR NEWS, Los Angeles, October 5, 1957 

* Sputnik 1 (1st report)

* World's 1st orbiting artificial satellite

* Space race begins

A very significant report in the space race, with a banner head reading: "RUSS 'MOON' SECRET CODE BAFFLES U.S." with a related diagram showing the track of Sputnik.

This event shocked the American scientific community and sufficient... See More  

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Mediumship exposed....

Item #608022

May 29, 1923

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 29, 1923

* Mediumship - mediums exposed

* Spiritualism - spirits

The front page has one column headlines that include: "SPIRIT PHENOMENA EXPOSED AS FAKES BY ELECTRICAL TRAP" "Here Are the Results of the First Scientific American Test of a Medium" "'Psychic Wonders' All His" "Hidden Devices Showed He Left His Chair 15 Times t... See More  

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The Tunis Monorail System...

Item #606560

February 15, 1908

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, February 15, 1908

* Early monorail system

The front page features a full page illustration: "The Tunis Monorail System", plus a small inset shows the motors mounted of each side of the driving wheels with an inside report: "The Tunis Monorail System." Inside the issue is: Magnetic Survey on the Pacific Ocean"; "An American Road Tra... See More  

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The safety pin is invented...

Item #606356

April 21, 1849

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, April 21, 1849 

* Walter Hunt invention

* Safety pin - patent no. 6,281

It's alway fun to find the origin of things which have become ubiquitous in every day life, such as the safety pin. This issue of the revered scientific journal note under: "List of Patents Issued from the United States Patent Office" an entry which was for the creation ... See More  

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