Lord Baltimore arrives at Philadelphia...
Item #670114
July 28, 1733
THE DAILY POST BOY, London, England, July 28, 1733
* Early pest-control advertisement
The front page has reports datelined from Annapolis and Philadelphia, two items mentioning Lord Baltimore. Otherwise all news reports are European, with various ads on the back page.
Complete as a single sheet issue, 9 1/4 by 15 1/2 inches, a few stains, partial red tax stamp on the front page.... See More
America's first successful newspaper...
Item #689552
April 17, 1740
THE BOSTON WEEKLY NEWS-LETTER, "New England", April 10-17, 1740
* Among the earliest of American newspapers to be had
This very rare title was the first successful newspaper in the colonies, having begun in 1704 and lasting until the British occupation of Boston in 1776. It was only preceded by "Public Occurrances Both Foreign and Domestick" which published just a s... See More
Early news from America...
Item #593903
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November,1748 The most significant content in this issue would be the "General & Definitive Treaty of Peace", more commonly known as the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle which ended the War of the Austrian Succession. This treaty takes five pages.Other items in this issue are: "A Pulmonic Machine" with a print of it, appearing to be mu... See More
Treaty Of Aix-la-Chapelle...
Item #205598
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November,1748 The most significant content in this issue would be the "General & Definitive Treaty of Peace", more commonly known as the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle which ended the War of the Austrian Succession. This treaty takes five pages.Other items in this issue are: "A Pulmonic Machine" with a print of it, appearing to be mu... See More
Treaty ending the War of Austrian Succession...
Item #676531
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1748* Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle
* War of the Austrian Succession
The most significant content would be the "General & Definitive Treaty of Peace", more commonly known as the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle which ended the War of Austrian Succession. This treaty takes five pages.
Other items in this issue include: "A Pulmonic Ma... See More
Census report from New Jersey...
Item #657330
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1749 Nearly a full page is taken up with charts showing the population of New Jersey in 1738 and 1745. Included among the columns are those labeled: "Male Slaves" "Female Slaves" and "Total of Slaves" (see). There is also a chart of those: "Buried in the several Burying Grounds of Philadelphia", column
... See More
The great Philadelphia State House print...
Item #704435
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1752 Despite the 48 pages of text within this issue the prime content is certainly the full page plate captioned: "A View of the State House in Philadelphia" which would later be known as Independence Hall.This is a print of this famous building 24 years before it would become much more famous. It is one of the earliest prints of ... See More
Very early from Maryland: the French & Indian War... Money owned to Ben Franklin...
Item #694150
March 13, 1755
THE MARYLAND GAZETTE, Annapolis, March 13, 1755
* Very rare & early American publication
A very scarce and early newspaper from the early period of the French & Indian War. Rarely are we able to offer Maryland newspapers from such an early year.
Page 2 has a report from Halifax, Nova Scotia, that: "...they are building two new batteries upon the beach...That the three gu... See More
Shamokin, Pennsylvania... Crown Point, Albany, New York... Susquehanna River...
Item #648710
GENTLEMAN’S MAGAZINE, London, England, July, 1756 This issue begins with a nearly 3 page article: "An Account of the Siege & Capture of Port Mahon" on the island of Minorca, in the Mediterranean. During the Seven Years' War in Europe, of which the French & Indian War was an extension in North America, Spain regained the island from Great Britain in 1756 after the ... See More
News from America...
Item #694204
November 12, 1757
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 12, 1757 Page 7 has a report headed: "America" with New York and Philadelphia datelines. The first item notes the death of Jonathan Belcher, governor of New Jersey. The other mentions the large number of English vessels captured and taken into Guadeloupe.
Eight pages, 8 by 11 inches, great condition.
Nice report from the French & Indian War...
Item #693565
June 03, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 3, 1760 Page 6 has reports headed: "America" with a Philadelphia dateline. Bits include: "...all the usual preparations of war going on...Necessity has obliged the General to send 1800 men to Charles Town in South Carolina where the Cherokees are doing all possible mischief, & have made irruptions into the heart of the province...General... See More
Nice report from the French & Indian War...
Item #693566
June 03, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 3, 1760 Page 6 has reports headed: "America" with a Philadelphia dateline. Bits include: "...all the usual preparations of war going on...Necessity has obliged the General to send 1800 men to Charles Town in South Carolina where the Cherokees are doing all possible mischief, & have made irruptions into the heart of the province...General... See More
Much on the French & Indian War...
Item #700466
September 04, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 4, 1760 Half of the ft-pg is taken up with news condensing the French & Indian War including a letter from Quebec with much on naval events, and also a letter noting; "...from Halifax, in Nova Scotia...an account that 6000 people had come to reside at Halifax from Long Island, Connecticut & other settlements, and that near 10,000 Indians had ... See More
News from America...
Item #645467
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1760 Among the articles in this issue are: "A Treatise on Canine Madness" "On The High Price of Candles" "Reflections by M. Maubert on the Importance of Canada" "A Description of Montreal & the Adjacent Country" "Some Account of Carisbrook Castle in the Isle of Wight..." which is accompanied by ... See More
Cherokee Indians, & other concerns...
Item #708411
March 16, 1762
* Early Native Americans
* Cherokees - Indians
Inside has a report headed: "America" from Charleston beginning: "Last Saturday the Little Carpenter & other Cherokees who came with him to ratify the treaty...". Also four additional reports datelined from New York & one from Philadelphia.
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inc... See More
Some notes from the French & Indian War...
Item #695161
August 03, 1762
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 3, 1762 Page 7 has an: "Extract of a Letter From Philadelphia", bits including: "Gen. Mockton is returned...to his government of New York...Seven British ships of war were cruising of Cape Francis, blocking up the French men of war...The Indians to the north and west are very quiet...".
Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 10 3/4 inches, partial red ... See More
Trouble with the Indians in America...
Item #642793
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1763 The issue begins with: "Two Proposals for Establishing a Lasting Peace & Friendship with the Indians in North America" which takes over 1 1/2 pages.Other articles include: "Account of the Discovery & Conquest of Siberia"; a letter: "To Peter Collinson, Esq., from the Rev. Jared Eliot at Killingsworth in ... See More
Fort Augusta in Jamaica...
Item #644282
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1763 Among the articles noted in the table of contents are: "Life of the Celebrated Christina, Queen of Sweden" "Monstrous Credulity of Papists" "History of Canterbury & its Cathedral" "Inflammatory Fevers, Sore Throats, etc." & more. In the "Historical Chronicle" is a report beginning: ... See More
A new town near Hispaniola...
Item #679946
June 06, 1767
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 6, 1767 Inside has most of a column headed: "America" with datelines from Philadelphia, New York & Kingston, Jamaica.
One report notes that: "...Gov. Seymour...had already planned a town which was to be built on the Grand Key, and to be called by the name of Shelburne. As these islands lie so contiguous to Hispaniola...is imagined... See More
Birth of a prince... Poem on playing cards...
Item #620546
November 05, 1767
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 5, 1767 Page 2 has a report announcing the birth of a son to King George III, with: "This day about noon the Queen was happily delivered of a Prince...This great event was soon after made known by the firing of the Tower guns. Her majesty is, God be praised, as well as can be expected; and the young Prince is in perfect health." This was Prince E... See More
A substitute for British tea... Letter to the ladies of North America...
Item #657569
THE GLOCESTER JOURNAL, England, Jan. 4, 1768 (currently spelled Gloucester) Page 2 has a report from Boston concerning the finding of "hyperion or Labrador tea" in the colonies, of special interest given the recent non-importation of tea from England.Also an item noting: "By letters from Philadelphia we are credibly informed that a number of new buildings are going to ... See More
News from America...
Item #692891
January 09, 1768
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 9, 1768 Page 6 has reports headed: "America" with news from Philadelphia, Boston, and Newport, the latter reporting an attack by Indians. The Boston report mentions the salaries of the governors of New York & Mass at 2500 pounds sterling and the governor of New Hampshire at 1000 pounds sterling, plus more.
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches... See More
Marriage of Ben Franklin's daughter... Colonists distressed by duties..
Item #687574
January 19, 1768
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, January 19, 1768 Page 2 has a letter from Pittsburgh mentioning: "It is feared here that an Indian war will break out in the Spring...on an act of hostility committed by a party of Indians on their return to their settlements among the six nations, from an unsuccessful war in which they had been engaged with the Cherokees...they plundered & murdered ten of... See More
From colonial Boston...
Item #585508
May 16, 1768
SUPPLEMENT TO THE BOSTON CHRONICLE, May 16, 1768 The front page is taken up with a wide variety of news reports from London including one item noting: "...the colony agents have orders...to obtain an act of Parliament for the encouragement of the linen manufactury in North America...". An inside page has reports from "Boston" including: "...considering them too... See More
With the "Supplement" issue as well. Fine content...
Item #687300
May 16, 1768
* Pro-British American publication
* Tensions build with England
* Tensions build with England
The entire front page and most of pg. 2 are taken up with a continued report titled: "An Account of Corsica; & the Memoirs of the famous Pascal Paoli the commander in chief of the Corsicans."
Page 2 contains a nice & somewhat detailed ad for the famous series of... See More
Colonial Boston, with the Supplement issue attached...
Item #679116
June 06, 1768
THE BOSTON CHRONICLE, Massachusetts, June 6, 1768
* Pre Revolutionary War tensions
Under reports from London is: "...Letters from Boston, New England, mention that the late public spirit for establishing new manufactures was greatly subsided, the adventurers having met with nothing but disappointments in procuring materials, scarcity of money, & high price of wages." Else... See More
Imports, exports... Yankee Doodle...
Item #687381
March 06, 1769
* Early Yankee Doodle song mention
* Importation - exportation tensions
The front page has an interesting article about: "...George being now master of the ceremonies made the music play just as he pleased; and one night...he swore he would exhibit to the company a dance which had never been attem... See More
Essay II from Atticus on tensions between England & America...
Item #601087
July 08, 1769
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 8, 1769 The front page has half a column headed: "America" with datelines from Boston, Charleston & Philadelphia. The Boston report concerning exposing those merchants who chose not to conform to the non-importation agreement, noting in part: "Inasmuch as some persons among us have...preferred their own supposed private advantage to the ... See More
Peace with the Indians at Detroit...
Item #601128
July 25, 1769
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 25, 1769 Page 2 has reports headed: "America" with datelines from Philadelphia & New York, the latter noting: "...the disputes with the Indians at Detroit were amicably adjusted & peace again settled...".
Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 1/4 inches, very nice, clean condition.
Single sheet "Supplement" to the Pennsylvania Gazette...
Item #694917
August 03, 1769
SUPPLEMENT TO THE PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE, No. 2119 (Philadelphia, Aug. 3, 1769)
* Rare colonial publication
This "Supplement" issue came with the Aug. 3, 1769 (date not printed here) issue of the Gazette but has since been separated. As was typically the purpose of Supplement issues, this single sheet is entirely taken up with advertisements that could not fit in the reg... See More
Angry that the governor dissolved the General Assembly...
Item #601268
August 26, 1769
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, Aug. 26, 1769 Page 2 has most of a column taken up with reports headed "America" with Boston, Williamsburg, and Philadelphia datelines. The Boston report ends with: "...Resolved...when the governor of the Province had wantonly dissolved the General Assembly & arbitrarily refused to call another upon the repeated dutiful petition of the people." T... See More
Side effects of the Revenue Acts...
Item #601336
October 19, 1769
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 19, 1769 The back page has a letter from Philadelphia which includes: "It is with much pleasure I acquaint you the Act of Parliament imposing a duty on paper, glass, etc. imported from Great Britain into the American provinces operates in the most profitable manner for them...Our farmer wives, daughters & servants now employ that time in carding, ... See More
Supporting the Non-Importation agreement...
Item #586322
July 21, 1770
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 21, 1770
* Non-Importation agreement support
The front page has an item headed "America" with a Boston dateline, noting in part: "....sense of our merchants, traders, etc. respecting the non-importation agreement, as meeting was called the day following at Faneuil Hall...it was voted almost unanimously that we would still strictly adhere to ... See More
Holding to the non-importation agreement...
Item #581942
August 28, 1770
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Aug. 28, 1770 Inside under: "AMERICA, Philadelphia" is a report of: "...English goods arrived here...which were purchased by two shopkeepers...contrary to the non-importation agreement; upon which the committee of merchants sent for them & represented the impropriety of their conduct, which they readily acknowledged & the good were i... See More
Critical of Boston failing to honor the Non-imporatation Agreement...
Item #596510
September 22, 1770
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 22, 1770
* Non-importation agreement
The top of page 3 has an item headed: "Intelligence True & Extraordinary" which is a critical report on the Bostonians failing to hold to the non-importation agreement, noting: "There are now lying on the tales of New York Philadelphia, Virginia, Carolina...pamphlets containing an authentic lis... See More
Need to unite on the non-importation issue...
Item #596362
October 18, 1770
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 18, 1770
* Pre Revolutionary War tensions
Page 6 has reports headed "America" from Boston, Newport, Marblehead, Philadelphia & New York, including: "...Resolved, That we will adhere to & support the non-importation agreement...so long as a majority of the colonies who have entered into similar agreements shall adhere to & p... See More
Broadside "Extra" of the Pennsylvania Gazette...
Item #694986
May 17, 1771
* Very rare "extra" edition broadside
* Pre-Revolutionary War America
A very handsome broadside (printed on one side only) "Extra" edition of the famous newspapers, owned by Ben Franklin during the previous decade.
The reports are news items from London brought over in the ships L... See More
News from America...
Item #597349
June 29, 1773
* New York-Massachusetts boundary dispute
Inside has a report headed: "America" which includes a report of a planned meeting between the governors of New York & Massachusetts over the boundary line dispute. Also reports from Newport, New London, and Philadelphia (see).
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches, very nice condition.... See More
Famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...
Item #681728
November 16, 1774
THE PENNSYLVANIA JOURNAL; AND THE WEEKLY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, November 16, 1774 If there was one graphic which represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption. The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead of this newspaper, shows a snake cut into various pieces, each with a
... See More
Famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...
Item #677502
December 07, 1774
* Benjamin Franklin's "Unite Or Die" cartoon
If there was one graphic which represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption.
The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead
... See More
* Benjamin Franklin's "Unite Or Die" cartoon
If there was one graphic which represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption.
The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead
Colonists will defend "the rights & liberties of America"...
Item #677675
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1775 The first five pages contain a lengthy report on: "...address to his Majesty respecting the Situation of Affairs in America." which includes: "...The army might proceed to hostilities, it might be defeated, the Americans might prevail, we might be for ever stripped of the sovereignty of that country..." with so much more.The... See More
The (1775) Restraining bill, and reaction to it...
Item #701076
May 17, 1775
* Retraining Acts of 1775
* Colonial trade restrictions
* American Revolutionary War
The entire front page and part of page 2 are taken up with: "Lord Camden's Speech on the New England Fishery Bill".
Page 2 has a report headed: "Provisions in the Restraining Bill for the Provinces of New Jersey, Pennsylva... See More
Battle of Bunker Hill... Washington as Commander-in-Chief...
Item #697032
June 27, 1775
THE PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST, Philadelphia, June 27, 1775
* Battle of Bunker Hill - Charlestown
* Siege of Boston, Massachusetts
* George Washington named commander
* American Revolutionary War
Almost the entire front page is taken up with a terrific and vitriolic attack on General Gage concerning his actions at Boston, the full text shown in the photos below, with bits including: ... See More
Much like the Olive Branch Petition... Reaction by the soldiers to reading the "...Causes & Necessity of Taking Up Arms"...
Item #687100
July 26, 1775
* American Revolutionary War
* Post Battle of Bunker Hill
A terrific issue, as the entire front page and most of page 2 are taken up with a terrific follow-up to the Olive Branch Petition, in fact, written just 3 days after it, in which the Continental Congress points out the many issues with its relations with England, detai... See More
Diagram of the fort at Bunker's Hill...
Item #687399
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, September, 1775 * Battle of Bunker Hill diagram - print
* John Hancock & George Washington
A nice issue with much historic content from the beginning months of the Revolutionary War.
Perhaps the best content is the very nice half page illustration of the "Redoubt & Intrenchment on the Heights of Charles Town, Commonly called... See More
Ben Franklin's famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...
Item #687418
September 06, 1775
* Benjamin Franklin's "Unite Or Die" cartoon
If there was one graphic that represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption. The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead of
... See More
* Benjamin Franklin's "Unite Or Die" cartoon
If there was one graphic that represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption. The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead of
One of the more rare Revolutionary War titles... Battle of Bunker Hill... Patrick Henry... so much more...
Item #687318
October 06, 1775
* Battle of Bunker Hill
* Revolutionary War
* Very rare publication
Certainly one of the more scarce titles from during the Revolutionary War. This is the volume 1 number 27 issue of a newspaper that existed only from April 7 to December 22, 1775, publishing a total of just 38 i... See More
Capture of Ethan Allen...
Item #680937
October 21, 1775
THE PENNSYLVANIA LEDGER, Philadelphia, Oct. 21, 1775
* Ethan Allen captured
* Revolutionary War
The front page includes a letter: "To the King" which references the American situation & includes: "...Let then, royal Sire, the liberty of England and America be ever in your heart, then shall the people be free, and America shall yet be happy in the full enjoyment of ... See More
Early version of the Articles of Confederation...
Item #677958
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1775
* Early Version of the Articles of Confederation
* Captain Cook and his voyage to the South Pacific
Over three pages taken up with: "Protest entered in the Upper House Against the Bill for Prohibiting all Commercial intercourse with the Confederated Colonies" which is very good reading in defense of America.
... See More
* Early Version of the Articles of Confederation
* Captain Cook and his voyage to the South Pacific
Over three pages taken up with: "Protest entered in the Upper House Against the Bill for Prohibiting all Commercial intercourse with the Confederated Colonies" which is very good reading in defense of America.
Provincial Congress meeting (1775)...
Item #702716
December 23, 1775
PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST, Philadelphia, Dec. 23, 1775
* Meeting of a Provincial Congress
* Early American Revolutionary War
Front page report mentions the meeting of a Provincial Congress in Charlestown, South Carolina. Interesting ftpg. letter concerning a runaway slave on board a British ship. Pg. 2 has political reports from New York & Philadelphia, including men
... See More
* Meeting of a Provincial Congress
* Early American Revolutionary War
Front page report mentions the meeting of a Provincial Congress in Charlestown, South Carolina. Interesting ftpg. letter concerning a runaway slave on board a British ship. Pg. 2 has political reports from New York & Philadelphia, including men
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