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P. T. Barnum letter... Baseball in 1865...

Item #538978
NEW-YORK TRIBUNE, Sept. 1, 1865  Inside has a letter about the re-opening of Barnum's American Museum, signed in type: P. T. Barnum.

Page 7 has a very brief summary and box score of a baseball match played between two fire companies. The back page has a summary and box score of a baseball match played between the Atlantic and Eureka clubs. 

Other news of the day throughou... See More  

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Child's Sunday School publication...

Item #553733

September 01, 1865

THE CHILD'S WORLD, Philadelphia & New York, September, 1865

* Uncommon Childrens publication

Has Sunday School content for young folks, with a few illustrations.

Nice masthead has three scenes. Published by the American Sunday-School Union. Quarto-size, 4 pages

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Housatonic Railroad... Hayti... Castle Garden...

Item #172916

September 02, 1865

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 2, 1865  The front page shows: "Collision on the Housatonic Railroad near Bridgeport, Connecticut" and: "Housatonic Railroad Slaughter--House to Which the Wounded Were Conveyed".

Inside has an interesting full page: "Wall Street & Broadway--Ways of Getting & Spending Money" showing many vignettes. Also within is a lar... See More  

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The horrors of the Andersonville prison...

Item #682236

September 02, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 2, 1865 

* Andersonville prison trial

* Henry Wirz

The prime content is at the top of the bkpg. with reports on the trial of Henry Wirz, the "demon" jailer of the Andersonville Prison camp: "THE WIRZ TRIAL" "The Horrible Case of the Age Resumed" "More Testimony as to the Inhumanity of Wirz" "Awful Condition of the Pris... See More  

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Bridge at Harlem...

Item #672594

September 02, 1865

LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Sept. 2, 1865  Inside has a half page print of: "The Present Condition Of The New Iron Bridge, Harlem, New York".  A full page shows: "The Grand Annual Picnic and Excursion Of The New Jersey Farmers and Their Families To Raritan Bay, Amboy New Jersey On Saturday, August 19."  And a full page with 4 prints of: "The Frightfu... See More  

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Cleaning up after the Civil War...

Item #585525

September 02, 1865

ARMY & NAVY JOURNAL, New York, Sept. 2, 1865 As noted in the masthead this is the: "Gazette of the Regular & Volunteer Forces", with a nice engraving of an eagle as well. Pages 1 & 2 have various content relating to the closing events of the war with thoughts of reconstruction. Articles inside include: "American Cavalry" "Our Prisoners in the South" "... See More  

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The Henry Wirz prison warden trial...

Item #674028

September 03, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 3, 1865

* Andersonville Prison - Camp Sumter

* Captain Henry Wirz trial - Georgia

The ftpg. has reports concerning the trial of Henry Wirz, the warden of the infamous Andersonville, Georgia, prison camp from during the Civil War.

First column heads include: "TRIAL OF CAPT. WIRZ" "Details of the Proceedings on Saturday" "Testimony of a Prisoner... See More  

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Early baseball...

Item #208832

September 07, 1865

THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Sept. 7, 1865  On the front page under The Field & Base Ball is a brief summary and box score of a match between the Gotham and Eckford clubs. There is also a very brief dispatch about the contest between the Maryland club of Baltimore and the National club of Washington, won by Washington. Nice to have on the front page.

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Grant comes to Hunter's defense... Trial of Warden Wirz...

Item #633784

September 08, 1865

DAILY CLEVELAND HERALD, Ohio, Sept. 8, 1865  Among various front page news reports is: "The Trial Of Wirz" and "Grant's Letter on Hunter", the latter being a letter signed: U.S. Grant, dated July 15, 1864, in which he defends the actions of General Hunter.

Four pages, large folio size, minor loss to a lower corner. Folder size noted is for the issue folded in half.... See More  

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General Grant... George Whitefield...

Item #172918

September 09, 1865

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 9, 1865  The front page is mostly taken up with a print: "In The Woods" by W. F. Dobson. Inside contains a full page: "Lieutenant-General Grant's Reception at Galena, Illinois" and another full page: "Whitefield Preaching in Moorfields, A.D. 1742".

Other prints include: "House Presented to General Grant by the Citize... See More  

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Horrors of the Andersonville prison camp...

Item #671961

September 09, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Sept. 9, 1865

* Andersonville prison trial

* Henry Wirz

The first column heads include: "ANDERSONVILLE" "The Wirz Trial Yesterday" "The Prisoner Applies for Spiritual Advisers" "More Shocking Barbarities" "Complicity of the Richmond Authorities" "Documentary Evidence".

Andersonville prison camp was commanded by C... See More  

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Trout fishing, and Trinity Bay in Newfoundland...

Item #664477

September 09, 1865

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Sept. 9, 1865  Among the prints within are: "A Peach Orchard at Cranberry, New Jersey" " with 3 other related prints. "Trout Fishing in the Mountain Streams of Pennsylvania" with an article. "Old St. John's Gate, Quebec, Canada".

The feature is a foldout centerfold of: "Trinity Bay & Heart's Content... See More  

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Trial of Capt. Wirz for the Andersonville Prison horrors...

Item #674671

September 09, 1865

NEW-YORK TIMES, Sept. 9, 1865 

* Andersonville prison trial

* Henry Wirz

The front page has: "Trial Of Capt. Wirz" "He Petitions the Court to be Allowed Spiritual Advisers" "The Court Refers to Letter to the War Department" "Andersonville Correspondence of the Rebel War Office" "Letters from Capt. Wirz and Gen. John H. Winder" "Cum... See More  

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Military events just after the Civil War...

Item #584896

September 09, 1865

ARMY & NAVY JOURNAL, New York, Sept. 9, 1865 

* Post Civil War military actions

Obviously a military-themed newspaper so all the content is as would be expected, including much on Reconstruction efforts following the Civil War. A front page article begins: "The Indian now begins to assert himself again & to claim a respectable space in the weekly records of military movemen... See More  

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Horrible conditions of the Andersonville Prison...

Item #673173

September 10, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 10, 1865 

* Andersonville Prison - Camp Sumter

* Captain Henry Wirz trial - Georgia

The first column heads include: "TRIAL OF CAPT. WIRZ" "Evidence of the Infernal Spirit of Gen. Winder" "Official Document by a Rebel Inspector-General" "He Says Winder Openly Proposed to Starve Men to Death" "That Was Cheaper than to Bui... See More  

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Horrible conditions of the Andersonville Prison...

Item #708703

September 10, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 10, 1865  First column heads include: "TRIAL OF CAPT. WIRZ" "Evidence of the Infernal Spirit of Gen. Winder" "Official Document by a Rebel Inspector-General" "He Says Winder Openly Proposed to Starve Men to Death" "That Was Cheaper than to Build a Larger Stockade" "The Prison Denounced as Horrible Beyond Description&... See More  

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Pro-Union newspaper from this Civil War border state...

Item #586785

September 12, 1865

THE UNION STANDARD, Lexington, Kentucky, Sept. 12, 1865

* Rare post Civil War title

A scarce title from this border state, shortly after the end of the Civil War. The paper was formally titled "The National Unionist", obviously being pro-North during the Civil War. Page 2 has several items which relate to the conclusion of the Civil War including a Proclamation signed in type by th... See More  

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The Andersonville Prison trial...

Item #668742

September 12, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Sept. 12, 1865 

* Andersonville prison trial

* Henry Wirz

The back page has nearly two columns of reporting headed: "ANDERSONVILLE" "The Wirz Trial Yesterday" "More Witnesses for the Defense Demanded" "Passage at Arms Between Counsel" "Evidence of Major-Gen. Wilson". (See)

Eight pages, uncut and never bound (uncommon)... See More  

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Trial of the Andersonville Prison warden...

Item #677460

September 13, 1865

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Sept. 13, 1865  Among the front page column heads are: "THE WERZE TRIAL" [Wirz, the Andersonville prison warden], "List of Witnesses for the Defense" "More Evidence From Union Soldiers" "He Whips More Men Than Gen. Johnston" and: "South Carolina" "Meade & Gillmore at Columbia" "The Cotton Trade at Sava... See More  

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Portrait of the "demon" warden of Andersonville prison camp...

Item #697185

September 14, 1865


* Andersonville Prison - Camp Sumter

* Captain Henry Wirz trial - Georgia

The front page features a print headed: "Werze, The Andersonville Demon", being the infamous Henry Wirz, the warden of the Andersonville prison camp who supervised the horrible treatment of Yankee prisoners. He would be found guilty & was executed, one of ... See More  

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Events from just after the Civil War...

Item #664164

September 14, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 14, 1865  The front page begins with a stack of heads on events from the end of the war: "Postponement of the Trial of Capt. Wirz" "The Prisoner Suffering Severely From Nervousness" "Stores About the Inflation of the Currency" "No Considerable Increase Present or Prospective" "Vast Influx of Southerns in Search of Pardon"... See More  

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1865 Post Civil War Firemen Baseball Game....

Item #212163

September 16, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, with baseball content from the year the Civil War ended. Sept. 16, 1865 On the back page under Base Ball is: Base Ball Among Firemen--Hose Company No. 55 Vs. Engine Company No. 34. Very brief one sentence summary says: A spirited game of base ball between the above companies at Hoboken, Friday, Sept. 15... plus the box score. Other news of the day includes: "THE FALL TRADE" "A... See More  

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Trial of Captain Wirz, the Andersonville jailer...

Item #172920

September 16, 1865

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 16, 1865  Most of the front page shows: "The Court Room in Which Capt. Wirz, the Andersonville Jailer, is being Tried at Washington". The very dramatic doublepage centerfold is captioned: "Andersonville Prison Scenes Illustrating Captain Wirz's Trial" which includes 13 scenes of torture & starvation.

Other prints within include... See More  

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Rebel General Joe Johnston is defeated...

Item #636778

September 18, 1865

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Sept. 18, 1865  Front page column heads include: "WASHINGTON" "False Rumors of Cabinet Changes" "The Troubles of Pardon Seekers" "The Defeat of Gen. Joe Johnston" "The Secesh Papers in Tribulation About It" "The Counterfeit Treasury Notes" "Disastrous Conflagration--Augusta, Maine, Nearly Destroyed".

... See More  

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South Carolina repeals secession...

Item #598509

September 20, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 20, 1865

* Reconstruction era

Among the front page column heads are: "The Home of Secession" "Meeting of the Constitutional Convention" "The Ordinance of Secession Repealed" "Report in Favor of the Abolition of Slavery" which is a report from Columbia, S.C. also: "Trial of Capt. Wirz"

Eight pages, very nice condition.... See More  

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The Andersonville Prison trial...

Item #675045

September 22, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 22, 1865

* Andersonville Civil War prison camp - Georgia

* Captain Henry Wirz trial - atrocities

Front page first column heads include: "TRIAL OF CAPT. WIRZ" "Gen. Howell Cobb Gloating Over the Murder of Union Prisoners" "He Points to the Poor Starving Boys & Brags that His Soldiers are Better Off" "More of the Profanity & Ind... See More  

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Much on the Wirz trial, the warden of Andersonville Prison...

Item #679434

September 22, 1865


* Andersonville prison trial

* Henry Wirz

Among the front page column heads are: "THE WERZE [Wirz] TRIAL" "Remarkable Speech of Howell Cobb" "he Wants to See Mr. Lincoln Hung" "He Expects the Same Fate for Himself" "The Sickening Atrocities of Werze" "The Fatal Horrors of the Dead Line&quo... See More  

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Brutalities unveiled at the Wirz trial...

Item #684450

September 22, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 22, 1865 

* Andersonville Civil War prison in Georgia 

* Captain Henry Wirz trial

Front page column heads include: "THE WIRZ TRIAL" "Another Chapter of Brutality and Horrors" "Howell Cobb Desired to Hang All the Yankee Prisoners" "Suggested Punishment for the Georgia Ladies who Collected Supplies for the Sufferers" &qu... See More  

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Champ Ferguson & his guerrillas.... Horrors of train travel...

Item #172922

September 23, 1865

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 23, 1865  The front page shows: "Champ Ferguson & His Guard", the Kentucky guerrilla arrested for murder, once a protege of John Morgan. Also on the front page are: "Hiram Oliver" and "John W. Hartup". Inside has prints of: "Dover Mills, on the James River & Kanawha Canal, Virginia" "Rockett's Landin... See More  

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Reconstruction... Andersonville trial

Item #588865

September 27, 1865

THE ALLENTOWN DEMOCRAT, Allentown, Pennsylvania, Sept. 27, 1865 

* Andersonville prison trial - Henry Wirz

Not surprisingly this issue has much Reconstruction related reports, including: "Soldiers! Who are Your Friends?" "The Trial of Wirze" "How Stand We?" "The Beginning of the End of Radicalism" & more.

Four pages, nice condition.... See More  

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On the Andersonville Prison trial... Reconstruction era...

Item #668741

September 28, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Sept. 28, 1865 

* Andersonville prison trial

* Henry Wirz

The top of the front page has: "ANDERSONVILLE" "The Wirz Trial Yesterday" "How The Prisoner Fares" "A Letter To His Wife" with more (see).

Eight pages, uncut and unbound (uncommon), minor light staining, generally very nice.... See More  

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Trial of Captain Wirz...

Item #685171

September 28, 1865

NEW-YORK TIMES, Sept. 28, 1865 

* Andersonville Civil War prison in Georgia 

* Captain Henry Wirz trial

Front page heads at the top of the first column regarding the trial of Captain Henry Wirz, the Confederate officer in charge of the famous prisoner of war camp in Andersonville, Georgia: "Trial Of Capt. Wirz" "Difficulties and Delays by His Counsel" "Sha... See More  

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Fenian Movement... Wirz Trial... Negro Troops...

Item #633138

September 29, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Sept. 29, 1865  The front page has: "The Fenians" "Meeting of the Magistrates of Cork County - Priest Denouncing Fenianism" which includes: "...We understand that this society, which has been so extensively developed all over the country, became the subject of remark last Sunday from the pulpits of the several Catholic chapels in this neighborhood. T... See More  

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The 1st "fixed" baseball game (1865)... Andersonville Prison warden...

Item #708715

September 29, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept.  29, 1865  

* Brooklyn Eckfords vs. New York Mutuals

* First documented fixed baseball game

The back page under "Out-Door Sports" "The National Game" has the summary and box score of a game between the Mutual and Eckford clubs, won by the Eckfords, 23-11. The summary mentions in part: "...Some of the fly tips taken by Mills surp... See More  

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Hanging of Amy Spain, the Negro slave...

Item #172924

September 30, 1865

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 30, 1865  Certainly the most notable print in this issue is the nearly quarter-page captioned: "View of Darlington Court House and the Sycamore Tree Where Amy Spain, the Negro Slave, Was Hung by the Citizens of Darlington, South Carolina". There is an article: "Amy Spain" beneath the print.

The front page has a large print of: "Th... See More  

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