Reconstruction (1865-1877)
Reconstruction (1865-1877)
Reconstruction after the Civil War...
Item #587064
June 21, 1865
THE NEW YORK HERALD, June 21, 1865
* Post Civil War South
* Freed slaves
The first column on the ftpg. has some nice heads on Reconstruction efforts in the South, including: "SOUTH CAROLINA" "The Views of the Members on Reconstruction" "The Status of the Negro as a Freedman" "Admiral Dahlgren's Farewell to His Squadron" "Mortality Among... See More
On trying Robert E. Lee and others as traitors...
Item #666547
June 21, 1865
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, June 21, 1865 From just after the end of the Civil War but still with some nice war-related reports including: "Missouri - The Cry for Blood--Incendiary Military Order" "The Alleged Indictment of General Lee" "Plantation Labor--The Negroes Idling--Crops Suffering" "The Colored Gentlemen on the Rampage...Mutiny Among Negro T... See More
On trying Robert E. Lee and others as traitors...
Item #666548
June 21, 1865
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, June 21, 1865 From just after the end of the Civil War but still with some nice war-related reports including: "Missouri - The Cry for Blood--Incendiary Military Order" "The Alleged Indictment of General Lee" "Plantation Labor--The Negroes Idling--Crops Suffering" "The Colored Gentlemen on the Rampage...Mutiny Among Negro T... See More
General Custer in the Civil War...
Item #172896
June 24, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 24, 1865 The full front page is a nice print of: "Lieutenant-General Grant visiting General Scott at Cozzens's Hotel, West Point".
Among the nice prints within this issue is a full page of: "Sheridan and His Generals" with each labeled, perhaps the most notable being "Custer" some 11 years before his death at Little Big H... See More
Farming... Hay Rake...
Item #204022
June 24, 1865
BOSTON CULTIVATOR, June 24, 1865 Has mostly agricultural-related content, but also some news, literary content and ads. Front page has an illustration: "Sprouts Patent Spring-Tooth Horse-Rake" with a detailed caption. Tabloid-size, 4 pages, lite staining at the spine, small inked address stamp in the upper right corner, occasional foxing. Uncut.
The end of the Civil War will transform the country...
Item #669799
June 24, 1865
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, June 24, 1865 Inside has an interesting editorial headed: "The War Ended" which includes in part: "Few people realize the inestimable blessings they possess in the close off the war. They miss the accustomed accounts of engagements & the sight of soldiers in the streets is becoming rare...The foundries have done their work; shot and shell are... See More
Just after the Civil War ended...
Item #689003
June 24, 1865
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, June 24, 1865 The full front page has 3 prints showing the "Ovation to Lt. General Grant at the Cooper Institute".
Among prints inside: "Gen. Grant Review the Cadets at West Point" "View of Belle Island on the James River, Opposite Richmond" "Fleet of Gunboats & Monitors at Havana..."; 3 prints of horse ra... See More
The aftermath of the Civil War...
Item #690351
June 24, 1865
SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, June 24, 1865 Among the articles are: "President Lincoln on Negro Suffrage" which has a letter signed in type: A. Lincoln; "The Great Conspiracy - The Assassination Trial Almost Through--The Rebel Leaders" "The Press on the Negro" "The Capture of the Rebel President--What Shall Be Done with the Traitors".
E... See More
Reconstruction... The South after the war... Arizona...
Item #600291
June 26, 1865
NEW-YORK TRIBUNE, New York, June 26, 1865
* Post Civil War reconstruction in the South
The front page has the following one column headlines: "RECONSTRUCTION", "The South Carolinians & the President", "Plain Words by the Chief Magistrate", "Conditions to the Readmission of the Palmetto State", "The Abandonment of Slavery Essential", &quo... See More
Reconstruction: rebels seek pardon...
Item #684447
June 26, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, June 26, 1865 Among the front page column heads are: "WASHINGTON" The President Determined to Maintain Freedom of Political Discussion for All" "The Southern Refugees Versus the Southern Delegation" "Additional Rebels Pardoned & Seeking Pardon" "and more.
Eight pages, small ink blotch near the bottom, nice condition.
Reconstruction in Virginia & South Carolina...
Item #684435
June 27, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, June 27, 1865 Among the front page column heads relating to reconstruction efforts after the Civil War are: "VIRGINIA" "The Right to Vote Extended to the Virginia Rebels" "The Status of the Negro Established: "The Health of Jeff. Davis" "The President Worn Out by Incessant Exertion" "The Reconstruction of South Carolina"... See More
Reconstruction... Gold discoveries out West...
Item #621886
June 30, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, June 30, 1865 The front page has column heads: "SOUTH CAROLINA" "Redistricting the Department of the South" "Gov. Clark, of Mississippi, in Fort Pulaski" "Virginia" "Restored Commerce" "Dept. Regulations for the Renewal of Trade Throughout the Country" "Farewell Order of General Meade" & more inside.
... See More
The conspirators in the Lincoln assassination...
Item #172898
July 01, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 1, 1865 The front page has 2 prints concerning the dedication of the Bull Run monuments, captioned: "Monument Erected on the Field of the First Battle of Bull Run" and: "Consecration of the Bull Run Monuments--Reading the Service". There is front page text on the dedication as well.
Inside has a full page of: "Sherman And His Gene... See More
Farming Newspaper...
Item #206595
July 01, 1865
BOSTON CULTIVATOR, July 1, 1865 Ftpg. has an illus. and report: Bullards Improved Hay Tender". Mostly agricultural-related content. Lite staining in the left margin and in some text, ftpg. has a small inked stamp in the upper right corner, some fold foxing. Tabloid-size, uncut.
Death of Admiral DuPont...
Item #578608
July 01, 1865
ARMY & NAVY JOURNAL, New York, July 1, 1865
* Samuel Francis Du Pont death
* Military Civil War title
As noted in the masthead this was the: "Gazette of The Regular & Volunteer Forces" and as such is replete with military news of all sorts. The entire front page is taken up with: "Our Military Terms With the Rebels". Inside pages have: "Credit to the M... See More
Death of Admiral DuPont...
Item #578609
July 01, 1865
ARMY & NAVY JOURNAL, New York, July 1, 1865 As noted in the masthead this was the: "Gazette of The Regular & Volunteer Forces" and as such is replete with military news of all sorts. The entire front page is taken up with: "Our Military Terms With the Rebels". Inside pages have: "Credit to the Monitors" "The Naval Academy" "Rear-Admiral S.... See More
Very significant baseball print...
Item #681399
July 01, 1865
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPER, New York, July 1, 1865 Perhaps the best & most desired print is the very nice half page vertical print captioned: "Grand Match Between the Athletic Base Ball Club of Philadelphia, & the Resolute Club of Brooklyn, the Union Ground, Brooklyn.". This shows a baseball game in progress, including the full panorama of the field ... See More
Very significant baseball print...
Item #683443
July 01, 1865
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPER, New York, July 1, 1865 The best & most desired print is the nice half page vertical print captioned: "Grand Match Between the Athletic Base Ball Club of Philadelphia, & the Resolute Club of Brooklyn, the Union Ground, Brooklyn.".
This fine print shows a game in progress, including the full panorama of the field with a cro... See More
Very significant baseball print...
Item #683444
July 01, 1865
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPER, New York, July 1, 1865 The best & most desired print is the nice half page vertical print captioned: "Grand Match Between the Athletic Base Ball Club of Philadelphia, & the Resolute Club of Brooklyn, the Union Ground, Brooklyn.".
This fine print shows a game in progress, including the full panorama of the field with a cro... See More
Civil War reconstruction efforts in South Carolina...
Item #593490
July 03, 1865
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, July 3, 1865 The front page has an article headed: "Restoration" "The Work in South Carolina" "Benjamin F. Perry Appointed Provisional Governor" with a bit of text on the efforts towards Reconstruction in that state from just after the end of the Civil War. Much other news of the day as well including a back page item: "Our Dead Heroes" &qu... See More
The brutal treatment of Jefferson Davis...
Item #666549
July 05, 1865
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, July 5, 1865 From just after the end of the Civil War but still with some nice war-related reports including: "Sherman--Then and Now" "The Negro At Home" "Brutal Treatment of Mr. Jefferson Davis..." "Vermont & the Negro" "The Fallen President" and more.
Eight pages, never bound nor trimmed so it folds out to o... See More
Celebrations: Gettysburg... Negroes in Washington... Williamsburg... Society of the Cincinatti...
Item #698419
July 05, 1865
* Cornerstone laid for the Gettysburg monument
* The Negro Celebration in Washington, D.C.
* Much on the Society of the Cincinatti
Page 5 has: "Gettysburg", "The Celebration Yesterday on the Great Battle Field", "General Howard's Tribute to the Veterans", "Miles O'Reilly's Poem of the Day and Plac... See More
Nast centerfold focuses on recovering from the Civil War...
Item #172900
July 08, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 8, 1865 The full front page is a print: "Peace--Fourth of July, 1865" showing an angelic figure over returning soldiers. Prints within include a full page with 6 images concerning: "The Wreck of the 'Golden Rule' - Scenes Upon The Island El Roncador". Also: "Luther C. Ladd" "Addison O. Whitney" "Dedicati... See More
Virginia's governor and the former slaves...
Item #615538
July 12, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, July 12, 1865
* Georgia Emancipation
* Slaves and Masters
The front page has: "Georgia: Address of Provisional Governor Johnson, His Views On Emancipation." which takes over a full column. Other reports inside include: "VIRGINIA", "Governor Pierpoint and the Negroes", "Their Late Rebel Masters Trying to Get Rid of Them&q
... See More
* Georgia Emancipation
* Slaves and Masters
The front page has: "Georgia: Address of Provisional Governor Johnson, His Views On Emancipation." which takes over a full column. Other reports inside include: "VIRGINIA", "Governor Pierpoint and the Negroes", "Their Late Rebel Masters Trying to Get Rid of Them&q
Go West, young man...
Item #596170
July 13, 1865
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, July 13, 1865
* Horace Greeley & go west, young man
There has been some dispute, however general consensus is that Horace Greeley was the first to use the oft-cited phrase "Go West, young man...". There are many, many citations on the internet that Greeley used this phrase in his July 13, 1865 editorial. Here is the Tribune of that date and I've scou... See More
The trial of Mary Harris - rare "insanity" plea by a female...
Item #658252
July 13, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, July 13, 1865
* The trial of Mary Harris
* a rare "insanity" plea made by a female...
* Post Civil War Mississippi reconstruction
On the front page under Mississippi is the Proclamation of Governor Sharkey to permit ...the loyal people of said State to organize a State government..., signed in type by the provisional government W.
... See More
* The trial of Mary Harris
* a rare "insanity" plea made by a female...
* Post Civil War Mississippi reconstruction
On the front page under Mississippi is the Proclamation of Governor Sharkey to permit ...the loyal people of said State to organize a State government..., signed in type by the provisional government W.
Winslow Homer does a "football" print...
Item #172902
July 15, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 15, 1865 The full front page is a print: "Rustic courtship" by W. Lucas. Prints within include a full page: "Lieutenant-General Grant and Staff" with each noted. But the best print, and also a full page, is one by noted artist Winslow Homer titled: 'Holiday In Camp--Soldiers Playing 'Foot-Ball' " which shows much action... See More
Post Civil War baseball game with box score....
Item #203603
July 15, 1865
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 15, 1865 The bkpg. has: " Out-Door Sports" " Base Ball" which includes a summary and box score of a game between the Atlantic and Gotham clubs. Mentions a crowd of " least 4000, every seat on the platforms being occupied-a large delegation of the fair sex being present..." Mentions, to the crowds disappointment, the absence of " C. S... See More
Winding down from the Civil War...
Item #574696
July 15, 1865
ARMY & NAVY JOURNAL, New York, July 15, 1865
* Winding down from the Civil War
As noted in the masthead this was the: "Gazette of The Regular & Volunteer Forces" and as such is replete with military news of all sorts. Most of the front page is taken up with: "The Reduction of the Army" from after the Civil War. Other items on inside pages include... See More
Winding down from the Civil War...
Item #574697
July 15, 1865
ARMY & NAVY JOURNAL, New York, July 15, 1865
* Winding down from the Civil War
As noted in the masthead this was the: "Gazette of The Regular & Volunteer Forces" and as such is replete with military news of all sorts. Most of the front page is taken up with: "The Reduction of the Army" from after the Civil War. Other items on inside pages include... See More
The Reconstruction...
Item #596144
July 17, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, July 17, 1865
* Early Southern reconstruction
Among the front page column heads are: "Through The South" "A Trip from Augusta, Ga. to Montgomery, Ala." "The Prospects in the Two States" "The Negro And The Crops" "Washington" "The President Overwhelmed with Visitors" and more on the Reconstruction.
Eight... See More
Reconstruction after the Civil War...
Item #612823
July 17, 1865
SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, July 17, 1865 Inside has some reports relating to Reconstruction including: "The Returning Regiments" "The Reconstruction Question" "The Freedmen in Alabama & Louisiana" "Miscellaneous War News" and more.
Four pages, nice condition.
Item #151165
July 19, 1865
THE NEW-YORK TIMES, July 19, 1865 Ftpg. heads: "Progress of the Trial of Miss Harris" "The Remarks of Judge Wylie to the Jury" "Addresses of Counsel for the Prosecution and for the Defence" "Elaborate Statements and Arguments in the Case."
Complete in 8 pages with crease affects in unrelated text, traces of foxing, otherwise in good condition.
Barnum's Museum destroyed by fire...
Item #666552
July 19, 1865
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, July 19, 1865
* Rare pro-Confederate publication
* Phineas Barnum Circus Museum Fire
From just after the end of the Civil War but still with some war-related reports. Also the back page has over a full column on: "Destruction of Barnum's Museum By Fire" "Fearful & Exciting Scenes Among the Wild Beasts and Animals".
Also: "T... See More
Miss Harris is acquitted...
Item #150017
July 20, 1865
NEW YORK TIMES, July 20, 1865 Ftpg. heads: "MISS HARRIS ACQUITTED" "Extraordinary Close of a Remarkable Trial" "Tumultuous Joy of the Multitude" "The Boys Shout 'Hi! Hi!' and the Trial is Over. Nice.
Item #152107
July 20, 1865
THE NEW-YORK TIMES, July 20, 1865 First col. heads on the ftpg: "Miss Harris Acquitted" "Extraordinary Close of a Remarkable Trial" "A Court of Justice Rivaling a Political Caucus" "They Return in Five Minutes and Pronounce a Verdict of Not Guilty" & more.
German Saengerfest Hans...
Item #152638
July 20, 1865
NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, July 20, 1865 Ftpg. has: The Saengerfest Grand Procession All Germany at Jones Wood The Highways Thronged More Crowd Than Comfort Dancing Under Difficulties & more.
Miss Harris not guilty...
Item #578391
July 20, 1865
NEW-YORK TIMES, July 20, 1865
* Miss Harris not guilty
* Abraham Lincoln's murder trial
Front page has: "Miss Harris Acquitted", "Extraordinary Close of a Remarkable Trial", "A Court of Justice Rivaling a Political Causus", "Browbeating and Bullying the Public Prosecutor", "The Jury Make a Show of Deference and Retire", &qu
... See More
* Miss Harris not guilty
* Abraham Lincoln's murder trial
Front page has: "Miss Harris Acquitted", "Extraordinary Close of a Remarkable Trial", "A Court of Justice Rivaling a Political Causus", "Browbeating and Bullying the Public Prosecutor", "The Jury Make a Show of Deference and Retire", &qu
Mrs. Harris is acquitted of involvement in Lincoln's murder...
Item #650683
July 20, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, July 20, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln assassination trial
* Mary Harris acquitted
* Reconstruction era
The top of the front page has: "Mary Harris' Trial" "Conclusion of the Washington Murder Case" "Exciting Scenes in the Court" "Sharp Practice of the Lawyers for the Defence" "Verdict of Acquittal" (see photos).
Other ... See More
Miss Harris not guilty: first use of 'temporary insanity'...
Item #708545
July 20, 1865
NEW-YORK TIMES, July 20, 1865 The front page has: "MISS HARRIS ACQUITED" "Extraordinary Close of a Remarkable Trial" "A Court of Justice Rivaling a Political Causus" "Browbeating and Bullying the Public Prosecutor" "The Jury Make a Show of Deference and Retire" "They Return in Five Minutes and Pronounce a Verdict of Not Guilty" &
... See More
Baseball games reported... Lincoln's log cabin...
Item #611720
July 21, 1865
NEW-YORK TIMES, July 21, 1865 Pg. 3 has: "Outdoor Sports" "Base Ball" which include a summary and box score of a game between the Empire and Mutual clubs with mention there was: "...a goodly number of ladies being present." The back page has a summary and box score of a game between the Lowell team and the Atlantics. Mentions that the Lowell team "...had the hono... See More
Lincoln conspirators hanged, including Mrs. Surratt...
Item #172904
July 22, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 22, 1865 The full front page is a print captioned: "A British Midshipman Restoring the American Eagle in Front of the United States Legation at Honolulu, Sandwich Islands".
But the prime content in this issue is the somber full page print captioned: "Execution of the Conspirators at Washington" which shows four of them hanging from the... See More
Paducah, Kentucky, just after the Civil War...
Item #682763
July 22, 1865
THE FEDERAL UNION, Paducah, Kentucky, July 22, 1865
* Very rare publication
* McCracken County
* Reconstruction era
* Early circus advertisement
This is a very rare newspaper about which little is known. Gregory's "Union List of Serials" notes only that it existed from 1864-5 and notes that only one institution has an issue, and it has only one. Yet the American Antiqu... See More
Brigham Young awaits a revelation from God on polygamy...
Item #689975
July 24, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, July 24, 1865
* President Brigham Young
* Sign from God on polygamy
* Mormons - Mormonism
The bottom of page 4 has a very curious article: "Brigham Young--A New Revelation On Polygamy" which notes: "It is reported that Brigham Young, the Prophet, High Priest and Grand Turk of Great Salt Lake, recently stated, in a conversation with Speaker [of the Hous... See More
Harvard's 'special' commencement on the end of the Civil War... Slavery abolished in Georgia...
Item #688527
July 25, 1865
NEW YORK TIMES, July 25, 1865
* Harvard University commencement
* Georgia no longer a slave state
* Post civil war reconstruction era
The entire front page features the coverage of "HARVARD" "Culmination of the Grand Commencement" which concludes on the back page.
Although the Civil War had not formally concluded, Harvard's Commencement Week, celebrated th
... See More
Ford's Theater... Andersonville... Yale's Commencement...
Item #637221
July 26, 1865
NEW YORK TIMES, July 26, 1865
* Government to buy Ford's Theater ?
* Andersonville Prison - Henry Wirz
Page 5 has an item with small head: "Ford's Theater" concerning the possibility of the government buying it or renting it (see). Also on pg. 5: "Base Ball" "Keystone of Philadelphia vs. Mutual of New York" with much text & a box score.
Page 4 has:... See More
President Johnson's policies at the end of the war...
Item #666553
July 26, 1865
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, July 26, 1865 From shortly after the end of the Civil War, some of the articles are headed: "Policy of Johnson's Administration" "Johnson & Brownlow" "The Monroe Doctrine--Another Discordant Element in the Abolition Party" "News of the Week" & much more.
Eight pages, never bound nor trimmed, some foxing, good co... See More
Jefferson Davis in jail...
Item #594610
July 27, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, July 27, 1865
* Jefferson Davis
The front page has many one column heads including: "JEFF. DAVIS" "His Continued Ill Health" "He is Daily Allowed to Walk in the Open Air" "How He Occupies Himself in His Casemate" "Character of the Letters Sent To Him" "Not One Word of Kindness, but Curses Loud & Deep" with... See More
Pirate Shenandoah... Jefferson Davis...
Item #643740
July 28, 1865
NEW YORK TIMES, July 28, 1865 The front page features "The Pirate Shenandoah - She is Operating in the Arctic Ocean - Eight Ships of Our whaling Fleet Destroyed - The Pirate Does Not Believe in Lee's Surrender" and: "Yale College - The Honors Bestowed Upon Her Fallen Heroes".
Page 4 has: "The Health of Mr. Jefferson Davis at Fortress Monroe - He is Neither Starv... See More
Jefferson Davis in captivity...
Item #649852
July 28, 1865
NEW YORK TIMES, July 28, 1865
* Jefferson Davis in confinement
* Fort Monroe - Hampton, Virginia
The front page features "The Pirate Shenandoah - She is Operating in the Arctic Ocean - Eight Ships of Our Whaling Fleet Destroyed - The Pirate Does Not Believe in Lee's Surrender".
Page 4 has: "The Health of Mr. Jefferson Davis at Fortress Monroe - He is Neither Starve... See More
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