Reconstruction (1865-1877)
Reconstruction (1865-1877)
Improved bridges for the military... A breech-loading rifle...
Item #669802
May 13, 1865
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, May 13, 1865 The front page has a nice print of: "Derrom's System For Trestle Bridges" with a related article titled: "Improved System for Trestle Bridges" It begins: "The transit of streams in military operations is often one of the most embarrassing incidents of a campaign...During the whole of the present war & up to th... See More
Killing of Booth & the Lincoln funeral...
Item #688987
May 13, 1865
* Killing of John Wilkes Booth
* President Abraham Lincoln funeral
* Prints - illustrations - wood engravings
The front page shows: "Sergeant Boston Corbett, the Man who shot Booth" as well as a dramatic print of: "The Killing of Booth, the Assassin--The Dying Murderer drawn from the Barn where he had Taken Refuge.... See More
Terrific & rare broadside "Extra" on the capture of Jefferson Davis...
Item #695818
May 14, 1865
STATE JOURNAL - EXTRA, Sunday, May 14, 1865
* Very rare miniature broadside
* Capture of Jefferson Davis
* President of the Confederacy
A terrific little broadside "Extra" with no mention of city or state of origin as was typical, given such releases were for local consumption only. The only hint that it may be from Michigan is in one of the headlines.
The three headlines ... See More
Capture of Jefferson Davis as he flees...
Item #698105
May 15, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, May 15, 1865
* Confederate President Jefferson Davis caught
* Mention of him wearing women's clothes
* Abraham Lincoln murder trial
The front page first column heads include: "JEFF. DAVIS" "Details Of His Capture" "His Camp 'Surprised at Daylight on the 10th Instant" "He Disguises Himself in His Wife's Clothing, and, Lik... See More
Trial of the Lincoln conspirators... Capture of Jeff Davis...
Item #699011
May 15, 1865
THE WORLD, New York, May 15, 1865
* Jefferson Davis captured
* Abraham Lincoln assassination
* Trial of the conspirators
The front page is entirely taken up with reports of the Conspiracy trial for those involved in the assassination of Lincoln. "THE CONSPIRACY" "Official Report of Part of the Evidence Taken Before the Military court" "Reverdy Johnson Appears... See More
Trial of Lincoln's conspirators...
Item #690730
May 17, 1865
CONCORD DAILY MONITOR, New Hampshire, May 17, 1865
* Trial of the conspirators - assassins
* re. Abraham Lincoln's assassination
Page 2 begins with a nice editorial: "The Conspiracy Trial" which was just beginning in Washington.
Page 3 also has a full column headed: "The Assassination Trial" "Condensed Summary of the Evidence" "The Testimony Aga... See More
Trial of Lincoln's conspirators... End of war reports...
Item #690741
May 19, 1865
CONCORD DAILY MONITOR, New Hampshire, May 19, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln assassination
* Trial of the conspirators - assassins
Page 2 begins with a nice editorial: "The Death of President Lincoln in the English Parliament".
Other notable reports within: "The Trial of the Conspirators" "Important; Evidence" "Davis Implicated" "President's P... See More
On the assassination and funeral of Abraham Lincoln...
Item #172886
May 20, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 20, 1865 The front page has an article: "The Assassination" and another "President Lincoln's Funeral" and also includes illustrations of: "Ruins of Garrett's Barn...Where Booth Was Shot: and "Garrett's House, Where Booth Died" and: "Harold's House, Near the Washington Navy-Yard".
Inside has a ful... See More
Item #538734
May 20, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 20, 1865 (print only) This is a single-page print. The page contains several Civil War era ads including one for "President Lincoln - His Portrait, with Comments on His life and Death - in Phrenological Journal...". See photos for details.
The print size is approximately 11 x 15.75 inches.
Early article on croquet...
Item #669801
May 20, 1865
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, May 20, 1865 Inside has the earliest article on the game of croquet we have offered, headed: "The Game of Croquet" with much detail, taking over half a column.
Sixteen pages, nice condition.
Jeff Davis & fellow captives... Captured in women's clothes... Trial of the Assassins...
Item #702456
May 21, 1865
NEW YORK TIMES, May 21, 1865
* Confederate President Jefferson Davis
* Mention of him wearing women's clothes
* Abraham Lincoln murder trial
First column heads include: "DAVIS & CO." "Arrival of the Rebel Leaders at Fortress Monroe" "Jefferson Davis, Wife, Son & Two Daughters" "Alexander H. Stephens, Vice President of the Confederacy&quo... See More
Jefferson Davis Captured...
Item #567077
May 22, 1865
THE CIRCULAR, Mount Tom, Connecticut, dated May 22, 1865 On the backpage of the issue is a report on the capture of Confederate President Jefferson Davis. " Jefferson Davis, with his wife and personal suite, were surprised and captured... Davis was endeavoring to escape disguised in female apparel." This publication is a small size newspaper from the famous Oneida Community in Ne
... See More
Upon the capture of Jefferson Davis...
Item #682606
May 22, 1865
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 22, 1865
* Jefferson Davis captured in Woman's clothes
Among the front page column heads are: "JEFF. DAVIS" "His Arrival at Fortress Monroe" "Stephens, C.C. Clay, Reagan & Wheeler Accompany Him" "Quarters Prepared for the Party" "Incidents of the Capture" "Davis As A 'Mother' " "He Br... See More
Much on the trial of Lincoln's assassination, and the end of the Civil War...
Item #683269
May 23, 1865
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 23, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln assassination
* Trial of the assassins - traitors
The front page has column heads on the trial of those accused of assassinating President Lincoln: "THE ASSASSINATION" "The Trial on Monday" "Evidence of an Important Witness Suppressed" "Capture of Booth and Harrold" "Testimony of Captain Doug... See More
Trial of the Lincoln conspirators, from the city where it happened...
Item #690702
May 23, 1865
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 23, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln assassination
* Trial of the assassins - traitors
Taking half of page 3 is: "THE CONSPIRACY" "Trial of the Accused" "The Proceedings of Yesterday" with a wealth of verbatim reporting.
The front page includes: "From the Southwest' "Report Murder of Kirby Smith&qu... See More
Returning soldiers from the Civil War... Jefferson Davis' plight...
Item #584466
May 24, 1865
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 24, 1865
* When Johnny Comes Marching Home
* Jefferson Davis in custody
All of the front page is taken up with text relating to the first column heads: "REVIEW OF THE ARMIES", "Nearly a Hundred Thousand Veterans in the Lines", "Grateful Recognition of Gallant Officers", "Wreaths of Laurel & Beautiful Bo
... See More
* When Johnny Comes Marching Home
* Jefferson Davis in custody
All of the front page is taken up with text relating to the first column heads: "REVIEW OF THE ARMIES", "Nearly a Hundred Thousand Veterans in the Lines", "Grateful Recognition of Gallant Officers", "Wreaths of Laurel & Beautiful Bo
Trial of the Lincoln conspirators, from the city where it happened...
Item #690703
May 24, 1865
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 24, 1865
* Trial of the assassins - conspirators
* re. Capture of Jefferson Davis
Page 2 has: "Trial Of The Assassins" and page 3 includes: "From Fort Monroe" "Ending Of Jeff. Davis" "Davis's Family Sent South" "North Carolina--Capture of Rebel Official Documents" "Rebels P... See More
Jeff Davis as a prisoner...
Item #620642
May 25, 1865
CONCORD DAILY MONITOR, New Hampshire, May 25, 1865 The back page has over a full column taken up with: "Jeff Davis As a Prisoner" which has much detail. Pg. 3 has; "Sherman Serenaded" & "Gen. Sherman's Letter" & more.
Four pages, nice condition.
"When Johnny comes marching home..."
Item #674189
May 25, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, May 25, 1865
* When Johnny Comes Marching Home
* Civil War soldiers welcome home
The first column has a nice stack of column heads on a parade of returning soldiers headed: "THE REVIEW" "Sherman's Veterans on Parade" "The Conquerors of Georgia & South Carolina in Penna. Ave." "Sherman's 'Bummers' on Their Good Behavior ... See More
Celebrating returning Civil War soldiers...
Item #698566
May 25, 1865
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 25, 1865
* When Johnny Comes Marching Home
* Civil War soldiers welcome home
* William T. Sherman's sea marchers
The top of the first column on the ftpg. has a nice graphic of an eagle on the U.S. shield, plus: "REVIEW ! " "150,000 Veterans" "The Pageant On Wednesday" "The Armies of Tennessee and Georgia" "The T... See More
Trial of the Lincoln conspirators, from the city where it happened...
Item #690704
May 26, 1865
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 26, 1865
* Trial of the conspirators - assassins
* re. Abraham Lincoln's assassination
Part of page 1 and over half of page 2 are taken up with: "THE CONSPIRACY" "Trial Of The Accused" "The Proceedings On Yesterday" with a great wealth of verbatim testimony.
Also within: "Davis Reported To Be ... See More
Lincoln's funeral and more...
Item #172888
May 27, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 27, 1865 The front page features "Lewis Payne the Assassin" under guard, with text headed: "Capture of Davis", "Payne the Assassin" and "President Lincoln's Burial".
Inside includes a dramatic full page: "Charge of the Ninth Army Corps on Fort Mahone, April 3, 1865". A full page features a half page ill... See More
The last battle of the Civil War... Trial of Lincoln's conspirators...
Item #689704
May 28, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, New York, May 28, 1865
* Kirby Smith Surrenders
* Formal end of Civil War
* Trial of the conspirators
Among the first column heads reporting on the trial of those who conspired to murder the President: "THE TRIAL" "Atzerott Prowling About for President Johnson" "Efforts to Impeach the Credibility of the Witnesses for the Prosecution" &q... See More
Trial of the Lincoln conspirators, from the city where it happened...
Item #690705
May 29, 1865
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 29, 1865 All of pages 1, 2 & a portion of page 3 are taken up with: "THE CONSPIRACY" "Trial Of The Accused" "The Testimony On Friday" with a great wealth of verbatim testimony.
Also within are various end-of-war reports, some shown in the photos
Great to have this content in a newspaper from the nation... See More
Closing events of the Civil War...
Item #621405
May 30, 1865
CONCORD DAILY MONITOR, New Hampshire, May 30, 1865 The top of page 2 column has heads: "Important Proclamations" "The Terms of Amnesty" "Provisional Government for North Carolina" "The Conspiracy Trial" and more related reports on the closing events of the Civil War.
Four pages, good condition.
A rare title from the Civil War, just after the close of the Civil War...
Item #678016
May 31, 1865
BROWNLOW’S KNOXVILLE WHIG, AND REBEL VENTILATOR, Tennessee, May 31, 1865 W. G. Brownlow, or Parson Brownlow, was a fascinating personality to say the least. He regarded anyone who disagreed with him about religion or politics as an enemy. The circuit-riding Methodist parson turned to the press to spread his harsh anti-Presbyterian, anti-Calvinist rhetoric, and to spread his ferve... See More
From the Reconstruction period following the Civil War
Item #587533
THE NEW YORK TIMES, June - August, 1865 * Five newspapers at the Civil War's end
When the last hostilities of the Civil War ended in May, 1865, it began the long period of healing for the divided country. The months immediately after the close of the war were full of uncertainly as to how to reconnect, how to heal, and how to repair all the damages of four years of war, both physic... See More
Trial of Abraham Lincoln's assassins...
Item #690533
June 01, 1865
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 1, 1865
* Trial of the assassins of Abraham Lincoln
* Arnold and Atzerodt - lots of testimony
The first column of the front page has one column headings: "THE ASSASSINATION" "The Trial on Wednesday" "Testimony Concerning Atzerodt" "The Theory of His Insanity" "The Case of Arnold" "Examination of the Propriet... See More
Trial of the conspirators, with Mrs. Surratt... "Check-Mate" (end of war)...
Item #172890
June 03, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 3, 1865 The front page is a cartoonish print concerning the end of the Civil War captioned: 'Check-Mate!' showing Jeff. Davis playing a game of chess with Uncle Sam, with war generals as the playing pieces.
Inside has a one-third page showing the various men involved in the: "Trial of the Conspirators--Pencil Sketches from Our Artist's Sketch-B... See More
Completion of the Atlantic telegraph cable... Prints of Richmond after the surrender...
Item #678946
June 03, 1865
ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, June 3, 1865 Inside has a half page print: "Completion of the Atlantic Telegraph Cable at Morden Wharf" with a related article.
Another full page is taken up with two prints headed: "The City of Richmond, Virginia, After Its Surrender" with a related article.
A racist newspaper on the trial of the Lincoln conspirators...
Item #680188
June 03, 1865
* Lincoln assassins trial
* Rare pro-white title
* Reconstruction era
A decidedly racist newspaper which began well before the Civil War & lasted a few years after. As such their reporting on war events provide a contrasting perspective beyond most other Northern newspapers.
Among the reports: "The Assassination Trial" &... See More
Last Days of the Civil War....
Item #216557
June 05, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, June 5, 1865 The front page has: "THE ARMIES", "Congratulatory Address of General Grant to the Armies" signed in type: U.S. Grant; "The Work of Mustering Out Continued" & more. Good content inside including: "THE TRIAL" of the Lincoln murder conspirators; "The South" "A Large emigration to the State Desirable&qu... See More
Much reporting on the trial of the Lincoln conspirators...
Item #690745
June 05, 1865
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 5, 1865
* re. Abraham Lincoln assassination
* Trial of the assassins - conspirators
Among the front page column heads on the trial of the Lincoln conspirators: "THE REBEL LEADERS" "Their Complicity in the Assassination" "Very Important Suppressed Testimony" "The Murder of Our Principal Men Arranged in Canada" "The Mu... See More
Celebrating the generals after the war...
Item #614869
June 08, 1865
* Ulysses S. Grant welcome home
* New York City celebration
Among the first column heads are: "Our President" "Monster Meeting Last Night at Cooper Institution" "Outpouring of the Masses for the Administration" "The Hero Grant" "It was Big, Great, Immense, Prodigious!" "Brilliant Array of Generals... See More
Celebrating the generals after the war...
Item #680851
June 08, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, June 8, 1865 Among the first column heads are: "Our President" "Monster Meeting Last Night at Cooper Institution" "Outpouring of the Masses for the Administration" "The Hero Grant" "It was Big, Great, Immense, Prodigious!" "Brilliant Array of Generals" and more.
Pages 4 & 5 have more column heads on the war inc... See More
Trial of Lincoln's assassins... Ulysses S. Grant...
Item #690746
June 08, 1865
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 8, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln assassination trial
* Conspirators - assassins
* Ulysses S. Grant NYC welcome
The top of the first column on the front page has: "THE ASSASSINATION" "The Trial On Wednesday" "The Case Of Dr. Mudd"" and more concerning the trial of those who conspired to assassinate Abraham Lincoln.
Also on the front ... See More
War-worn veterans parade in Washington...
Item #577974
June 09, 1865
THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 9, 1865 Taking over 2 1/2 columns on the front page are: "Trial Of The Assassins" "More Testimony for the Defence--A Distant Prospect of the End of the Trial" with many subheads. Also on the ftpg: "From Washington" "The Closing Pageant of the War" "The War-Worn Veterans Make a Splendid Appearance" & more. Ei... See More
"Johnny comes marching home"...
Item #172892
June 10, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 10, 1865 The full front page is a nice print of: "The Grand Review at Washington--General Meade & Staff Passing the Principal Stand" during a parade of returning Civil War soldiers. Another prime item is the doublepage centerfold by Thomas Nast, titled: "Victory And Death" showing six vignettes of the somber side of war.
Other prin... See More
Reconstruction efforts...
Item #582994
June 10, 1865
ARMY & NAVY JOURNAL, New York, June 10, 1865
* Southern reconstruction
* Joseph E. Johnston
Obviously a military-themed publication so a nice title for Civil War content, even for reports from shortly after the end of the war.
The entire front page is taken up with: "The Military Situation". Other articles within include: "The General Principles of Tactics" "Li... See More
Galveston is evacuated by the Rebels...
Item #624514
June 10, 1865
CONCORD DAILY MONITOR, New Hampshire, June 10, 1865 Page 2 has: "Later From Texas - Evacuation of Galveston" "General Grant's Reception in New York' and also a brief article on: "Jeff Davis' Trial Again".
Four pages, nice condition.
A racist newspaper on the trial of the Lincoln conspirators...
Item #680189
June 10, 1865
* Lincoln assassins trial
* Rare pro-white title
* Reconstruction era
A decidedly racist newspaper which began well before the Civil War & lasted a few years after. As such their reporting on war events provide a contrasting perspective beyond most other Northern newspapers.
Among the reports: "The Assassination Trial"... See More
"Johnny comes marching home"...
Item #699110
June 10, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 10, 1865
* "Johnny comes marching home" to Washington
* The Final March: Grand Review of the Armies
* Gettysburg hero General George Meade & more
The full front page is a nice print of: "The Grand Review at Washington--General Meade & Staff Passing the Principal Stand" during a parade of returning Civil War soldie... See More
Dedication ceremones at the Bull Run battlefield...
Item #557306
June 13, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, June 13, 1865 Front page first column heads include: "Bull Run" "The Final Victory on the First Battle Field of the Rebellion" "The Dead Heroes of Manassas" "Interesting Ceremonies of Dedicating the Monuments Marking the Resting Place of Our Braves" "The Herald's Special Report of the Proceedings" "The Rush From Wash... See More
A great travelogue on the expansion of the West...
Item #597665
June 14, 1865
SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, June 14, 1865
* Samuel Bowles' serialized travelogue: "Across The Continent"'
Over one-third of the front page is taken up with an except from the 'Letters From Mr. Bowles--No. 3" "ACROSS THE CONTINENT" "The Ride from River to Mountains--The Great Plains & Their Characteristics--Gen. Conner & His H... See More
Post Civil War baseball game with box scores....
Item #203605
June 16, 1865
THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 16, 1865 Page 5 has: "Out-Door Sports" " Base Ball" "Philadelphia Vs. Brooklyn". The summary mentions "a bevy of the fair ones" at the match and that "...with the crowd, the field of players in uniform, and the...banners on...flag-staffs on the grounds...the scene was picturesque in the extreme." About the game it mentions:... See More
Follow-up to the Civil War... Prisoner cruelties...
Item #172894
June 17, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY June 17, 1865 The full front page shows: "Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State" with an article on him on page 2. Other articles are: "The Fate Of Davis" "The Day of Reckoning" "The Conspiracy Trial".
Inside ha a nice, large print of: "Major-General William T. Sherman", and smaller prints of: "General Weitzel... See More
Just after the Civil War...
Item #604288
June 17, 1865
ARMY & NAVY JOURNAL, New York, June 17, 1865 As noted in the masthead this was the: "Gazette of The Regular & Volunteer Forces" and as such is replete with military news of all sorts. The ftpg. is entirely taken up with: "The Military Situation" giving the latest reports on war-related activities just after the conclusion of the war.
Other reports inside are head... See More
Yankee Army parades before President Johnson...
Item #678945
June 17, 1865
ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, June 17, 1865 This famous British newspaper formatted much like Harper's Weekly has a half page American Civil War-related print within: "Grand Review of the Army of the Potomac Before President Johnson at Washington" with a related article on the back page.
Complete in 32 pages, very nice condition.
The captured Jefferson Davis en route... Sherman foraging in the Carolinas... Calamity at Mobile, Alabama...
Item #689852
June 17, 1865
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, June 17, 1865 The most sought after print is: Fugitive Slaves Escaping to Wilmington, N.C." by Joseph Becker. However, the dramatic double-page foldout: "Awful Calamity at Mobile, Ala. - Scene Among the Ruins after the Explosion of the Ordnance Depot and Magazine", is also quite nice.
The front page has an article headed: "Proclamation... See More
Lincoln murder trial... Kirby Smith... Richmond Freedmen...
Item #690753
June 17, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln assassination trial
This issue is loaded with post Civil War reports including ftpg. column heads: "THE ASSASSINATION" " The Trial on Friday" "Hon. Ben. Wood Implicated" "The Richmond Freedmen" "Their Visit To The President" "The Address And Reply" "Details Of The Barbarit... See More
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