Native American Interest

Native American Interest

Web Results (1431)



The Black Hawk War... Early on the Rocky Mountains...

Item #611128

October 27, 1832

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 27, 1832 

* Black Hawk War

* Indian warriors

Page 2 has: "News from the Rocky Mountains" which is early. Elsewhere is: "Mortality of Slaves" and also: "Black Hawk" which concerning the Black Hawk War.

Sixteen pages, 6 1/4 by 9 3/4 inches, very nice condition.

As noted in Wikipedia, this title: "...(... See More  

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Did Cherokees commit the murder?

Item #668143

February 16, 1833

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Feb. 16, 1833  The front page has a report concerning a murder in Georgia thought to have been committed by a Cherokee: "The Cherokee Phoenix takes account of alleged murder of whites by certain Cherokees. We are against all sorts of murder or manslaughter, and must condemn it under whatever color it comes. We are glad to be assure... See More  

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GROWTH & EXPANSION... Cincinnati, Ohio...

Item #541249

May 03, 1833

EVENING POST, New York City, New York, May 3, 1833 

* Early Cincinnati, Ohio population...  

* Progress of  the West... 

Page 2 has a report: "Progress Of The West.--The section of land on which Cincinnati is laid out, was bought for forty-nine dollars worth of land warrants! This was in December, 1788. Its population in 1795, was 500; in 1813, 4000; now in 1832... See More  

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Abolishment of slavery, and the backlash from Jamaica...

Item #667090

June 15, 1833

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 15, 1833  has over half a page headed: "Slavery in the British West Indies" which reports on the: "...deputation in favor off the immediate emancipation of negro slavery within the British dominions..." which includes the full text on the 5 "Resolutions", signed in type by: Samuel Gurney as the chairman. The same page h... See More  

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The will of Stephen Girard...

Item #681484

October 19, 1833

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER Baltimore, Oct. 19, 1833  Among the many articles are: "Festival of Vine Dressers"  "Steamboat Disasters" "Lander's Second Voyage Up the Niger"; a report from a  famous Indian language newspaper: "From the Cherokee Phoenix" "Stephen Girard's Will" which takes almost 4 pages.

Girard personally saved... See More  

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On the death of LaFayette...

Item #656914

June 28, 1834

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 28, 1834

* In memory of LaFayette : on LaFayette's death

The very top of the front page has an item which includes: "...senate appointed a committee of 13 & the house of representatives a committee of 24 to consider & report what token of affection ought to be paid to the memory of Lafayette..." with just a bit more.

An inter... See More  

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Indian content...

Item #544701

June 14, 1836

NEW YORK TIMES, from New York, New York, dated June 14, 1836.

* Chief Schachipkaka death

* Winnebagoes Indians

A page 2 article reports The Green Bay Intelligencer announces...the death of Schachipkaka, or Decari the White Head, Chief of the Winnebagoes...

It also mentions that 3 days prior to his death he asked to be baptized.

Also within this issue is other news and advertisements... See More  

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The Seminole and Creek Indians in Florida...

Item #680424

November 26, 1836

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 26, 1836  Among the many items in this issue is: "War In Florida" concerning the Seminoles and Creeks, taking the equivalent of a full page. Also: "Tennessee Volunteers" "Voyage In Search of Lost Whalers" "From Liberia" and more.

Sixteen pages, 8 1/2 by 12 inches, some very minor foxing, other in nice conditi... See More  

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Indian Chief Euchee Billy... negroes released...

Item #577961

May 12, 1837

THE GLOBE, Washington, May 12, 1837 A page 3 report "From Florida" says: "Gov. Jesup...has directed the negroes yielded by the Indians to be congregated at Lake Monroe (Ft. Mellon) instead of St. Mark's.... Euchee Billy (the chief supposed to have been killed by our forces) it is now said is at Ft. Mellon with Philip's son. Philip is...wounded & it is supposed [he] received the ... See More  

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The "Trail of Tears"... The new Liberty Seated dime...

Item #671425

July 29, 1837

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 29, 1837  The front page has an article: "Removal of  the Chickasaws" which is about the "Trail of Tears" which offers some detail including: "...They presented a handsome appearance being nearly all mounted...well dressed in their national costume...Not a drunken Indians, we believe, was seen in the company...".

... See More  

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Acts of Congress: the Indians... changing titles in the U.S. Navy...

Item #619645

August 02, 1837

WORCESTER REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, Aug. 2, 1837  The masthead features an engraving of Thomas Jefferson. The back page has nearly 2 1/2 columns taken up with "An Act Making Appropriations for the Current Expenses of the Indian Department..." signed in type by the President: Andrew Jackson. Also "An Act to Change the Titles of Certain Officers in the Navy" (see).

Four pa... See More  

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Indian Battle...

Item #208813

September 30, 1837

THE CORRECTOR, Sag-Harbor, N.Y., Sept. 30, 1837 Page 3 report: Glorious and Tremendous Battle with the Indians!!!, with the report stating in part: The Army have met the enemy, and they are ours!--All hail Columbia, happy land!, plus mention that two principal chiefs, Phillip and Uchee Billy, were captured. Archival mends to three minor tears in the lower margin, area of lite dampstaining, occasio... See More  

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Uncommon Military Periodical 1838....

Item #215567

March 29, 1838

ARMY AND NAVY CHRONICLE, Washington, March 29, 1838.


* Uncommon military title
Inside has the "Regulations For the enlistment and employment of Boys who may be entered to Serve in the Navy until they arrive at the age of twenty-one years". Other topics include: "Medical Corps Of The Navy" "Florida War" "Indian Affairs" "From The Sa
... See More  

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Uncommon Military Periodical 1838....

Item #571042

November 08, 1838

ARMY AND NAVY CHRONICLE, Washington, November 8, 1838  Inside has the "Hints for the Creation of a New Bureau"; reports from Commander D.G. Farragut at Vera Cruz; General Taylor and his treaty with the Apalachicola Indian treaty and more. Octavo-size, 16 pages, some lite foxing, otherwise in good condition.

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Overtaking the Indians in Florida... Second Seminole War...

Item #650838

January 12, 1839

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 12, 1839  Included are 1 1/2 columns taken up with: "Occupation Of Florida" which is introduced with: "A bill to provide for the armed occupation and settlement of that part of Florida which is now overrun and infested by marauding bands of hostile Indians." with all six Sections.

Much more reporting from the federal governmen... See More  

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Martin Van Buren In 1839...

Item #213395

April 22, 1839



* Martin Van Buren Act

* 1839 Concord NH

* Florida Indians

An Act making appropriations for the...expenses of the Indian Department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with the Various Indian tribes, for 1839, signed in type: Martin Van Buren. Other news of the day includes: "Florida Indians" "New York Electi
... See More  

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Seminole Indian War at an end... Latest on the Mormons...

Item #683621

June 01, 1839

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 1, 1839  The front page has half a column headed: "Interesting From Florida - The Florida War Ended" which includes the official "General Orders" of Major General Alexander Macomb on the end of the war with the Seminole Indians. Prefacing remarks note in part: " relieve Florida of the remnant of her savage inhabitant... See More  

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A treaty to end the Seminole War is reached, but not for long...

Item #692867

June 08, 1839

THE NEW-YORKER, New York, June 8, 1839  Page 10 has a report headed: "The Florida War Ended" noting in part: "Such is the official announcement from Gen. Macomb, and we ardently wish it may prove correct...terms of the agreement are very vague--the Indians manifestly understanding that they are to have undisturbed possession of the territory allowed them; while our government m... See More  

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Potential extermination of Native Americans...

Item #693094

February 11, 1840

THE DAILY REGISTER, New Bedford, Massachusetts, Feb. 11, 1840  Page 2 begins with a half-column article concerning: "Indian Affairs" which reports on the state of the Native Americans at that time. One bit notes: "...that some system should be established for the preservation of the Indian. The rapid advancement of white settlements threatened his race with utter extermination.... See More  

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Detailed "snake oil" advertisement...

Item #693093

March 24, 1840

THE DAILY REGISTER, New Bedford, Massachusetts, March 24, 1840  Among the wealth of ads on the back page is an illustrated one for: "The Indian's Panacea for the cure of Scrofula, or King's Evil; incipient cancers, syphilitic and mercurial diseases, particularly ulcers and painful affections of the bones..." with much more. Today's world would call this classic "sna... See More  

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Early newspaper account o the Florida Everglades...

Item #648834

September 25, 1841

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 25, 1841 

* Early Florida Everglades

The bkpg. has a very early article on: "The Everglades" which begins; "The Pay-hai-o-kee, grass-water of Everglades, comprises a large portion of Southern Florida...and separated from the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico by a pine barren..." with more descriptive text.

Another page has: &... See More  

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Indian treaty... burning of Steamboat Erie...

Item #590278

December 04, 1841

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 4, 1841  The front page has: "Treaty with Wyandott Indians" which includes: "... the "Wyandott nation were assembled y the Chiefs in General Council o the 20th and 22d instant, to vote upon the question of selling to the United States all their lands in Ohio, and emigrant to the West. After two days and a part of  last ni... See More  

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Seated Liberty Dollar Coin 1842 News...

Item #213667

September 17, 1842

DOLLAR WEEKLY, Phila., Sept. 17, 1842.


* Seated Liberty

* Dollar Coin Masthead

* Print

* 1842 Original News

The masthead has an engraving of a dollar coin which was the cost of an annual subscription. Page 3 report: Great, Bloody and Brutal Prize Fight between Otis Lilly and Tom McCoy--Death of McCoy.

Other news of the day includes: "The Late Indian Murders In Florida" "Pre
... See More  

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Cherokee Council... Ship Princeton...

Item #571054

February 13, 1844

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington (D.C.), February 13, 1844  The frontpage of this issue contains reports on "The United States Ship Princeton" which had left from Philadelphia having in tow the brig Caraccas, bound for Laguayra, however incurring difficulties due to ice. "The Cherokee Councill in session at Tah-le-quah" reported that it has adjourned after 100 days. This... See More  

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Copper mines in Missouri...

Item #563182

February 01, 1845

NEW YORK HERALD, New York, February 1, 1845

* Early copper discovery

A front page report about "Copper" says:

* We understand that very excellent mines of copper ore have been discovered on both sides of the Merrimac River in Franklin County, Missouri above the mouth of the Indian Creek...

& a bit more about size of the discovery.

Other news of the day. 4 pages in ni... See More  

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Reward offered for Thomas & Ellis Starr...

Item #564931

February 02, 1845

NEW YORK HERALD, February 2, 1845  A page 2 report from the Cherokee Advocate states that National Council passed a bill authorizing the principal chief to offer a reward for the capture of Thomas and Ellis Starr, perpetrators of the famous Vore tragedy in 1843.

Other news of the day with many ads. 4 pages in nice condition.

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When Abraham Lincoln was an unknown... Death of Kit Carson?

Item #565239

July 18, 1848

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 18, 1848  This newspaper contains on page 3 reports from the "House of Representatives" and includes the results of a vote to suspend the rules concerning a resolution to allow a postal route bill to be disposed of, listing all those who voted "Yea" and "Nay". Within the "Yea" list is "Lincoln" (s... See More  

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From California... Indian treaty sales millions of acreage...

Item #587282

November 04, 1848

NEW-YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, November 4, 1848  The back page is an article "From California - Counter Revolution at Mazatlan" which mentions the increase of excitement of the gold rush. Also within the article is the counter-revolution at Mazatlan and the escape of the rebellion leader.

Another article is "Important Indian Treaty - Four Millions of Acres Acquired" whic... See More  

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Apache Indians... Pirates... The Gold Rush...

Item #700934

April 10, 1849

NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, April 10, 1849  A front page article is headed: "Piracy In the Pacific" which has some interesting particulars. Also on the front page: "The New Coinage" which reports on the new $20 and $12 gold coins.

Page 2 has: "Major Beall's Expedition against the Apaches" which is an early report on fights with the Apache Indians in New Mexico.

... See More  

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John James Audubon... The Comanche Indians... The California Gold Rush...

Item #686985

May 02, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., May 2, 1849  

* John James Audubon

* American ornithologist

Page 3 has a report beginning: "Col. Webb, commander of a large California expedition...They give quite a gloomy account of their adventures. Mr. Audubon remained behind, and had determined to prosecute his journey towards California with a party..." with more.

Also on ... See More  

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The Indians in Texas... The California Gold Rush...

Item #686998

June 01, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 1, 1849  Page 3 reports include: "Indian Hostilities in Texas" which includes several reports from Brownsville. "Further Details from California" has some great accounts of life there during the gold rush. Under "Official" are 3 dispatches each signed in type: Z. Taylor". 

Four pages, very nice condi... See More  

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Heading to the gold fields... Slave ship captured...

Item #657383

July 25, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 25, 1849 

* California gold rush

* Slave ship captured

Page 3 has reports headed: "From Salt Lake" with reports on the travails of people heading West.

Another item is brief: "Slavers Captured" noting: "...that a British man of war has recently taken into that port a Brazilian brig & barque, having on bo... See More  

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Group of five news-worthy issues from 1849...

Item #620592

July 26, 1849

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., a lot of 5 issues from 1849. Although I find no Gold Rush content, there are articles of interesting from the period such as Indian reports, etc. Not "generic" issues but issues with content yet not worthy of individual sale.

Four pages each, nice condition.

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Events in California...

Item #657380

August 01, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Aug. 1, 1849  Page 3 has: "California Items" which includes reports concerning problems with the Indians, and also an: "Affray at Stockton" between an "American" and a "celebrated Indian chief" with details. Also: "Gold Coining" and other items.

Four pages, nice condition.

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The tribulations of those heading west...

Item #668186

August 08, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Aug. 8, 1849 

* Wagon trains heading West

* California gold rush era

Page 3 has a terrific report headed: "From the Western Plains" which provides a sense of the romance, at least in hindsight, of the wagon trains heading west.

But the truth was much more dangerous. A few bits include: "...advices from the Plains have been... See More  

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Hardships on the way to California...

Item #657349

August 09, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Aug. 9, 1849 

* California gold rush

Page 3 has a report: "From Santa Fe and the Far West" which includes: "...large number of emigrants have left Santa Fe for California. Seven out of nine men belonging to parties destined for California...were killed. They were 200 Apache Indians. The emigrants for Californi... See More  

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The rivers of Texas... from 1849...

Item #559037

August 25, 1849


* The rivers of Texas 

* Post Mexican War era 

On the back page under "Sketches Of Texas...No. II" is a detailed report: "Rivers of Texas--Facilities of Interior Commerce--Prospective Improvements of Rivers and Harbors."  The report describes the accessibility of the principal rivers of Texas: the Trin... See More  

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The dancing ghosts... A Chippewa legend...

Item #663511

September 11, 1849

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, September 11, 1849  Page three has the interesting Chippewa legend, "The Dancing Ghosts", which centers on their response to the Northern Lights phenomenon. The issue also contains much on the issue of slavery and Native Americans, as well as reports related to Westward Expansion.

Complete in four pages,with much political reporting, news of the ... See More  

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Existed for just 2 1/2 years...

Item #586547

September 15, 1849

THE EXAMINER, Louisville, Kentucky, September 15, 1849  A quite scarce newspaper which lasted but 2 1/2 years, from June, 1847 thru December, 1849. Page 2 has a rather lengthy: "Address of the Central Committee of Louisville to the Emancipationists of Kentucky ! ", "Georgetown College", "Late from Texas", "Later from Santa Fe and Los Vegas--Indian Fights, et... See More  

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Reports from the California Gold Rush...

Item #688752

September 19, 1849

THE VERMONT CHRONICLE, Windsor, Sept. 19, 1849  This title has both religious/Christian-themed news along with general news of the day.  Page 3 has several reports from the gold rush region headed: "Latest From California". Page one has an update in the missionary efforts to the Sandwich (Hawaiian) Islands and various Native American Indian tribes including Oregon, Choctaws, Ch... See More  

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California items... Fight with Apache Indians...

Item #657710

September 21, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept. 21, 1849  Page 3 has nearly half a column headed: "California Items" which primarily discusses the cost of items and the troubles in maintaining commerce in California.

Page 2 also has; "Latest From Santa Fe" which includes a letter from Los Vegas, N.M. detailing a fight between US. troops and a party of Apache Indians... See More  

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Trouble with the Indians near Santa Fe...

Item #668211

October 02, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 2, 1849 Page 3 has some early reports headed: "From Santa Fe" which includes in part: "...reports trade at Santa Fe generally dull. Two Americans were murdered by the Apache  Indians...about 200 miles this side of Santa Fe Mr. Brown was attacked by a party of 40 Arapahoes...A band of Cheyenne Indians...surrounded and burnt Be... See More  

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Gold discovered in Texas... Indian troubles...

Item #587076

October 29, 1849

NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 29, 1849

* Texas gold discovery - Gila River

The front page has over 2 columns on: "Kentucky Constitutional Convention". Page 2 has; "Gold On The Gila" which notes: "...arrived at the Gila river...appearances indicate that gold is as plentiful in that region as it is described to be on the Sacramento..." with more (see). The back page has: ... See More  

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Great fight with the Apache Indians...

Item #668219

October 30, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 30, 1849  Page 2 has a nice article: "Great Fight With The Apaches"  which is mostly taken up with an account of a battle headed: "American Guerrilla Company of Capt. Box, Santiago, Sept. 3, 1849". Nice detail in this letter.

Four pages, very nice condition.

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Great wealth of content on the work in New Mexico to create a territorial government...

Item #668222

November 07, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 7, 1849  Nearly one-third of page 3 has a wealth of fine content concerning New Mexico, beginning with reports on the situation with the Navajo and Apache Indians. This is followed by: "Political Movements In New Mexico" concerning their work towards creating a territorial government.

Four pages, very nice, clean condition.

... See More  

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Exploring & discovering New Mexico...

Item #668223

November 08, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 8, 1849 Page 3 has a full column of text headed: "New Mexico"  which is a very lengthy letter from Santa Fe.

The focus is on an expedition into the Navajo Indian territory which has some detail on interesting discoveries including what is now known as Montezuma's Castle, with reports that they thought they were ruins of the A
... See More  

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Much on the California Gold Rush...

Item #677158

August 24, 1850

NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, Aug. 24, 1850  Page 5 has nearly 1 1/2 columns taken up with reports from California, including much on the Gold Rush, headed: "Two Weeks Later From California".

Page 2 has: "Late From Texas--Indian Troubles--The Fredericksburg Outrage--Murders and Robberies..." taking most of a column.

Eight pages, various margin tears, a few small pieces missin... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, March 13, 2025!

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Adventures of a gold digger... Slave trade abolished in the District of Columbia...

Item #684246

September 18, 1850

SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, New York, Sept. 18, 1850 

* Slavery trade abolished

* District of Columbia

* Fugitive Slaves Act of 1850

* Passes the United States Senate

The front page has most of a column headed "Abolition of the Slave Trade in the District of Columbia--Bill Ordered to be Engrossed--All the Amendments Rejected--Fremont's California Indian Bill..." with much det... See More  

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Treaties with several Indian tribes...

Item #692296

November 16, 1850

THE GREENSBOROUGH PATRIOT, (Greensboro), North Carolina, Nov. 16, 1850 

* Rare Antebellum publication

Rarely are we able to secure antebellum newspapers from this city.

The front page has: "Treaties With Indian Tribes" "Utah Tribe of Indians" which is signed in type by the President: Millard Fillmore. Included as well are the "X" marks of 27 Indian chiefs.... See More  

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Fort Laramie Treaty... Fugitive slave law & lynching law...

Item #677419

October 30, 1851

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, DC, Oct. 30, 1851  Page 3 has: "The Treaty with the Prairie Indians" noting: "The Treaty was concluded and signed by the Commissioners and Indians on the 17th September. It guaranties to the latter the payment of $50,000 annually, in money or goods, for fifty years, upon their faithful compliance during that time with the terms of the treaty.... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, March 13, 2025!

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