Native American Interest

Native American Interest

Web Results (1425)



Latest from the War of 1812...

Item #647750

October 24, 1812

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 24, 1812  Among the articles are: "Distillation of Spirits" and a chart headed: "The War on the Ocean" "The British in the Peninsula".

Under the heading: "Events of the War" are several reports on the on-going War of 1812 including subheads: "Military" "Extract of a Letter from S. Dinsmore, Agent for ... See More  

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General Smyth's handbill on recruiting to invade Canada...

Item #692538

November 25, 1812

BOSTON PATRIOT, Nov. 25, 1812 

* Invasion of Canada close

* Battle of Frenchman's Creek prelude

* General Alexander Smyth

Page 2 has: "Interesting Letters - from Maj. General Van Brig General Smyth of the troops of the United States. Also a letter from Henry Denison of the U.S. brig Argus concerning a naval encounter. Then a letter to the Secretary of the Navy... See More  

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War of 1812... Mississippi moves towards statehood...

Item #674439

December 02, 1812


* Mississippi statehood ?

* War of 1812 - Fort Harrison

The front page has a brief item headed: "Another New State" reading: "The bill to erect a new state out of the Mississippi Territory passed by a large majority...".

Page 2 has some nice items headed: "The Glorious War!!" and another: "An Indian Town Destroyed" wi... See More  

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Barbarities of the British upon the Americans...

Item #649442

August 14, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 14, 1813 

* War of 1812

* British barbarities

Over 1 1/2 pages are taken up with: "Barbarities of the Enemy" with some gruesome detail including a listing which has: "Compulsory service of impressed American seamen on board of British ships of war...Massacre and burning of American prisoners surrendered to officers of Great Britain b... See More  

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The Indians declare war...

Item #649443

August 21, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 21, 1813  Inside has: "Indian Declaration of War" which is a: "...literal translation of  he Declaration of War by the Six Nations Against the British in Canada". Also: Creek Indians" which takes a full page, then: "Events of the War" which takes about 6 pages & includes a letter from the Lower Sandusky, one from... See More  

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The Indians declare war...

Item #672095

August 21, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 21, 1813  Inside has: "Indian Declaration of War" which is a: "...literal translation of the Declaration of War by the Six Nations Against the British in Canada". Also: Creek Indians" which takes a full page, then: "Events of the War" which takes about 6 pages & includes a letter from the Lower Sandusky, one from &quo... See More  

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Sackett's Harbor & Milledgeville...

Item #614072

August 24, 1813

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington City, Aug. 24, 1813  The front page has: "Latest From Lake Ontario" which has an: "Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman at Sackett's Harbor..." "Indian News" datelined from Milledgeville; "Report of the Big Warrior to Colonel Hawkins" "Croghan's Gallant Feat - Further Particulars".

Inside has 3 Acts ... See More  

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Fourteen Acts each signed by James Madison...

Item #686207

November 09, 1813

AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, Nov. 9, 1813  Nice heraldic eagle engraving in the masthead. The ftpg. has three Acts of Congress, each signed in type by the President: James Madison.

The Acts of Congress continue on page 2 with eleven more, each signed in type by: James Madison. One is for allowing the President to buy new furniture for the White House, and another is "To establish the tow... See More  

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Reports from the War of 1812...

Item #689812

November 10, 1813

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, Nov. 10, 1813  Among reports within on the War of 1812: "Events of The War - On the Canada Frontier" "Indian Allies" "Fleets On Lake Champlain" "General Hampton's Army" "West-Florida" "The Enemy Based in North Carolina" and a bit more.

Four pages, two ink stains on the back le... See More  

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Items from the War of 1812...

Item #664889

December 20, 1813

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston,  Dec. 20, 1813  Page 2 includes: "Traitors Defended!" "Treason of the Blackest Character" "Existing Evils, by Extortioners and Smugglers" "Southwestern News" "Third Victory Over the Creek Indians" which is datelines from Knoxville.

 A few items from the War of 1812 on page 3 as well.

Four pages, damp ... See More  

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Victory over the Creek Indians... Battle of Lake Erie...

Item #647673

December 25, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 25, 1813  The issue begins with: "The Embargo Law" which takes 3 pages. Also inside: "Female Heroism". Seven pages are taken up with: "Events of the War" which has a great wealth of content on the War of 1812. Among the reports & subheads here are: "Military--Wilkinson's Army" "The Southern Indians&... See More  

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Indian Council... Dexter-Gray governor ticket... James Madison signatures...

Item #659579

March 17, 1814

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston,  March 17, 1814

* Two Acts signed in block type by James Madison

* Proposal made to various Indian Chiefs

* Woodcut of a ship which includes the famous phrase: "Don't Give Up The Ship"

Front page contains two political Acts, each signed in type by Vice President: JAMES MADISON.   The second page contains "...the substance of ... See More  

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Andy Jackson gets a promotion... Attacking Texas...

Item #647655

June 04, 1814

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 4, 1814  Inside has over 6 pages taken up with: "Events of the War" reporting on the on-going War of 1812. Among the reports are a letter from Col. Hawkins concerning the Creek Indian War, plus a lengthier letter signed in type: Andrew Jackson, with more reporting on the Creek War.

Another document is headed: "Traitors" beg... See More  

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More on the Dartmoor prison massacre...

Item #657648

June 24, 1815

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 24, 1815  Inside has nearly 8 pages taken up with: "War Events: Or Things Incidental to the Late War" which begins with some talk on the: "Dartmoor Prison" massacre, which begins: "The newspapers teem with details of the shocking massacre of our people in this depot, by the infamous Shortland...".

Other subheads under ... See More  

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Much detail on the Battle of Chippewa: the court testimony...

Item #693885

September 15, 1815

THE WEEKLY MESSENGER, Boston, Sept. 15, 1815 

* Battle of Chippewa - Ontario

* General Winfield Scott victory

Page 2 has over two columns taken up with: "Battle of Chippewa - Military Court Of Inquiry" which is prefaced with: "In the following article the reader will find a very clear & consistent statement of many occurrences in the battle of Chippewa which were omi... See More  

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Dewitt Clinton in 1816....

Item #217786

July 25, 1816

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, July 25, 1816.


* Dewitt Clinton

* Stephen Van Ransellear

A page 2 report from the Utica Patriot states that: ...Stephen Van Ransellear [sic] and DeWitt Clinton, two of the commissioners appointed to explore the country through which it is proposed to cut the contemplated Canal, have arrived in this village for the purpose of the duty assigned to them.
... See More  

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Gallipolis, Ohio... The Chickasaw and Cherokee Indians...

Item #671376

September 21, 1816

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 21, 1816  Nearly a full page has: "Gallipolis, Ohio" which provides a brief but historic background of this community.

Two separate articles illustrate a great contrast on relationships between various Indian Tribes and the new settlers: "Chickasaw Notice" and "Huntsville, (M.T.)". The former is a letter from William ... See More  

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Andrew Jackson is tough on violators of Cherokee lands...

Item #695609

November 30, 1816

THE NATIONAL REGISTER, Washington, Nov. 30, 1816  Inside has a notice signed in type by: Andrew Jackson, Major General Com'fg. in which he notes: "All white men settling on the Cherokee lands...are hereby ordered to drive off their stock within 20 days and remove themselves and families within 30 days...All individuals not attending to this notification...will be prosecuted to the ex... See More  

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Treaties with seven Indian tribes... Judge Theodorick Bland...

Item #638717

February 01, 1817

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 1, 1817 Content includes: "Indian Treaties" which includes the synopsis of  8 treaties with various tribes.

Also: "Contracts--War & Navy Departments" "Army of the United States" which includes a detailed chart of "Fortifications" "Corps" & more; The Case of Judge Bland"; much repor... See More  

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Acts of Congress signed by President Madison...

Item #600004

March 22, 1817

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 22, 1817  Among the items in this issue are: "Laws of the United States - An Act More Effectually to Preserve the Neutral Relations of the United States" signed in type: James Madison, & another "An Act Concerning the Navigation of the United States" also signed by: James Madison. Also: "On Indian Affairs" which ta... See More  

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Napoleon writes his memoirs...

Item #627962

July 29, 1817

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 29, 1817  The top of the ftpg: "Napoleon Buonaparte" which begins: "The fact of Bonaparte being employed in writing 'Memoirs of his Own Life and Times'...".

Inside has: "The President's Tour" and "An Indian Treaty" with the Cherokees.

Four pages, never-trimmed margins, nice condition.... See More  

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Very early guitar advertisement... Gaines fights the Indians...

Item #665090

January 31, 1818

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Jan. 31, 1818  The back page a rather small ad with a small heading: "GUITAR" reading: "For sale cheap--a new, elegant and superior toned English Guitar, together with instruction book, strings, etc. Inquire at the Centinel Counting Room".

Have you ever seen an earlier ad for a guitar?

The ftpg. has: "Indian War" being a lengthy repo... See More  

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General Andrew Jackson...Indian Battles...

Item #201379

May 21, 1818


On pg. 2 under "Domestic" and "Of The Indian War" is an "intelligence" report from an officer about the operations of General Jackson. Mentions the conflagration of the Indian town Missiskauki and that Jackson "..proceeded to St. Marks--the Spanish garrison surrendered...and [he] had arrived at Pensacola.." The rep... See More  

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Indian troubles in Georgia... Buonaparte...

Item #673103

May 22, 1818

NEW YORK SPECTATOR, May 22, 1818  Page 2 has various reports from Europe with some content concerning Bonaparte, including comments on his exile at St. Helena. Also: "Voyage to the North Pole". Pg. 4 has nearly a full column concerning: "Destruction of the Chehaw Village" in Georgia, and another report: "Expedition Against the Chehaws" Indians.

Four pages, nice ... See More  

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Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin...

Item #689390

May 23, 1818

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 23, 1818 

* Inventor Eli Whitney

* Cotton Gin invention

An extremely significant back page report is headed: "Labor Saving Machinery" which notes: "There is now annually raised...with Mr. Whitney's machine, about one hundred millions of pounds of short staple cotton. To pick that quality by hand...before his invention would ... See More  

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James Monroe Land Sales in 1818....

Item #217403

June 30, 1818

AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, June 30, 1818.


* James Monroe public land sales notices

* Hartford, Connecticut 1818

On the front page under a small woodcut of an eagle and shield are five separate Acts plus three notices for the sale of public lands, each signed in type: James Monroe. Another act and notice on pg. 4 are also signed in type by Monroe. Other news of the day inclu
... See More  

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Capture of Pensacola Florida... Seminole War...

Item #704372

July 25, 1818

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 25, 1818 

* Battle of Penscacola

* Spanish West Florida

* First Seminole War

* General Andrew Jackson

Featured in this issue is a detailed report of the capture of Pensacola, Florida during the Seminole Indian war.  Also a report on the death and funeral of General Richard Montgomery.

Sixteen pages, 6 by 9 1/2 inches, some foxing, gen... See More  

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The diminishing American Indian... States to join the Union...

Item #647605

November 14, 1818

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 14, 1818  The first 3 ages contains a very interesting article on the American Indians, titled; "The American Aborigines" and beginning: "This people is rapidly passing away. Treaty after treaty & cession after cession, curtains the extent of their domain. The wild animals of the forest, on which they mainly depended for food, ret... See More  

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Initiating the historic Maryland Jew Bill...

Item #672090

December 19, 1818

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 19, 1818 

* Maryland Jew Bill Initiated

Inside has a brief yet notable item with a small head: "Maryland Legislature" which includes in part: "...A committee was appointed to bring in a bill to extend the same civil privileges to persons professing the Jewish religion as are enjoyed by those of any other religious sect..."... See More  

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Law to prevent piracy... Defending General Jackson...

Item #599589

March 13, 1819

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 13, 1819  Inside has: "General Jackson" and over a page of: "List of Acts" and also includes the text of 3 Acts of Congress, each signed: James Monroe, one: " protect the commerce of the United States and to punish the crime of piracy." Also inside: "Defence of General Jackson - Strictures on Mr. Lacock's... See More  

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Much on Indian treaties...

Item #599850

April 24, 1819

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, April 24, 1819  Among the articles are: "How to Tame an Elephant!" "Indian Treaties Ratified at the Late Session of Congress" which takes two pages; "Mexican Coinage"; a brief item: "Negro Stealing" reads: "Sentence of death has been pronounced on a fellow in North Carolina for negro stealing. If hanging is ri... See More  

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Andy Jackson... Return of Indian land in Georgia...

Item #644140

March 21, 1820

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 21, 1820  Most of pg. 2 is taken up with: "General Jackson's Memorial", continued in a future issue. The ftpg. has a document to the Senate signed by the President: James Monroe, concerning the return of land to the citizens of Georgia by various Indian tribes (see).

No fewer than 4 runaway slave reward ads. Four pages, nice condi... See More  

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1820 Cumberland Road Act By James Monroe...

Item #211469

August 15, 1820

NEW-HAMPSHIRE PATRIOT & STATE GAZETTE, Concord, Aug. 15, 1820 The front page has: An Act to authorize the appointment of Commissioners to lay out the Road therein mentioned, signed in type: James Monroe re. continuation of the Cumberland Road. Also a report stating that Gov. Cass, of the Michigan Territory, completed a treaty with the Chippewa Indians in which they ceded sixteen squa... See More  

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Early report on the death of Napoleon... Admission of Missouri to the Union... Major Andre's bones...

Item #689395

August 18, 1821

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 18, 1821 

* Missouri admitted to the Union

* Major John Andre bones exhumed

Inside has: "Major Andre" concerning the removal of his bones to be shipped off to England.

Also in this issue: "Indian Trade", and an historic report headed: "Admission of Missouri" concerning it formally joining the Union, which happen... See More  

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Carrier's Address in 1822...

Item #219825

January 16, 1822

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, MA, dated Jan. 16, 1822.


* Carrier's Address in 1822

* New Year's

The back page has a full column poem: New-Years Address Of The Carriers Of The Columbian Centinel, To Its Patrons, January 1, 1822. News of day includes: "More Piracy" "Another Mail Robbery" "Indian Department" and more. Several advertisements as well. 4 pages in good condition.
... See More  

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Blackfoot Indians... The slave trade...

Item #689401

August 23, 1823

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 23, 1823  Among the reports is a 4 1/2 page continued article: "Christian Indians". Also: "Indian War concerning the Blackfoot Indians in t he Fort Atkinson vicinity.

Also: "Emigration" "The Pirates" in the Caribbean; "Catskill Mountains" "The Slave Trade" and an article on the sale of: &q... See More  

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Early Erie Canal In 1823...

Item #212063

August 27, 1823

MASSACHUSETTS SPY, Worcester, Aug. 27, 1823 Pg. 3 has a brief report from a Utica paper stating that 44 boats arrived there last week through the Erie canal with details about the various cargo transported by the boats, including 3050 gallons of whiskey. Other news of the day includes: "Presentation Of A Military Standard" "Indian Massacre" "The Presidency" and much more. Several interesting adv... See More  

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The Presidential election... American Indians: Choctaw, Osage, Creeks...

Item #672083

December 04, 1824

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 4, 1824  Among the articles are: "Presidential Election" which has a chart showing states and votes for each, plus another report of the Alabama votes for President by county.

Also inside: "LaFayette & the Sons of the Forest" being an emotional heart-felt meeting of Choctaw Indian chiefs and General LaFayette, which is ironi... See More  

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Slave ship is abandoned... Trouble with the Creek Indians...

Item #696843

May 28, 1825

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 28, 1825

* Creek Nation

* Slaver ship

 Inside  has: "The Creeks" being a report from Milledgeville, Georgia, noting: "...for the protection of the frontier against Indians hostility, and also for ensuring the personal safety of the agent, whose life is said to be threatened by the Indians...the murder of Hawkins, the interp... See More  

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Creating a Jewish city in the Niagara River...

Item #644724

September 10, 1825

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 10, 1825 

* Hebrew city to be established

* Grand Island, New York

* Jews - Jewish - Judaica

One of the brief articles on the back page reads in its entirety: "An Hebrew city, to be called Ararat is to be laid off on Grand Island, N.Y., on the 15th or 18th instant, with masonic and military ceremonies. It will be located to face the mo... See More  

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Creating a Jewish city in the Niagara River...

Item #638114

September 10, 1825

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 10, 1825  One of the brief articles on the back page reads in its entirety: "An Hebrew city, to be called Ararat is to be laid off on Grand Island, N.Y., on the 15th or 18th instant, with masonic and military ceremonies. It will be located to face the mouth of the great canal." This was the project of newspaper publisher Mordecai Manuel N... See More  

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Arrival of the first boat traveling the Erie Canal...

Item #631742

November 12, 1825

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 12, 1825  Near the back of the issue is an article headed: 'New York Canals" which takes over a full page, and begins: "As was expected, the first boat from lake Erie arrived at New York on the 4th inst. She was convoyed by a fleet of steam boats, gaily dressed & decorated..." with much more. The first boat was the "Senec... See More  

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Indian Treaties Kanzas & Osages Tribes...

Item #659568

February 11, 1826

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 11, 1826  A feature of this issue is a report on two "Indian Treaties" with the Kanzas & Osages tribes. The ftpg. has a report concerning the Creek Indians.

Sixteen pages, 6 by 9 1/2 inches, some light staining on the front page, otherwise in great condition.

As noted in Wikipedia, this title: "...(was) one of the mo... See More  

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Arikara Tribe treaty in 1826....

Item #217302

February 14, 1826

The NATIONAL JOURNAL, Washington, D.C., February 14, 1826

* Treaty with Arikara Indian tribe

* John Quincy Adams
On the back page under a woodcut of an eagle and shield is a treaty between the U.S. and the Ricara tribe of Indians. Includes the names of the Indian leaders who signed the treaty with an x mark, plus various military officers, and in type: John Quincy Adams. Other news o
... See More  

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Indian treaty with the Mennatarees... Thomas Jefferson's financial troubles...

Item #659569

February 18, 1826

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, February 18, 1826  The front page has an article which begins: "A treaty with the Belantse-etea, or Mennatarees, was concluded between gen. Atkinson and maj. O'Falon & many chiefs of this tribe at the Lower Mandan village...It provides for a friendly intercourse between the parties..." with more.

Also on the ftpg. is a report which rea... See More  

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Ottoe & Missouri Indian Tribe in 1826...

Item #219802

February 25, 1826

NATIONAL JOURNAL, Washington, Feb. 25, 1826.


* Ottoe and Missouri Indian treaty

* President John Quincy Adams

On page 2 under an engraving of an eagle and shield is a treaty between the United States and Ottoe and Missouri tribe of Indians, signed in type: John Quincy Adams. Includes the names of the Indians who signed the treaty with an x mark. Has the English translation of
... See More  

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John Qunicy Adams in 1826....

Item #217991

March 30, 1826

NATIONAL JOURNAL, Washington, March 30, 1826.


* President John Quincy Adams acts

* 19th century Washington D.C.

On the front page under a woodcut of an eagle and shield is an Act for making appropriations for the Indian Department, signed in type: John Quincy Adams. Pg. 3 has an Act making appropriations for the Military Service of the U.S., also signed in type by Adams. Other
... See More  

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Early Washtenaw County Michigan in 1826....

Item #217457

September 01, 1826



* Early Washtenaw County Michigan - 3,000 inhabitants - Indian territory

On page 3 under Domestic is a brief item: Washtenaw county, in Michigan Territory, which three years ago contained but a single white inhabitant, has now a population of three thousand. Other news of the day includes: "Palestine Mission" "Williams College" "Steam Boa
... See More  

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Early Erie Pennsylvania...

Item #217460

October 06, 1826

BOSTON RECORDER AND TELEGRAPH, Massachusetts, Oct. 6, 1826


* Early Erie Pennsylvania PA census

* Beginnings - 1,000 inhabitants

On page 3 under"Domestic" is a report stating: Erie, Pa., "...30 years ago was a wilderness, and the path of the Indian its only road. Now it has upwards of 1000 inhabitants; and a road leading to Buffalo, Cleveland and Pittsburgh, equal
... See More  

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Execution of Chief McIntosh... Texas and slavery... Slaves set free...

Item #667251

November 04, 1826

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 4, 1826 

* Chief William McIntosh execution

* Texas to abolish slavery before American control

* Slave ships captured: slaves set free

A report: "Texas" has text noting: "...the states of Cohuahuilla and Texas had nearly completed their constitutions and that they have determined to abolish slavery in toto; and that all slaves... See More  

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