Elections & Inaugurations
Newspaper reporting of elections and inaugurations, including those with inaugural addresses, are some of the most sought after collectibles amongst rare newspaper enthusiasts. Reading about these historic political events within the context of other news of the day provides great depth to our understanding of these highly energized occasions. Please enjoy!Elections & Inaugurations
Newspaper reporting of elections and inaugurations, including those with inaugural addresses, are some of the most sought after collectibles amongst rare newspaper enthusiasts. Reading about these historic political events within the context of other news of the day provides great depth to our understanding of these highly energized occasions. Please enjoy!
Election results from 1685 incude a few notable names...
Item #710850
April 02, 1685
* 17th century election results
The back page has election results for various locations in England which include among others Colonel John Darcy, Michael Wharton, Lord Downe (John Downey), and Sir Richard Atherton among others.
Complete as a single sheet issue, 6 1/2 by 10 3/4 inches, very nice condition.... See More
Election of Patrick Henry sets the stage for his famous speech... So much more...
Item #699033
March 17, 1775
THE VIRGINIA GAZETTE (with Supplement), Williamsburg, Mar. 17, 1775
* Very rare Colonial Virginia publication
* Election of Patrick Henry
This newspaper was published by Alexander Purdie, a distinction to be made since there were three newspapers of this title printed in Williamsburg during the early period of the Revolutionary War.
The entire front page is a terrific letter: "T... See More
Constitutional Convention begins & Washington is elected its President: a day after report...
Item #686699
May 26, 1787
* Constitutional Convention begins
* George Washington elected president
An exceedingly historic issue as this newspaper reports the formal beginning of the Constitutional Convention--terrific to have in a newspaper from the city where these notable proceedings were held.
As such, this is likely the ... See More
Constitutional Convention begins & Washington is elected its President...
Item #686742
June 01, 1787
* Constitutional Convention begins
* George Washington elected president
An exceedingly historic issue as this newspaper reports the formal beginning of the Constitutional Convention.
Page 2 has a report from Philadelphia datelined May 26 with the historic report: "Yesterday, at the State House in this city, seven states were ful... See More
Very early report of Washington's inaugural address, plus his election as well...
Item #702876
April 01, 1789
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, April, 1789
* President George Washington
* Election victory & inauguration
Certainly the most notable content is found in "The Chronicle" section near the back where the latest news was reported, which covers the election & inauguration of President George Washington.
The full text is shown in the photos, however some ite... See More
George Washington's inauguration and inaugural address... And a very rare eye-witness account...
Item #685616
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE OR MONTHLY MUSEUM, Boston, May, 1789 * President George Washington
* Inauguration - inaugural address
* In a American publication (rare)
Rarely are we able to offer an American imprint with a period report of Washington's inauguration and inaugural address. Great to have this text in this famous magazine published by perhaps the most renowned printer of... See More
First inauguration of George Washington...
Item #679892
July 16, 1789
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 16, 1789
* President George Washington
* First inauguration (historic)
Certainly one of the more desirable events to have in a period newspaper is the first inauguration of George Washington. American issues with such content are virtually unobtainable today, and reports in any newspapers worldwide are extremely uncommon.
Here is a nice report of t... See More
George Washington is elected President of the United States...
Item #677063
February 20, 1793
NATIONAL GAZETTE, Philadelphia, Feb. 20, 1793
* President George Washington
* Historic 2nd election victory
Nearly three-quarters of the front page is taken up with an address: "To ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Secretary of the Treasury of he United States". This is followed, on page 2, with a second analysis of America's financial situation.
But by far the most significant ite
... See More
Sam Adams is elected governor...
Item #698113
May 11, 1796
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 11, 1796
* Samuel Adams, Massachusetts governor
* 18th century American original
Page 2 has a very brief report: "His Excellency Samuel Adams is re-elected Governor of this Commonwealth, for the year ensuing: by a majority of about 2000 votes."
Four pages, foxing and light damp staining, a bit irregular at the right margin.... See More
Federal election reports...
Item #636120
November 09, 1796
THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, Nov. 9, 1796 The front page is taken up with various reports from Europe, with further reports on pages 2 & 3. Page 3 also has reports headed: "Federal Election".
The back page has: "Anecdote of Gen. Buonaparte" and various ads, including one headed: "75 Dollars Reward--Stop Thief and Runaway" with much d... See More
Details on the Presidential election of 1796...
Item #677066
February 22, 1797
* John Adams presidential election
* Thomas Jefferson as vice president
Page 2 has a report from the "Proceedings of the Columbian Federal Congress" concerning the process for tallying votes for President & Vice President: "...that the two Houses shall assemble in the chamber of the House of Represen... See More
Adams's inauguration: the peaceful transfer of power...
Item #682538
March 13, 1797
THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, March 13, 1797
* John Adams inauguration
* Thomas Jefferson
A very historic issue as it reports the true test of the great American republic: the peaceful transfer of power.
Page 2 has a report noting in part: "On Saturday at twelve o'clock...soon after his election, JOHN ADAMS as President of the United States attended in the Chamber of th... See More
Results of the election for governor... Naval news...
Item #645101
June 02, 1798
THE WEEKLY MUSEUM, New York, June 2, 1798 Page 3 has results of the: "Election" for Governor, showing a majority for Livingstone over John Jay. Also: "An Act More Effectually to Protect the Commerce & Coasts of the United States".
Four pages, 9 1/2 by 11 3/4 inches.
Jefferson's response upon being notified of being elected President...
Item #667545
March 11, 1801
THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, March 11, 1801 Page 3 has, under: "President Elect" a report: "The Committee instructed on the 18th instant to wait the President Elect and notify him of his election, REPORT--that they have, according to order performed that service, and addressed the President elect in the following words, to wit: 'The committee beg le... See More
Jefferson is (finally) elected President...
Item #702568
March 13, 1801
MIDDLESEX GAZETTE, Middletown, Connecticut, March 13, 1801
* Thomas Jefferson finally wins
* Controversial election of 1800
Page 2 has a notable report on the election of Jefferson, beginning: "At 12 o'clock the 35th ballot was taken, the result the same with that of the preceding ballot. At one o'clock the 36th ballot was taken which issued in the election of THOMAS JEFF... See More
Jefferson's first inaugural address...
Item #703939
March 18, 1801
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 18, 1801 The front page has nearly two columns taken up with: "President Jefferson's Speech, at his Inauguration at Washington, March 4, 1801" which is signed by him in italic type: Thomas Jefferson.
Also on the front page are three Acts of Congress signed in italic type by the then President: John Adams, one for erecting a light house on Mart... See More
Rhode Island congratulates the President on his inauguration...
Item #702637
June 23, 1801
NEW-ENGLAND PALLADIUM, Boston, June 23, 1801 Page 2 contains a fine letter: "To Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States" from the legislature of Rhode Island, congratulating him on being inaugurated as President.
This is followed by: "The President's Answer" signed in type: T. Jefferson.
Four pages, very nice condition.
Thomas Jefferson's inaugural address...
Item #702705
March 14, 1805
BOSTON GAZETTE, March 14, 1805
* President Thomas Jefferson
* Inauguration - inaugural address
Page 2 has the lengthy: "President Jefferson's Speech" which is his inaugural address, introduced with: "This day, at 12 o'clock, Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States, took the oath of office & delivered the following Inaugural Speech..." which tak... See More
James Monroe leads in the election... Navy seeks a depot in the Chesapeake...
Item #673062
February 15, 1817
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 15, 1817 Featured is a chart showing that James Monroe is in the lead for Presidency of the United States. Another report has much detail on: "Cleopatra's Barge".
Five pages are taken up with considerable detail on: "Naval Depot" "Report of the Secretary of the Navy...Information Relating to the Selection of a Site for... See More
Monroe wins the Presidential election...
Item #622032
February 19, 1817
NEW YORK SPECTATOR, Feb. 19, 1817 The top of the front page as an announcing: "According to the provisions of the constitution the votes...for President and Vice President were yesterday counted...was officially proclaimed by the President of the Senate that JAMES MONROE is elected President...and DANIEL D. TOMPKINS is elected Vice President..." (see).
Four pages, never-trimmed ma... See More
Bounty land for military veterans... On Monroe's inauguration...
Item #681522
April 12, 1817
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., April 12, 1817 The front page has: "The Late Inauguration" with talk on some details of James Monroe's inauguration.
Page 3 has a reward ad for a runaway slave, and a report from the "War Department" concerning those entitled to bounty lands for serves in the military during the War of 1812.
Four pages, some period doodling a... See More
Bounty land for military veterans... On Monroe's inauguration...
Item #682468
June 24, 1817
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., June 24, 1817 The front page has a report of the travels of the President on the steam boat Fulton, landing at Staten Island & his visits to the fort at Harlem Heights. Also to runaway reward ads. Page 3 has a runaway reward ad as well.
Four pages, nice condition.
The historic Jew Bill... Striving for equal rights for the Jews... John Quincy Adam's Inaugural Address...
Item #709906
May 25, 1819
(priced at a discount) NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER (a pair of issues), Baltimore, May 29, 1819 and March 5, 1825
* Maryland Jew Bill w/ passage
* Jewish religious rights
* Jews to hold public office (MD)
A fine pair of issues on the passage of the Maryland "Jew Bill".
May 29, 1819 issue: Certainly the best content is full text of the speech presented by of H.M. Brackenridge in th... See More
James Monroe's inaugural address...
Item #680641
March 10, 1821
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 10, 1821
* President James Monroe
* Inauguration - inaugural address
Beginning at the bottom of the front page is: "Inaugural Speech", which has a prefacing paragraph which includes: "On Monday last, the 5th of March, in the great hall of the house of representatives...chief justice Marshall administered the oath of office to... See More
James Monroe's inaugural address...
Item #672155
March 10, 1821
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 10, 1821 Beginning at the bottom of the front page is: "Inaugural Speech", which has a prefacing paragraph which includes: "On Monday last, the 5th of March, in the great hall of the house of representatives...chief justice Marshall administered the oath of office to Mr. Monroe, previous to his entering upon the duties of his second... See More
Latest results on the presidential election...
Item #689415
November 27, 1824
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 27, 1824 The front page features a chart headed: "Presidential Election - Returns so far as they are known" showing votes for Adams, Clay, Crawford, and Jackson, with Adams having a commanding lead. Much related text as well carrying over to pages 2, 3, 4 & 5 with additional charts.
Inside has a fine letter signed in type: Bolivar&nb... See More
The Presidential election... American Indians: Choctaw, Osage, Creeks...
Item #672083
December 04, 1824
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 4, 1824 Among the articles are: "Presidential Election" which has a chart showing states and votes for each, plus another report of the Alabama votes for President by county.
Also inside: "LaFayette & the Sons of the Forest" being an emotional heart-felt meeting of Choctaw Indian chiefs and General LaFayette, which is ironi... See More
The Maryland "Jew Bill" finally passes... Inaugural address of John Quincy Adams...
Item #682592
March 05, 1825
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 5, 1825
* Inaugural address of John Quincy Adams
* Approval of the Maryland "Jew Bill"
Without question the most notable content is the page 3 report headed: "Maryland" which states in part: "The legislature of this state adjourned on Saturday last. The 'Jew bill', as it is called--or a bill to alter t... See More
First Jews elected in Maryland...
Item #690294
October 14, 1826
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 14, 1826
* First Jews elected in Maryland
* Judaica - Jewish
* Andrew Jackson
One of the reports within has a small head: "The Jews" with the text including: "...that at the last election for members of our city council, two gentlemen of the Jewish persuasion were chosen by the suffrages of a large part of the citizens...Messrs. S. ... See More
Short-lived campaign newspaper to elect Andrew Jackson...
Item #698008
July 19, 1828
UNITED STATES' TELEGRAPH--EXTRA, Washington, July 19, 1828
* Rare campaign periodical
* General Andrew Jackson
This is the volume 1, number 19 issue. This was a campaign journal "...devoted exclusively to the Presidential election..." as stated in the masthead.
It was published by Duff Green, who had come to Washington to establish a newspaper to promote the candidacy ... See More
Short-lived campaign newspaper to elect Andrew Jackson...
Item #644853
July 26, 1828
UNITED STATES' TELEGRAPH--EXTRA, Washington, July 26, 1828 This was a campaign journal "...devoted exclusively to the Presidential election..." as stated in the masthead. It was published by Duff Green, who had come to Washington to establish a newspaper to promote the candidacy of Andrew Jackson. Mott says, "Green proved to be of the hard-hitting politician type of editor... See More
Short-lived campaign newspaper to elect Andrew Jackson...
Item #689737
August 02, 1828
UNITED STATES' TELEGRAPH--EXTRA, Washington, Aug. 2, 1828
* Rare campaign periodical
* General Andrew Jackson
This was a campaign journal "...devoted exclusively to the Presidential election..." as stated in the masthead.
It was published by Duff Green, who had come to Washington to establish a newspaper to promote the candidacy of Andrew Jackson. Mott says: "Gree... See More
Election of Andrew Jackson... Cherokee Indians & land troubles...
Item #644278
November 22, 1828
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 22, 1828 One of the front page reports has a small head: "The Election" which begins: "The most anxious & ardent, as well as the most rude & ruthless political contest that ever took place in the United States, is now decided in the election of a large majority of electors pledged to the support of gen. Andrew Jackson for the... See More
Last signer of the Declaration of Independence dies... Jackson re-elected...
Item #680468
November 17, 1832
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 17, 1832
* Andrew Jackson re-elected President
* Death of Charles Carroll : signer of the Declaration of Independence
The front page has a lengthy editorial which begins:
"The presidential election has so far proceeded as to render the result certain, that "Andrew Jackson of Tennessee" will be re-elected president, and 'Martin ... See More
Election returns... Runaway ad...
Item #570754
November 22, 1836
HANOVER HERALD, Hanover, Pennsylvania, November 22, 1836. Page 3 features the Official Returns for President and Vice President for Pennsylvania along with the Electoral Election results. The front page of the issue contains a $25.00 Reward for a runaway apprentice. This contains other news and advertisements of the day. This is complete in four pages with scattered lite foxing, otherwise in... See More
Martin Van Buren is elected President of the United States...
Item #649931
February 11, 1837
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 11, 1837 Near the back is a report from Congress which includes, in part, a report of the formal election of Martin Van Buren as President, evidenced by a chart of the electoral vote by state.
The text reads in part: "...the return of electoral votes from each state was opened, read & recorded...After the counting of the votes was complet... See More
Jackson's farewell, and Van Buren's inauguration...
Item #687900
March 11, 1837
NEW YORK OBSERVER, March 11, 1837
* Martin Van Buren inauguration
* Andrew Jackson farewell address
Pages 2 and 3 contain the lengthy: "Farewell Address of Andrew Jackson" signed by him in type at its conclusion: Andrew Jackson. In it he reiterated his policies one final time. He appeal to the different regions of the country to place their loyalty to the Union above all els... See More
Andrew Jackson's lengthy farewell... Van Buren's inaugural address...
Item #693487
March 16, 1837
VERMONT CHRONICLE, Windsor, March 16, 1837
* Martin Van Buren inauguration
* Andrew Jackson farewell address
Half of page 2 and most of page 3 are taken up with the: "Farewell Address Of Andrew Jackson, to the People of the United States" in which he reiterates his policies one final time. He appeals to the different regions of the country to place their loyalty to the Unio... See More
Election fraud in 1840... 1st "October Surprise"?
Item #705363
October 23, 1840
THE GLOBE, New Bedford, Massachusetts, Oct. 23, 1840
* Election fraud proclaimed
* William Henry Harrison vs. Martin Van Buren
* First October surprise?
Page 3 has a 1.5 column article on voter fraud which includes in part: "They resorted to every means in their power to increase their vote. They’ve made a regular business of going from one Township to another and voting s... See More
Harrison wins the election: in a Washington, D.C. newspaper...
Item #687962
November 09, 1840
THE GLOBE, Washington, D.C., Nov. 9, 1840
* William Henry Harrison
* Presidential election victory
Perhaps there can be no better newspaper to report a Presidential election than one from the nation's capital.
Page 3 begins with: "The Election" "It becomes our duty to announce to the public that we have received returns of the elections in a sufficient number of the stat... See More
William H. Harrison is elected President...
Item #671429
November 14, 1840
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 14, 1840
* William Henry Harrison
* 1840 election victory
Page 2 has a report headed: "Presidential Election" which begins: "Sufficient returns are received to place the result beyond all question. It is now certain that William Henry Harrison will be elected president, and John Tyler, vice president of the United States...... See More
Harrison wins the Presidential election...
Item #688512
February 03, 1841
KENDALL'S EXPOSITOR, Washington, D.C., Feb. 3, 1841
* William Henry Harrison
* Presidential election victory
The back page has a chart noting the: "Official - Popular Vote For President" for both Harrison and Van Buren, listed by state, showing a close election: 11,268,752 vs. 1,123,057.
This was an uncommon title which lasted but 4 years. The prospectus (not here) note... See More
William Henry Harrison wins the presidential election...
Item #644898
February 19, 1841
* William Henry Harrison
* Presidential election victory
Page 3 has: "Presidential Vote" which is the official chart of the electoral votes certified by the tellers and announced by the Vice President to the Congress. It shows 234 votes for Harrison and 60 for Van Buren. Also a detailed report: "Arrival Of ... See More
Detailed plans for Harrison's inaugural...
Item #666634
March 03, 1841
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 3, 1841
* President William Henry Harrison
* Eve of his inauguration - inaugural
* From the city where it happened - rare
A terrific newspaper for the content found on page 3, which has considerable detail on the plans for the inauguration of William Henry Harrison which happened on the following day.
The first 1 1/2 columns ar... See More
Rare same-day report of Harrison's inauguration...
Item #687963
March 04, 1841
THE GLOBE, Washington, D.C., March 4, 1841
* President William Henry Harrison inauguration
* Very rare same-day report from nation's capital
A terrific & very desirable newspaper as this has a same-day report on the inauguration of President Wm. H. Harrison.
Such a report is likely only to be found in a newspaper from the nation's capital, however we have had several iss... See More
Perhaps the best newspaper to be had for Harrison's inauguration...
Item #685222
March 05, 1841
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 5, 1841
* President William Henry Harrison inauguration
* Inaugural address - best title to be had (rare)
Perhaps the best newspaper to be had on the inauguration of William Henry Harrison as the nation's ninth President, this being the premier newspaper from the nation's capital.
Most of page 2 is taken up with: &q... See More
President Harrison's inaugural address...
Item #683189
March 06, 1841
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, March 6, 1841
* William Henry Harrison
* Presidential inauguration
Taking most of the front page, all of pgs. 2 & 3 & half of page 4 is: "The Inaugural Address" of Gen. William Henry Harrison, March 4, 1841...", which was obviously very lengthy, so lengthy & delivered outdoors on a very cold & wet day that he caug... See More
President Harrison's inaugural address...
Item #683191
March 06, 1841
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, March 6, 1841
* William Henry Harrison
* Presidential inauguration
* Inaugural address
Taking most of the front page, all of pgs. 2 & 3 & half of page 4 is: "The Inaugural Address" of Gen. William Henry Harrison, March 4, 1841...", which was obviously very lengthy, so lengthy & delivered outdoors on a very cold & wet d... See More
"Extra" edition with Harrison's inaugural address...
Item #687945
March 06, 1841
COURANT--EXTRA, Hartford, Connecticut, March 6, (1841)
* William Henry Harrison
* Presidential inauguration
* Inaugural address
An uncommon single sheet "Extra" broadsheet with most of the front page taken up with the: "Inaugural Address or President Harrison" carrying over to page 2.
William Henry Harrison has the dubious distinction of being the first Presiden... See More
The inauguration of President Wm. H. Harrison...
Item #702420
March 08, 1841
BOSTON COURIER, March 8, 1841
* William Henry Harrison
* Presidential inauguration
* Inaugural address
Beginning on the front page and concluding on page 2 is: "Inauguration and Inaugural Address" of President William Henry Harrison. Most of the space is taken up with his very lengthy inaugural address.
Following the address is: "The Inauguration of William Henry Har... See More
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