Elections & Inaugurations

Newspaper reporting of elections and inaugurations, including those with inaugural addresses, are some of the most sought after collectibles amongst rare newspaper enthusiasts.  Reading about these historic political events within the context of other news of the day provides great depth to our understanding of these highly energized occasions.  Please enjoy!

Elections & Inaugurations

Newspaper reporting of elections and inaugurations, including those with inaugural addresses, are some of the most sought after collectibles amongst rare newspaper enthusiasts.  Reading about these historic political events within the context of other news of the day provides great depth to our understanding of these highly energized occasions.  Please enjoy!
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Great on the re-election of Abraham Lincoln...

Item #583644

November 12, 1864

ARMY & NAVY JOURNAL, New York, Nov. 12, 1864  As noted in the masthead this was the: "Gazette of The Regular & Volunteer Forces" and as such is replete with military news of all sorts. The ftpg. is entirely taken up with: "The Campaign In Georgia" and: "The Campaign In Virginia" giving the latest reports on battle events.

Other reports inside are headed:... See More  

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Lincoln election results... Jefferson Davis on arming slaves...

Item #679367

November 12, 1864

NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 12, 1864  

* Abraham Lincoln election results

* Jefferson Davis message

Over two columns on the front page are taken up with reports headed: "The Election" and "The Result In New York" "Union Majority in the State Over Eight Thousand" plus it continues with some election results from six other states as well, some quite brief.

The re... See More  

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On the Presidential election, in a Confederate newspaper...

Item #691526

November 12, 1864

DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, Nov. 12, 1864  

* re. Abraham Lincoln 2nd election victory

A wealth of war-related reports on the front page including: "THE WAR NEWS" with subheads: "From Petersburg--From the Valley--Georgia". Also: "The Yankee Presidential Elections" notes frustration in not knowing the outcome.

Other front page reports: "Additio... See More  

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Famous Lincoln cartoon on having won the election...

Item #172836

November 26, 1864

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 26, 1864  The prime piece of this issue is the very famous back page political cartoon captioned: "Long Abraham Lincoln A Little Longer." showing an elongated version of him since he just won his second presidential election (see). This cartoon has become quite famous.

The entire front page is taken up with prints of: "Captain Napoleon Colli
... See More  

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Reports on Lincoln's inauguration in this racist newspaper...

Item #680176

March 04, 1865


* Rare pro-white publication

* Abraham Lincoln inauguration

* Closing weeks of the Civil War

A decidedly racist newspaper which began well before the Civil War & lasted a few years after. This issue has much reporting and editorializing on Lincoln's inauguration, both with a strong bias against Lincoln.

Some articles area hea... See More  

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Lincoln's second inauguration...

Item #691247

March 06, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, March 6, 1865

* Abraham Lincoln 2nd inauguration

* Closing weeks of the Civil War

* Assassination nears

Page 4 headlines at the top of last column about the second inauguration of Abraham Lincoln include: "INAUGURATION" "Our Report of the Second Installation of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States" "Scenes at the White House in the Str... See More  

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Lincoln's second inaugural address: 'With malice towards none...'

Item #683525

March 07, 1865

SACRAMENTO DAILY UNION, California, March 7, 1865 

* Abraham Lincoln's second inauguration (historic)

* "With Malice Toward None, With Charity For All"

* End of Civil War & assassination nears

Page 2 has a very historic report headed: "Inauguration Day at Washington" which is primarily taken up with the: "Inaugural Address of President Lincoln". I... See More  

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In a pro-South newspaper: Lincoln's inaugural address on the front page...

Item #701259

March 08, 1865

THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, March 8, 1865 

* Abraham Lincoln's inauguration

* Inaugural address on the ftpg.

* Closing weeks of the Civil War - pro-Confederate title

Among the front page reports is: "Inauguration of President Lincoln--His Address" which contains his address in full, ending with the immortal words: "With malice towards none, with charity for all, wit... See More  

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Lincoln's inauguration...

Item #172868

March 18, 1865

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 18, 1865  The entire front page is taken up with a very nice engraving captioned: "President Lincoln Taking the Oath At His Second Inauguration, March 4, 1865" showing just that. A great display issue as such.

An inside page has an article: "The President's Inaugural" which includes the text of his second inaugural address, which i... See More  

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Sea Steamer 'Great Republic'... Election results...

Item #173044

November 24, 1866

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 24, 1866 Nice full ftpg: 'Launch of the Sea Steamer 'Great Republic' '. Halfpg: 'Collecting the Remains of Union Soldiers for Re-Interment in National Cemeteries'. Fullpg: 'Election Returns--Scene in Front of the N.Y. Tribune Office '. Halfpg: 'Departure of Gen. Sherman for Mexico'

Complete in sixteen pages.

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Life of a convict at Sing Sing... Election in Washington...

Item #173104

June 22, 1867

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 22, 1867  Ftpg. shows: 'Portrait of Queen Victoria in a very ornate frame. Fullpg: 'Constitutional Convention at Albany'. Nice dblpgctrfld: 'The Life of a Convict at Sing Sing Prison, New York' shows 16 scenes. Nice quarterpg. illus: 'Significant Election Scene at Washington' shows blacks voting, with text mentioning: '...the... See More  

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1867 William G. Brownlow re-elected governor... ...

Item #667369

August 03, 1867

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 3, 1867

* William Gannaway "Parson" Brownlow

* Governor of Tennessee re-election victory

Page 4 has an article headed: "THE TENNESSEE ELECTION" "Governor Brownlow Re-elected by Thirty Thousand Majority" and more. (see)

Complete with 8 pages, irregular along the spine, otherwise nice.

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Presidential Message... Charter Election...

Item #561096

December 04, 1867

THE NEW YORK TIMES, from New York, dated December 4, 1867.  The front page of the issue contains the report of The Charter Election which also includes the extensive reporting of the Wards and recapitulation, etc.

Page 4 contains a report on The President's Message, which was published at length in the previous days' publication. This also includes passage of President Johnson's speech as ... See More  

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Preparing for Grant's inauguration... Andrew Johnson's exit...

Item #682722

March 04, 1869

NEW YORK TIMES, March 4, 1869  The front page begins with much reporting on the inaugural ceremonies of U.S. Grant as President, which occurred on the date of this issue (hence nor reported here).

Heads include: "WASHINGTON" "A Day of General Excitement at the Capital" "The City Crowded with Visitors From All Parts" "Increased Curiosity Regarding Gen. Grant... See More  

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Inauguration of President Grant... Howard University...

Item #173288

March 20, 1869

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 20, 1869  The front cover of this issue features "Vice-President Wade Administering the Oath to Schuyler Colfax". Also  there is a nice doublepage centerfold of "The Inauguration of President Grant, March 4, 1869" which is very is displayable. A half-page illustration "Howard University, Washington D.C." A full page illus... See More  

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The inauguration of historic Monmouth Park Racetrack...

Item #696377

August 06, 1870

SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, Aug. 6, 1870  

* Monmouth Park Racetrack opening

* Thoroughbred horse racing

* Oceanport, New Jersey

It is subtitled in the masthead: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, and the Stage". 

Although most of page 2 is taken up with a wealth of fine baseball game reports, including many box scores, perhaps the most notable content is on p... See More  

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Gambling houses... Election Fraud (Thomas Nast)...

Item #173554

October 07, 1871

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Oct. 7, 1871  The backpage has the Thomas Nast cartoon: "That's What's The Matter", captioned: "Boss Tweed. 'As long as I can count the Votes, what are you going to do about it? Say?'", which draws attention to election fraud.

Also present are: the frontpage 2/3 pg. illus. of "A London School Board Capture." (Homele... See More  

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Thomas Nast print... Grant's second inauguration...

Item #173706

March 22, 1873

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 22, 1873  Great full front page: 'The Signal--A Buffalo Herd in Sight' shows an Indian sending a signal to the Indian village seen below him; 1/2 page Thomas Nast "The Cherubs of the Credit Mobilier"; 

Full page: 'The Inauguration Ball--Arrival of the President's Party'; Nice doublepage centerfold: 'The Sec... See More  

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Samuel Tilden elected... False report...

Item #689664

November 08, 1876

THE DAILY BEE, Sacramento, Nov. 8, 1876 

* President Rutherford B. Hayes

* Presidential election false victory reporting

Page two of this issue contains the column headline "THE NEXT PRESIDENT" and reports "If he shall live until that time Samuel J. Tilden will become President of these United States on the 5th day of March as appears by the election returns at hand as w... See More  

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Sleigh riding... Counting election results...

"Grinding a skate in Friesland", by Christoffel Bischop

Item #174114

February 17, 1877

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Feb. 17, 1877 (including Supplement)  Perhaps the most notable is the double-page print found in the Supplement: "Grinding a Skate in Friesland", by Christoffel Bischop (engraved for Harper's Weekly by William Biscombe Gardner). Note: This print (as do nearly all double-page prints) typically has (very) small binding holes.

Also included are: Full ftpg. Nas... See More  

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The coming inauguration... Life in the Black Hills...

Item #583126

March 03, 1877

PUBLIC LEDGER, Memphis Tennessee, March 3, 1877 

* Ulysses S. Grant arrives in  Washington D.C.

A page 3 report has column heads; "The Inauguration" "President Grant Gives a Reception--His Delight at so Soon to be Relieved" and "The Capital Rapidly Filling up with Visitors" (see photos). The front page has an article: "Life In The Black Hills&quo... See More  

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Commenting on Hayes' inaugural address...

Item #584669

March 06, 1877

PUBLIC LEDGER, Memphis, Tennessee, March 6, 1877 

* President Rutherford B. Hayes

Page 2 has; "Hayes' Inaugural" "Press Opinions, Both in England and America" with the report having datelines of London, New York & Cincinnati (see photos).

This issue is complete with four pages, and is in nice condition.

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Inauguration of the President..

Item #584664

March 06, 1877

THE DAILY MEMPHIS AVALANCHE, Memphis, Tennessee, March 6, 1877 

* Rutherford B. Hayes inauguration

* Inaugural Address

Over half of the front page is taken up with reports concerning the inauguration of President Rutherford B. Hayes as President beginning with an interesting heading: "Putting On Harness" "Rutherford B. Hayes Formally Assumes the Office of Chief Executive... See More  

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Inauguration of Rutherford B. Hayes, in his home state newspaper...

Item #687886

March 06, 1877

THE CLEVELAND LEADER, Ohio, March 6, 1877  

* President Rutherford B. Hayes

* Inauguration - inaugural address

A great issue on coverage of the Hayes election as President. And great to have this content in an Ohio newspaper, as this was Rutherford B. Hayes' home state. In fact he was governor of Ohio for a term.

The front page has one column heads: "HAYES' INAUGURATION&q... See More  

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James Garfield is elected President...

Item #691384

November 03, 1880

CHRONICLE & NEWS, Allentown, Pennsylvania, Nov. 3, 1880

* General James A. Garfield

* Presidential election win (1st report)

 The front page haw a treat stack of first column headlines taking over three-quarters of the column, including: "OVERWHELMING!" "The Greatest Political Battle!" "The Grandest Republican Victory" "GARFIELD VINDICATED" &... See More  

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Election day in New York...

Item #174506

November 13, 1880

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 13, 1880  Full ftpg. Nast political cartoon: "A Local Question", plus another inside: "What A Pity!". Fullpg: "Women at the Polls in New Jersey in the Good Old Times". Nice doublepage centerfold: "Scenes & Incidents of Election Day in New York". Fullpg: "Cruelties Practiced on Fish & Fowl" plus m... See More  

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James A. Garfield inauguration...

Item #585213

March 04, 1881

THE CLEVELAND LEADER, Ohio, March 4, 1881

* James A. Garfield inauguration (day of)

This 8 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "INAUGURATION", "Washington a Wilderness of Flags of Every Kind", "THE CABINET", "Hotels, Boarding Houses and Legislative Halls", "Filled, Jammed and Packed with Visitors" and more ... See More  

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Inauguration of Garfield...

Item #174542

March 19, 1881

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 19, 1881  Full ftpg. Nast: 'The Fair in the Central Park' shows Grant. Fullpg: 'The Inauguration of Pres. Garfield--Scenes in Washington' shows 5 scenes. Great doublepage centerfold: 'The Inauguration of Pres. Garfield' is very displayable. Another fullpg. Nast political cartoon.

Other news and advertisements of the day are include... See More  

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Dinner at historic Delmonico's... Election returns....

Item #174926

November 15, 1884

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 15, 1884  Front full pg. Thomas Nast illus. of "What It Means." Inside is a full pg. containing three large illus. pertaining to "Opening of the American Art Galleries, Madison Square, New York." Two 1/4 pg. portraits of "The Rt. Rev. William Paret, D.D., Bishop of Maryland" and "Leopold Damrosch."

Doublepage cen... See More  

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Preparing for the inauguration... Chester Arthur on the front page...

Item #648402

March 07, 1885

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, March 7, 1885 The full ftpg. is a print of: "The Last Days of President Arthur in the White House--Father & Daughter." Inside has a doublpg. centerfold of: "The Grand Sham Battle...at Prospect Park, Brooklyn...The Mob Breaking in on The First Line of Defense". A nice fullpg. print shows the west front of the Capitol in advance of th... See More  

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Grover Cleveland's inauguration...

Item #174960

March 14, 1885

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 14, 1885  Full ftpg: 'The Inauguration--Pres. Arthur & Mr. Cleveland Leaving the White House For The Capitol' plus fullpg: 'The Inauguration--Cleveland Delivering The Inaugural Address' is very nice, plus 'Night Scene Near The White House' showing the celebration. Great Doublepage centerfold: 'First Meeting Of Pres. Clevelan... See More  

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The election of President Harrison...

Item #583225

November 07, 1888

THE WORLD - EVENING EDITION, New York, November 7, 1888  The issue features column headlines of "EXTRA 2 O'Clock. Little Hope - Though Chairman Brice Makes No Concession - Indiana Not Yet Certain for Cleveland - You May as Well Call it "President Harrison" which includes additional sub-headlines and illustration of President-elect Harrison and Vice-President-elect Morton wi... See More  

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The election "Extra": Benjamin Harrison has won...

Item #681809

November 07, 1888

THE REPUBLICAN--EXTRA, St. Johnsbury, Vermont, Nov. 7, 1888 

* Presidential election

This is the election "extra" with front page column heads noting; "THE ELECTION" "The Result Not Yet a Matter of Certainty" "The Republicans Claim to Have Won a Victory!" "New York Claimed For Harrison by 15,000!" and more.

Pages 2 and 3 contains nice p... See More  

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Great Salt Lake of Dakota... President William H. Harrison's Inauguration...

Item #175376

March 09, 1889

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 9, 1889 (excludes supplement)  Full ftpg: 'The Arrival of Troops--A Scene on Penna. Ave. Before Inauguration Day.' Very nice doublepage centerfold: 'Sketches in Washington Before the Inauguration' shows 10 scenes, including: 'The Arrival of the President Elect at the Arlington' [President William Henry Harrison]. Fullpg: 'The Gr... See More  

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Late 19th century thoughts on Uncle Tom's Cabin...

Benjamin Harrison loses his wife just days before he loses the election...

Item #629563

October 29, 1892

WAVERLY FREE PRESS, Waverly, New York, October 29, 1892  The second page of this issue has under the heading, "Death of Mrs. Harrison", a report on the death of the wife of the president - just days before he would also lose the election to Grover Cleveland (see image). Another report includes details of the Columbus Day celebration (being the 400th anniversary) and lengthy thoughts... See More  

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The election of 1892 in a Salt Lake City newspaper...

Item #678139

November 09, 1892

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Nov. 9, 1892  The first column on the front page has the single column heading: "FOR CLEVELAND", followed by subheads: "A Great Victory for Democratic Principles", "Beginning Of A New Epoch", "The Results of Yesterday's Election as Far as Ascertained", and more. Additional election-themed coverage is found throu... See More  

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An incredibly graphic election issue...

Item #695744

November 09, 1892

THE STATE, Richmond, Virginia, Nov. 9, 1892  

* President Grover Cleveland

* Presidential election victory

* Amazingly displayable

The entire front page is a celebration of the election of Grover Cleveland as President. It is done in a very dramatic fashion, featuring a huge engraving of a rooster (once the symbol of the Democratic party) that stretches from just below the dateline to... See More  

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Inauguration of President Grover Cleveland...

Item #702582

March 05, 1893

THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE, Nebraska, March 5, 1893  The top of the first column has heads: "CLEVELAND GOES IN" "Thrice Nominated & Twice Inaugurated President of the United States" "Severe Storm Mars The Ceremonies" ""Policy of The New Administration". The ftpg. also has a nice graphic showing: "Cleveland And His Cabinet". The text takes o... See More  

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President Cleveland's inauguration...

Item #175794

March 11, 1893

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 11, 1893 Full ftpg. shows the entrance to the Horticultural Bldg. of the Columbian Exposition. Fullpg. of the 'Esquimaux Village' at the Expo. Fullpg: 'Comparative Architecture in New York'.

Nice doublepage centerfold: 'The Inauguration Ceremonies--Pres. Cleveland & Ex-President Harrison Returning from the Capitol' in a carriage. Ar... See More  

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President Cleveland's inauguration...

Item #175796

March 18, 1893

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 18, 1893  Full ftpg: 'Inauguration of Pres. Cleveland--Pa. Troops Passing the Reviewing Stand'. plus 2 fullpgs. of photos of Cleveland's inauguration.

Fine doublepage centerfold: 'Inauguration Ball in the Rotunda of the Pension Bldg.' 2 full pages of the 'Columbian Expo.'

Complete issue.

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1897 William McKinley inauguration...

Item #591387

March 05, 1897

ALLEGANY COUNTY REPORTER, Wellsville, New York, March 5, 1897 

* President William McKinley 

* Inauguration - inaugural

The front page has nice coverage of the inauguration of President William McKinley with column 1 headings: "Columbia's New Chief", "Wm. McKinley Now Guides the Ship of State", "Inaugural Kaleidescope" and "The Display ... See More  

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"Inauguration Day in Washington"... Mining in Randsburg, Californi...

Item #176210

March 06, 1897

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 6, 1897  Full ftpg. shows: 'Skating at Van Cortlandt Park, New York City'. Nice fullpg. with 5 photos of: 'The New Mining town of Randsburg, in Southern Calif.'. Terrific doublepage centerfold : 'Inauguration Day in Washington' is an elevated view of the Washington skyline.  A serialized story entitled "The Pursuit of the ... See More  

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McKinley's inauguration...

Item #176212

March 13, 1897

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 13, 1897  Full ftpg. illus. shows: 'The Inauguration of President McKinley', taking the oath in front of the Capitol. Nice fullpg. shows: 'Pres. McKinley & His Cabinet' & on 'The Inaugural Procession' plus 2 more fullpg. prints on the inauguration, & the centerfold as well. Very nice fullpg: 'The Evolution of the Nat... See More  

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President McKinley is re-elected...

Item #673609

November 07, 1900

GREENSBORO PATRIOT, North Carolina, Nov. 7, 1900  The top of page 4 has column heads: "A Republican Landslide" "McKinley Re-elected President by a Greater Majority Than He Received in 1896--Carries 22 States Certain--Bryan Carries 15, Leaving 8 in Doubt--The Next Congress Republican" with the text taking about half a column.

Eight pages, archivally rejoined at the spine, ... See More  

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McKinley is elected President in 1900...

Item #684715

November 07, 1900

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Nov. 7, 1900

* William McKinley & Theodore Roosevelt

* Presidential election

The top of the front page has a two column headline: "REPUBLICAN TRIUMPH STEADILY INCREASING" with subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era... See More  

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Inauguration issue of Williams McKinley...

Item #177087

March 09, 1901

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 9, 1901  This issue is printed in blue and orange ink. Full page illustration of President William McKinley by Hitchcock; Swearing in the Vice-President; The Record of the Administration with illustrations; The Cuban Situation; full page illustration "The Illumination on the Night of the Inauguration"; full page "The Ladies of the Administra... See More  

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President Wilson's Inauguration...

Item #177173

November 08, 1902

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 8, 1902  Frontpage photo Americans of To-Morrow, Michael I. Pupin; President Wilson's Inauguration; William M. Chase's Recent Work; The New Yale Square with photos; fullpage illustration "The Development of the Upper New York" by Pettit; fullpage illustration "The Men Who Long for the Fray, But Must Always Wait" by Giles... See More  

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The election of President Roosevelt...

Item #583402

February 09, 1905

SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Massachusetts, February 9, 1905  Page twelve carries a one column wide headline "Roosevelt Is Elected" with subheadlines "Official Announcement Made". The ceremony of counting the electoral votes of the states was held. Other news and advertisements are within the issue.

This is complete in 14 pages with several small bind hole... See More  

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Mark Twain... Inauguration Day... NY Railway Strike...

Item #177296

March 18, 1905

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 18, 1905  Front page illustration "A Growing Menace" By W. A. Rogers; Photos of New York's Railway Strike; From My Unpublished Autobiography, by Mark Twain; Two Photos of Mark Twain, one from 1875 and one from 1905; "Mrs. Humphry Ward" by Albert Sterner; Double page Photos, The President and Inauguration-Day Ceremonie... See More  

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Inaugural Running at Belmont Park...

Item #177306

May 27, 1905

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 27, 1905  Front page illustration "Get Rid of Your Friends" by W. A. Rogers; Views of Kamranh Bay, The French Port in Indo-China Which the Russian Fleet Used as a Naval Base for Ten Days; Russian Prisoners of War in Japan--Scenes at Himeji, Showing the Advantages Given to Russian Prisoners by the Japanese; Military Manoeuvres Above the Clouds-... See More  

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