Abraham Lincoln & The Civil War
We offer these special packages as a great way to acquire a collection of newspapers that cover the scope of the American Civil War. To learn more about newspapers from this era and to shop individual issues, be sure to visit our main Civil War newspapers page.Abraham Lincoln & The Civil War
We offer these special packages as a great way to acquire a collection of newspapers that cover the scope of the American Civil War. To learn more about newspapers from this era and to shop individual issues, be sure to visit our main <a href="http://www.rarenewspapers.com/entry/civil_war">Civil War newspapers</a> page.
Huge Civil War map is very displayable...
Item #699323
May 07, 1864
* Battle of Spotsylvania (EVE)
* Robert E. Lee & large map
Most of the front page is taken up with a huge map headed: "THE SCENE OF THE IMPENDING CONFLICT. Virginia from Fredericksburg to Richmond--The Fords, Rivers, Railroads, Turnpikes, etc. between Our Army & the Rebel Capital." Half of the first column is taken up with related ... See More
Eight New York newspapers from the Civil War...
Item #699260
March 14, 1861
A lot of eight issues, all The New York World from the first year of the Civil War, 1861. Each contains Civil War reports, each is folded into quarters and has wear at folds and/or foxing causing them to be a bit "2nd rate" in condition.
Eight New York newspapers from the Civil War...
Item #699259
October 19, 1861
A lot of eight issues, all The New York World from the first year of the Civil War, 1861. Each contains Civil War reports, each is folded into quarters and has wear at folds and/or foxing causing them to be a bit "2nd rate" in condition.
The $100 United States Treasury note...
Item #699148
September 14, 1861
NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 14, 1861
* Print of a $100 United States Treasury Note
The top of the front page features a very nice print of the new Treasury Note to be issued, headed: "THE NATIONAL POPULAR LOAN. Fac Similie of a Hundred Dollar Treasury Note, with Coupons Attached--Interesting Financial Intelligence for the People."
The front page also has a very lengthy & deta... See More
"Johnny comes marching home"...
Item #699110
June 10, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 10, 1865
* "Johnny comes marching home" to Washington
* The Final March: Grand Review of the Armies
* Gettysburg hero General George Meade & more
The full front page is a nice print of: "The Grand Review at Washington--General Meade & Staff Passing the Principal Stand" during a parade of returning Civil War soldie... See More
The Civil War in the West, with a map...
Item #699021
December 10, 1861
NEW YORK HERALD, Dec. 10, 1861
* Midwestern Civil War map
The front page features a nice & detailed Civil War map with a large heading: "THE WESTERN SEAT OF WAR" with a much more detailed subhead. The front page also has some nice first column heads including: "The Struggle In The West" "Strategic Positions Held by the Rebels..." "The Feeling in Kentuck... See More
The Monitor vs. the Merrimac...
Item #699020
March 10, 1862
* Battle of Hampton Roads, Virginia
* Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack (CSS Virginia)
* American Civil War ironclads
The back page contains two nice Civil War maps headed: "Fernandina, Florida, and Vicinity" and "Scene of Burnside's Operations in North Carolina" as seen in the photos, with not only related one column ... See More
Trial of the Lincoln conspirators... Capture of Jeff Davis...
Item #699011
May 15, 1865
THE WORLD, New York, May 15, 1865
* Jefferson Davis captured
* Abraham Lincoln assassination
* Trial of the conspirators
The front page is entirely taken up with reports of the Conspiracy trial for those involved in the assassination of Lincoln. "THE CONSPIRACY" "Official Report of Part of the Evidence Taken Before the Military court" "Reverdy Johnson Appears... See More
Signed by Beauregard and Lincoln...
Item #699007
December 24, 1864
DAILY EXAMINER, Richmond, Virginia, Dec. 24, 1864
* Capital of the Confederacy
* President Abraham Lincoln
* General P. G. T. Beauregard
Not just a newspaper from the Confederate states, but from the capital of the Confederacy. The front page has: "The War News--Affairs In the Valley & Around Gordonsville" which includes a dispatch signed in type by: G. T. Beauregard, ... See More
Editor has a gloomly outlook on the war...
Item #699000
November 12, 1862
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Nov. 12, 1862
* Confederate editor gives a pessimistic outlook
The front page has much on the Civil War with items headed: "The Enemy Of James River", "From Northern Virginia", "Fredericksburg--The Recent Yankee Raid", "The Navigation of The Mississippi", "Latest News From The North", and many subhead... See More
John Wilkes Booth 3 years before his notoriety...
Item #698989
March 28, 1862
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, March 28, 1862
* John Wilkes Booth theater ad
* Civil War original reporting
The front page contains one of the fascinating tidbits of history which delight collectors, in this case, an inconspicuous advertisement for a theatrical production at the Mary Provost Theater in New York--starring John Wilkes Booth.
See the photo for the complete ad which notes the ... See More
The Civil War in Texas... The Alamo...
Item #698896
March 23, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 23, 1861 The front page is taken up with: "Major Anderson's Command at Fort Sumter" which includes 9 officers, one of whom is "Capt. A. Doubleday".
Other prints inside include: "Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina" "Surrender of Ex-General Twiggs, Late of the United States Army, to the Texan Troops in the... See More
Latest news from the Civil War...
Item #698856
June 30, 1864
THE WORLD, New York, June 30, 1864
* Battle of Jerusalem Plank Road
* First Battle of Weldon Railroad
* Siege of Petersburg campaign
Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE GRAND CAMPAIGN" "The Petersburg & Weldon Road Occupied" "Early's Corps Sent to Lynchburg" "Attack Upon Gen. Sheridan on the Chickahominy" "... See More
Much on the Civil War from the Confederacy...
Item #698788
February 12, 1863
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 12, 1863
* Confederate capital
Not only a nice Confederate newspaper, but one from the capital of the Confederacy. The front page includes: "City Intelligence" "Latest News From The North--Yankee Account of the Charleston Naval Victory" "Another Brutal Order of the Enemy--The Sick & Wounded Forced On Families & T... See More
President Jefferson Davis addresses his Congress...
Item #698738
November 08, 1864
THE CHARLESTON MERCURY, South Carolina, Nov. 8, 1864
* Confederate president Jefferson Davis
* Rare title from the origin of the Civil War
Among the front page reports on the Civil War are: "Glorious Achievements of Forrest's Horse Marines" "Yankee Army News" "The Tennessee Valley Campaign" "The President's Message" in which he presents to his... See More
Sherman descending upon Savannah...
Item #698734
December 19, 1864
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Dec. 19, 1864
* From the capital of the Confederacy
* General William T. Sherman
* Sherman's March to the Sea
* Capture of Savannah close
Not just a newspaper from the Confederate, but from the capital of the Confederate states.
The front page has an editorial beginning: "The accounts from Nashville are the statements of the enemy, &... See More
"Memphis" newspaper printed in Atlanta, Georgia... Jeff Davis rallies the troops...
Item #698733
January 20, 1864
THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL, Atlanta, Georgia, Jan. 20, 1864
* Very Rare Confederate title from the "traveling" newspaper
* Jefferson Davis - President of the Confederacy
See the bottom of this listing for the fascinating history of this newspaper.
Among the front page items are: "Strahl's Brigade" "The Horrors of the Cold" "Measure for Restorati... See More
Map of Port Hudson, and military illustrations inside...
Item #698608
March 31, 1863
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, March 31, 1863
* Pre-Siege of Port Hudson - Louisiana
* American Civil War original map
The front page features a nice & detailed map headed: "Map Of Port Hudson" along the Mississippi.
Also front page column heads: "Naval Engagement at Port Hudson" "The Mississippi Abandoned & Destroyed" "Union Victory at Berwick's Bay... See More
Much on the Civil War from the Confederacy...
Item #698605
January 24, 1863
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, January 24, 1863
* From the capital of the Confederacy
The front page includes: "The Intercepted Correspondence", "Notes Of The War--Affairs at Vicksburg--The Several Attempts of the Enemy Against the City--A Renewed Attack Expected--The Spirit of Our Army" "City Intelligence" "The Charge of Breckinridge's Division in ... See More
Huge front page map shows much of Texas...
Item #698599
November 30, 1861
NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 30, 1861 An extremely decorative issue, as the entire front page is taken up with a huge map headed: "THE GREAT EUROPEAN ALLIANCE AGAINST THE MEXICAN REPUBLIC" with a subhead: "The Gulf Slope of Mexico--The Harbor of Vera Cruz and the National Road to the Capital--Scene of Operations of the English, French and Spanish Expedition." with the map showing much... See More
Civil War map of Port Hudson, Louisiana...
Item #698594
February 11, 1863
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Feb. 11, 1863
* Port Hudson, Louisiana map
* Lebanon TN Tennessee
* Sabine Pass - Galveston TX Texas
The front page is dominated by a Civil War map titled: "Situation Of Port Hudson" which shows the vicinity as well, from Baton Rouge to the south to St. Francisville & Bayou Sara to the north.
Many one column war-related heads as well including: "... See More
Generals Beauregard and Forrest...
Item #698580
October 01, 1864
THE CHARLESTON MERCURY, South Carolina, Oct. 1, 1864
* Rare Confederate publication
* Origin of the American Civil War
Among the front page reports on the Civil War are: "Forrest Again Successful" "General Beauregard, Again" "Reconstruction & Subjugation One and the Same" "Affairs on the Mississippi" "News From the Far West" and more.
C... See More
The Confederates on the Battle of Gettysburg...
Item #698576
July 11, 1863
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, July 11, 1863
* Battle of Gettysburg
* Rebel account
The front page includes: "Charleston" "Yankee Agents In England" "The Courts" "City Intelligence" "Prisoners" "Sale of Negroes in Georgia" with a list of names, ages and prices--fascinating; "Another Attack On Charleston" "... See More
The Queen of the West... another Confederate naval victory!
Item #698573
February 27, 1863
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 27, 1863
* A Splendid [Confederate] Naval Victory... Queen of the West
* Much on the (slow) movement of Northern Troops
* Newspaper from the capital of the Confederate States
Not just a newspaper from the Confederacy, but from the capital of the Confederates states. Among the front page reports are: "The American War In Europe--Opinions of... See More
Editorial paints a positive picture for the Confederacy...
Item #698572
May 21, 1863
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, May 21, 1863
* Lengthy Confederacy editorial
The front page has much reporting from the "The Courts" and "City Intelligence" as well as several Acts from the Confederate Congress including: "An Act to Establish a Volunteer Navy". There are also military reports from Mobile & Wilmington.
The back page has a lengthy ed... See More
Celebrating returning Civil War soldiers...
Item #698566
May 25, 1865
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 25, 1865
* When Johnny Comes Marching Home
* Civil War soldiers welcome home
* William T. Sherman's sea marchers
The top of the first column on the ftpg. has a nice graphic of an eagle on the U.S. shield, plus: "REVIEW ! " "150,000 Veterans" "The Pageant On Wednesday" "The Armies of Tennessee and Georgia" "The T... See More
Confederate newspaper from Louisiana...
Item #698565
September 22, 1861
SUNDAY DELTA, New Orleans, Sept. 22, 1861
* Rare rebel publication
* From the deep South
Among the front page items are: "First Engagement In Kentucky" which includes: "An engagement took place on the 19th in Easter Kentucky between 800 Confederates and 1800 Federals, in which the Federals were completely routed." with a bit more.
Also: "Northern Reports fro... See More
Lincoln accepts the nomination for the Presidential election...
Item #698523
June 29, 1864
* Abraham Lincoln nomination
* 2nd term as president
* Civil War reporting
Page 4 has an historic report headed: "The Presidential Nomination" "Mr. Lincoln's Acceptance" with the text taking over a full column and signed in type: Abraham Lincoln.
Obviously this was the step necessary for him to be on the Republican ballot... See More
From the Confederate capital...
Item #698518
January 14, 1862
RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, January 14, 1862
* Rare rebel publication
Half of the front page is taken up with ads and notices, with most of the balance taken up with war-related items but some "Foreign Miscellany" as well.
Page 2 begins with the always interesting editorial, taking over a full column, & beginning: "New York has supplied the sinews of the war to the... See More
Fine issue on the Monitor vs. the Merrimac...
Item #698508
March 10, 1862
NEW YORK HERALD, March 10, 1862
* Battle of Hampton Roads, Virginia
* Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack (CSS Virginia)
* Civil War ironclads
Front page first column heads report on the most famous naval battle of the Civil War: "Important From Fortress Monroe" "The Merrimac Out of Norfolk" "Tremendous Naval Conflict" "The Union Frigate Cu
... See More
* Battle of Hampton Roads, Virginia
* Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack (CSS Virginia)
* Civil War ironclads
Front page first column heads report on the most famous naval battle of the Civil War: "Important From Fortress Monroe" "The Merrimac Out of Norfolk" "Tremendous Naval Conflict" "The Union Frigate Cu
Abraham Lincoln's remains in New York City...
Item #698507
April 25, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, April 25, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln assassination
* Remains in New York City
* Civil War closing events
All columns on all 8 pages are black-bordered in memory of Abraham Lincoln. Two-thirds of the first column are taken up with nice heads concerning the funeral of Abraham Lincoln including: "HONORS To the MARTYR PRESIDENT" "Our Tribute to the Lamented De... See More
Civil War map on the rebel defenses at Port Hudson...
Item #698505
March 20, 1863
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, March 20, 1863
* Port Hudson, Louisiana map
* Battle of Kelly's Ford - Virginia
The front page is dominated by a nice & detailed Civil War map headed: "REBEL DEFENSES AT PORT HUDSON". Among the column heads on the Civil War are: "Late Rebel News" "Averill's Cavalry Expedition" "Rosecrans on the War Patch" "Clos... See More
Civil War map shows advance of General Hooker's army...
Item #698504
May 02, 1863
PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, May 2, 1863 The front page is dominated by a nice & detailed Civil War map headed: "THE ADVANCE OF GEN. HOOKER'S ARMY. Map Showing the Position of Fredericksburg, Port Royal, Bowling Green, Warrenton, and adjacent country." Plus there are many front page column heads on the Civil War as seen in the photos.
Eight pages, never bound nor trimmed, minima... See More
With two Civil War-related prints...
Item #698464
September 28, 1861
THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, Philadelphia, Sept. 28, 1861 The front page has a print of the: "Perilous Position of the Harriet Lane, Ashore on the Breakers at Hatteras Inlet...".
Page 5 has a nice print of an: "...Impromptu Oven Built by the 19th Regiment, New York Volunteers, in Gen. Banks' Division, Western Maryland".
Eight pages, various wear at the margin and cent... See More
Monitor versus Merrimac... Map of New Madrid...
Item #698416
March 15, 1862
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, March 15, 1862
* Battle of Hampton Roads, Virginia
* Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack (CSS Virginia)
* Civil War ironclads
Page 5 contains some historic one column headlines including: "The Damages To The Merrimac," "The Condition of the Minnesota," "The Merrimac Hemmed In," "The War In the South-West," "... See More
One of the more fascinating publishers from the Civil War...
Item #698364
June 04, 1864
* Very rare Civil War publication
* William Gannaway "Parson" Brownlow
W. G. Brownlow, or Parson Brownlow, was a fascinating personality to say the least. He regarded anyone who disagreed with him about religion or politics as an enemy. The circuit-riding Methodist parson turned to the press... See More
Black soldiers in the military... focus on Louisiana...
Item #698362
March 07, 1863
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, March 7, 1863 The front page has a large print showing Black soldiers captioned: "Pickets of the First Louisiana 'Native Guard' Guarding the New Orleans...Railroad" with a related article, plus: "The Old Slave Laws".
The back page has the illustration: "A Queer Rencontre", which shows a black soldier being ... See More
Sherman returns... On the Lincoln assassination...
Item #698353
May 09, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln assassination
* Black mourning borders
* William T. Sherman returns
All columns on all pages area black-bordered due to the Lincoln assassination. The front page has: "SHERMAN" "His Army Homeward Bound" "The Quickest March on Record" "Scenes Along the Route" "Enthusiasm of the Colored People... See More
Yorktown siege.... New Orleans falls...
Item #698349
May 02, 1862
* Siege of Yorktown
* Fall of New Orleans
* Fort Macon North Carolina
The front page is dominated by a nice Civil War map headed: "The Action of April 26 Near Yorktown" which is more of a diagram of the battle.
Among the front page one column heads are: "Fall Of Fort Macon" "The Surrender of New Orleans" "Graceful but... See More
The North says the war is hopeless...
Item #698347
January 27, 1863
RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, January 27, 1863
* From the capital of the Confederacy
* The North claims the war is hopeful
The front page includes: "From Fredericksburg" "The Courts" "Virginia Legislature" "Additional From the North--The Situation at Fredericksburg--The Peace Movement in the New Jersey Legislature--The Administration Denounced--The W... See More
Large Civil War map of Virginia: Battle of Spotsylvania...
Item #698341
May 16, 1864
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 16, 1864
* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House
* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee
* Civil War Overland Campaign w/ map
Over half of the front page is taken up with a large & detailed Civil War map headed: "GEN. GRANT'S ADVANCE TO RICHMOND."
Among the first column heads on the war are: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "Gen. Lee's Retreat... See More
From the capital of the Confederacy...
Item #698340
March 11, 1863
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, March 11, 1863
* Confederate capital
Among the front page items are: "Disaffection in the Yankee Army" "The Recent Terrible Railroad Accident in the South" "The Mineral Wealth of the South" "Capture of the Indianola From an Eye Witness" "Affairs in New Orleans" and other items.
The back page includes a leng... See More
Map shows the Cumberland River...
Item #698337
January 09, 1862
NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 9, 1862 The front page features a Civil War map headed: "The Rebel General Zollicoffer's Position On the Cumberland River.", plus several columns have war-related heads including: "Great Activity at the Headquarters of the Army" "Gen. Sherman's Report of Gen. Stevens' Operations on the Coosaw River" "Important From Western ... See More
The editor is arrested for conspiracy...
Item #698334
May 25, 1864
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, May 25, 1864
* Samuel Medary arrested
* "The Crisis" editor
A significant issue as page 4 has a notice: "To Our Subscribers" which comments on the arrest of Samuel Medary, this newspaper's editor & publisher, noting in part: "...about our being arrested on last Friday by Deputies U.S. Marshals Sands and Wheeler for conspir... See More
Large Civil War map of the Mississippi Valley...
Item #698333
March 08, 1863
NEW YORK HERALD, March 8, 1863 The front page features a large map headed: "THE GREAT UNION RIVER..." showing the Mississippi and tributaries from Moon Lake to the Gulf of Mexico.
Among the front page column heads on the war: "Important Military & Naval Movements on the Mississippi" "Tremendous Efforts of the Unionists to Open Navigation to the Gulf" "... See More
Capture of New Orleans, Louisiana...
Item #698330
April 30, 1862
NEW YORK HERALD, April 30, 1862
* Capture of New Orleans, Louisiana
* Mississippi River naval engagement
* Siege of Yorktown, Virginia
Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "THE CAPTURE OF NEW ORLEANS" "Desperate Naval Engagement on the Mississippi River" "THE UNION LOSS VERY HEAVY" "Evacuation of the City by the Rebel Forces" &... See More
Beauregard's lengthy report on Shiloh...
Item #698273
May 10, 1862
DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, May 10, 1862
* Battle of Shiloh - Pittsburg Landing
* General P. G. T. Beauregard's official rpt.
* From the capital of the Confederacy
The front page has much on: "YORKTOWN" "Our Former Position & Strength There--The State of our Whole Line--Daily Picket Fights--Brilliant Affair at Dam No. 2--Vast Preparations & Expectat... See More
From Fredericksburg... The enemy in Virginia...
Item #698271
February 01, 1864
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 1, 1864
* Rare rebel publication
The front page has some nice war-related content including items headed: "The Farmers & the New Conscription" "City Intelligence" "The Spring Campaign of the Enemy in Virginia--Important Developments" which takes over 2 columns, plus 3 letters concerning battles.
The back page ha... See More
Stirring words from the President of the Confederacy...
Item #698270
February 13, 1864
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, February 13, 1864
* Jefferson Davis rallies Confederates
* From the capital of the Confederacy
Among the front page items are: "A Victory Near Charleston" "The enemy Again Advancing on The Peninsula" "Important Movement In Mississippi", "The Courts", "City Intelligence" "A Picture of Charleston U... See More
From Houston during the Civil War...
Item #698268
November 09, 1864
* Very rare issue from the Southwest Confederacy
Newspapers from Texas are very uncommon, particularly from before or during the Civil War period. Here is an issue from the midst of the war, one of the earliest war-dated issues we have offered in recent years.
The front page has over 2 columns taken up with a terrific speech given by Jeff... See More
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