Issues for under $50

Issues for under $50

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Consequences of peace with England...

Item #681294

December 14, 1782

THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, Dec. 14, 1782 

* Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century

* From The Enemy

The front page begins with a report: "Doctor Franklin told a Paris that when a pacification between America and England should happen, it was the intention of Congress to appoint consuls in Dublin & other sea ports of this Kingdom to superintend all co... See More  

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Item #208967
THE GENERAL EVENING POST, London, 1783 A nice "typical" folio-size newspaper of 4 pages from the concluding year of the Revolutionary War, the year in  which the Treaty of Peace was signed. There is a wealth of news of the day on the front page and inside pages with some ads scattered throughout as well. Some wear at the margins, various light browning & mild wear, generally good. The pho... See More  

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More on Moody's book on America...

Item #645129

January 02, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 2, 1783  Page 2 has some content concerning independence of America (see), and page 5 is entirely taken up with the continued: "Further Extracts From the Printed Narrative of Lieutenant James Moody's Exertions and Sufferings in the Cause of Government in North America".

The bkpg. has a paragraph noting: "...advices came from America, no ... See More  

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Hopes of resurrecting trade with the American colonies...

Item #673896

February 22, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 22, 1783 

* Post American Revolutionary War

* Trade with the enemy to resume ?

Several items concerning the reestablishment of trade between America and England including: "We hope & trust that the stipulations of the treaty are such as will revive our injured trade & restore our commercial intercourse with our American Brethren...declar... See More  

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Portugal relaxes shipping restrictions due to the independence of America...

Item #623714

March 27, 1783

DREWRY'S DERBY MERCURY, England, March 27, 1783  Page 2 has an item from Lisbon reading: "Since the Declaration of American Independence on the part of Great Britain, the court of Lisbon have thought proper to withdraw their prohibitions against the entry of American vessels into their harbours & to publish an ordinance...'As the independence of the United States of American ... See More  

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American to continue to maintain a military...

Item #673949

April 08, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 8, 1783 

* United States military

* General George Washington

Page 2 has a brief item: "Letters from Philadelphia say that Congress have resolved to keep up a military force, consisting of regular effective men, and that Gen. Washington had been applied to for his opinion as to the number necessary to be maintained, their pay, quarters, and mod... See More  

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Loyalists are leaving Charleston with their slaves...

Item #649648

April 10, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 10, 1783  Page 4 has: "American News" which includes: "The fleet left Charlestown [Charleston] bar on the 18th...part of which having on board Loyalists & their negroes, was conducted to St. Augustine by the convoy...part went to New  York with his Majesty's ships...having on board  troops and inhabitants, many families of ... See More  

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Beware of those who might subvert the American cause...

Item #673958

April 19, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 19, 1783  Page 2 has over half a column headed: "American News" which is taken up with a great document from the Senate of Virginia, warning all to be careful not to be involved with those who might secretly try to promote the motives of England: " defeat the malice of those who are.., or may have been suspected to act as the emissaries... See More  

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London life, at the end of the Revolutionary War...

Item #683252

May 06, 1783

THE GENERAL EVENING POST, London, May 6, 1783  As might be expected the news reports are almost entirely European, just the end of the Revolutionary War. No war-related reports are within.

Four pages, good condition.

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Death of King George III's son...

Item #696684

May 08, 1783

THE GENERAL EVENING POST, London, England, May 8, 1783  The front page begins with a report of the death of King George III's four year-old son: "On Saturday last...died his Royal Highness Prince Octavius, his Majesty's youngest son, to the great grief of his Majesty and all the Royal Family." There is another reference to his death on the front page.

Four pages, good condi... See More  

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News from America...

Item #642836
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1783  Key articles include: "American Votes Respecting the Loyalists" (a report from Worcester, Massachusetts) and "American News", the latter giving some reports of a treaty between the United States and the chiefs of the Six Nations (see image for details).

Among additional articles noted in the table of contents are: "Pa... See More  

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All happy in Portugal that a treaty with America has been finalized...

Item #650137

July 29, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 29, 1783  Page 4 has a report: "...from Lisbon says, that a treaty of commerce and amity is near being concluded on between  that Court & the United States of America, which has given great joy to the people in general there, and look upon it a a very happy event as they expect great advantages will arise by trading with the Americans."

... See More  

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Franklin is returning to America after five years in Paris...

Item #647135

August 07, 1783

DREWRY'S DERBY MERCURY, England, Aug. 7, 1783  The ftpg. includes a report: "That able & ingenious veteran Dr. Franklin is preparing to leave Paris (where he has resided five years with great credit to himself, & profit to his country) to return to America...". Also reports concerning articles for peace & negotiations with some Caribbean Islands as it relates to the ... See More  

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Independent spirit of those from Vermont...

Item #651190

September 20, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 20, 1783  The bkpg. has a report: "Private letters from New York mention that the inhabitants of the new State of Vermont are determined to encounter every danger, and even to form alliances with the Indian nations, rather than be incorporated with, or, as they conceive, subjected to the control of any of the United American States...".

Earlier ... See More  

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Enemies of their country are outlaws from the United States...

Item #674627

October 11, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, Oct. 11, 1783  Page 2 has an item headed: "America - Extract of the Proceedings of the Assembly of the State of New York." which lists various men who: "...have not only given every aid & assistance to the enemies of their country, but have put themselves n arms to enslave the same...being enemies of their country, be, and are for ever outlawed from th... See More  

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Tyburn, England in 1873... 'God's Tribunal' - off to the Executioner...

Item #672699

November 06, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 6, 1783 As stated in Wikipedia: "Tyburn was a village in... present-day London... For many centuries, the name Tyburn was synonymous with capital punishment, it having been the principal place for execution of London criminals and convicted traitors, including many religious martyrs. It was also known as 'God's Tribunal', in the 18th century.&qu... See More  

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Decorative masthead... late 1700's...

Item #216092
THE NEWCASTLE CHRONICLE, England, 1784-1788 See the photo for the very nice & ornate lettering in the masthead, making this a displayable issue. This is a folio size newspaper of 4 pages which was never bound nor trimmed--difficult to find as such.

Various news of the day & a wealth of ads, and a red-inked tax stamp at the bottom of the front page. Minor wear to the edges and lig
... See More  

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Decorative masthead... late 1700's...

Item #649227
THE NEWCASTLE CHRONICLE, England, 1784-1788  See the photo for the very nice & ornate lettering in the masthead, making this a displayable issue. This is a folio size newspaper of 4 pages which was never bound nor trimmed--difficult to find as such.

Various news of the day & a wealth of ads, and a red-inked tax stamp at the bottom of the front page. Minor wear to the edges a
... See More  

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Concerns for political troubles in creating a new government...

Item #650328
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1784 

Among the articles are: "Ancient Customs Elucidated--The Feast of Yule" "History of the Race of Gypsies Further Illustrated" which takes nearly 3 pages; "An Account of the Experiments Made by the Aerostatic Machine of M.M. Montgolfier" the famous balloonist (see); and more.

There is over half a page on the Q... See More  

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Newly formed America flexing its trade muscles with England...

Item #671779

March 23, 1784

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, March 23, 1784  Page 3 has a report headed: "America - From the New York Royal Gazette" which was loyal to the British during the Revolutionary War. It notes in part: "...Assembly of New Jersey...Resolved unanimously, that the United States in Congress assembled, ought to be vested with the exclusive power of regulating trade & commerce t... See More  

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1784 York England...

Item #585977

March 26, 1784


* Rare British title

Various news & ads of the day in this uncommon title. Folio size, 4 pages, never bound nor trimmed, red tax stamp on the front page.

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18th century York, England...

Item #596775

April 02, 1784

THE YORK CHRONICLE & GENERAL ADVERTISER, England, April 2, 1784  There are far more advertisements than news reports, but all the news is European, and mostly British.

Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, lightly inked tax stamp on the front page., very nice condition.

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The ship United States...

Item #594338
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1784  Near the back under "American News" is an extract from the Journals of Congress concerning papers provided to the ship United States, owned by James Moore & commanded by capt. Thomas Bell, that it: " of the United States of America...where the said James Moore shall arrive with his vessel and cargo, that they may please ... See More  

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The will and funeral of Samuel Johnson...

Item #647237
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1784  Among the articles are: "Abstract of the Will of the late Justice Russell" which includes a full page plate of him (see photos). Also: "A Biographical Sketch of Dr. Samuel Johnson" which takes 12 pages; and "Antiquities in London Described", "Dr. Johnson's Will & the Ceremonial of his funeral... See More  

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Item #208447
THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, 1785  A nice 18th century Scottish newspaper with the entire front page taken up with ads, with various news of the day on the inside pages. Some of the ads have illustrations as well. Complete in 4 pages, partial red-inked tax stamp on the front page folio size, some light browning or dirtiness, generally nice condition. The photo shown below is "... See More  

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Edinburgh Scotland in 1785....

Item #538188
THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, 1784-1786  A nice 18th century Scottish newspaper with the entire front page taken up with ads, with various news of the day on the inside pages. Some of the ads have illustrations as well.

  Complete in 4 pages, partial red-inked tax stamp on the front page folio size, some light browning or dirtiness, generally nice condition.

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News from "Carolina" and Nova Scotia...

Item #692527

January 03, 1785

THE MORNING POST, & DAILY ADVERTISER, London, Jan. 3, 1785  Page 2 has an: "Extract of a Letter from New Brunswick, in [North] Carolina" which is a case of brutality. Then: "American News" which is actually a report of a speech by the governor of Nova Scotia at Halifax, with the response from the Assembly.

Four pages, partial red tax stamp on the front page, good cond... See More  

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Item #625978

March 01, 1785

THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1785  Articles within include: "Notices of Handel" the famed composer; "Dr. Johnson at Cambridge" and a wealth of other British-themed articles. Near the back is the "Historical Chronicle" which provides the latest news of the day, as well as: "Proceedings in the Present session of Parliament".

Included is o... See More  

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Gifts to George Washington from Virginia...

Item #644294

May 01, 1785

GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1785  Among the articles within are: "Observations on a Tour Through the Island of Jersey" which is in the English Channel; "Anecdotes of Hogarth" "Summary of Proceedings in the Present Session of Parliament" "Original Letter form Dr. Johnston" & so much more.

Near the back is: "Intelligence..." with... See More  

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General Oglethorpe and Georgia...

Item #668646

September 01, 1785

GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1785  Included is an interesting article: "Description of a Machine for Raising Water by Wind" being an unusual type of windmill which includes a nice full page plate of it.

Other items include: "Chemical Inquiries into the Effects of Spirituous Liquors"; an article concerning General Oglethorpe and his settling of Georgia, and... See More  

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From Scotland...

Item #121044
THE LOUNGER, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1786  Basically an editorial-style newspaper of four pages, without any current news of the day. We rarely find 18th century periodicals from Scotland.

Four pages, measuring 8 by 13 inches, very nice condition.

Note that the photo is "generic" and the issue you get will not have these specific photos or be of this specific date-but will have the f... See More  

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Item #207541
THE GENERAL ADVERTISER, London, 1786 A fine example of an 18th century, full-folio size newspaper of four pages, with various news of the day and a large number of ads as well. Page 3 contains a partial red-inked tax stamp. Wide margins, very nice condition. This is another title we have not had the good fortune of having in our inventory in the past. The photo is "generic" as the actual... See More  

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Washington's letter to the English historian Catherine Macaulay...

Item #647034

February 01, 1786

GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1786  Among the articles are: "Skeleton of Henry the First Doubted" "Original Letters of Gen. Washington & Mrs. Macaulay" "Moral & Intellectual Excellence of the Fair Sex" and so much more.

Near the back is "Foreign Intelligence" which includes news items from the Caribbean (see images) plus "Ame... See More  

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News from America...

Item #643200
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1786  One of the articles is: "Circumstances Relative to the Discovery of Henry I's Bones". A wide range of other articles as well.

Near the back is "American Intelligence" which includes: "An act was passed on the 11th of March...authorising the delegates of the province of South subscribe & ratify an ... See More  

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Not the guy who traveled with Captain Cook...

Item #615429

May 17, 1786


* Captain James Cook mention

Page 2 has an item noting: "We have authority to say that the Captain Roberts who was murdered in France some days since is not the Mr. Roberts who accompanied Captain Cook in his two last voyages round the world, that gentleman being at this time in perfect health."

Four pages, very n... See More  

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Payments to Loyalists... Death of Tippoo...

Item #683375

June 27, 1786

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 27, 1786  Inside has: "American Loyalists"  which notes: "On the report of the bill for granting the sum of 55,000 pounds as a temporary relief to the American Loyalists...desired to know...whether it was intended to allow such Loyalists as were in England during the times of the troubles in America the same as those actually on the spot... See More  

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John Hancock resigns as President of Congress...

Item #643047

August 01, 1786

THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1786  Included is a: "Topographical Description of Hastings in Sussex", England, which also includes a nice foldout plate; "Jew's Harp"; much on the: "Summary of Proceedings in the Third Session of Parliament"; and so much more. News the back is almost a full page of reports headed: "American News". Amon... See More  

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Rare British title...

Item #583188

December 02, 1786


* Rare 18th century title

The entire 4 pages are taken up with items from Europe, mostly of a political nature. Two engravings in the masthead, folio size, archival strengthening at the spine, generally nice.

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York England... Red ink tax stamp...

Item #207992
THE YORK CHRONICLE, England, 1787 A nice folio-size, four page newspaper and somewhat uncommon from this British town in the 1700's, filled with varoius news of the day and ads as well. The front page includes a red-inked tax stamp.

This issue was never bound nor trimmed, has some rubbing at the folds and browning scattered throughout. A nice 18th century title we've never had the pleasur... See More  

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Item #621920

January 18, 1787

MORNING POST & DAILY ADVERTISER, London, Jan. 18, 1787  Page 2 has a brief Judaica item mentioning: "...lately took in an unguarded Israelite...most cursedly; and they are so charitably disposed as to be always ready to take in either Jew, Turk, Heathen, or Infidel." Much typical news reporting of the day.

Four pages, two small wear holes near the middle of first leaf, otherwis... See More  

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A Proclamation from the infamous "Queen" Margaret Nicholson...

Item #647064

January 19, 1787

PENNSYLVANIA PACKET & DAILY ADVERTISE, Philadelphia, Jan. 19, 1787  The ftpg. has a fascinating: "Proclamation - By the Queen Margaret" who was actually the infamous Margaret Nicholson, who the previous year attempted to assassinate King George III some months prior. She was ultimately determined to be inside and was committed to the asylum at Bedlam, England. She had claimed--a... See More  

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On the growth of the new American republic...

Item #645986

February 01, 1787

GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1787  Included are over 3 pages taken up with: "Judge Pendleton's Animated Charge to Grand Juries of South Carolina" which is prefaced with a note: "Those who have attended to the revolutions of empires, and marked the slow progress of infant states towards greatness, will not be surprised that all the unhappy consequences have ha... See More  

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News from America...

Item #629967

March 01, 1787

GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1787 

* 18th century reader's digest

* Early America reports

Included near the back is nearly a full page of: "American News", beginning with mention that Virginia has created duties on imports, with details. From New York is mention that: "Congress have lately concluded a negociation with the Court of Lisbon in respect of tra... See More  

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News from America...

Item #682412

March 01, 1787

GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1787  Included near the back is nearly a full page of: "American News" beginning with mention that Virginia has created duties on imports, with details. From New York is mention that: "Congress have lately concluded a negociation with the Court of Lisbon in respect of trade..." with some details. A few other items as well.

Included... See More  

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Reports on Shays and the Shays' Rebellion...

Item #690080

April 12, 1787


* Shays' Rebellion ending ?

Among various reports on page s are: "...from New York...that the noted  insurgent Shays had retreated to Canada through the state of Vermont & that he and five of his officers took shelter at Illinois, a frontier British settlement situated between Vermont and Canada. Colonel... See More  

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Congress needs to protect American ships in the Mediterranean...

Item #638703

April 21, 1787

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 21, 1787  Inside has a "Letter from New York" which mentions in part: The Congress have it in contemplation to send some vessels of force into the European seas, particularly into the Mediterranean, to protect the trade of the United States..." with more.

Eight pages, never bound nor trimmed, 9 by 12 inches, very nice condition.

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The immigrant issue in America in 1787...

Item #682214

May 01, 1787

GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1787  Included is a brief section headed: "American News" which references the end of the Shays' Rebellion in Massachusetts, and also mention that: "...from Philadelphia...that thirty thousand emigrants have arrived there since the war; that twenty thousand Germans and Dutch occupy a tract of 50 miles; and that grants have been made of... See More  

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The new American states struggling with money issues...

Item #645990

June 01, 1787

GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1787  Included near the back is nearly half a page headed: "American News" which begins: "The present state of America is rather to be deplored than envied..." concerning its financial situation, including; "...America, like every other rising state, must have much to struggle with before it can arrive at opulence...".

Inc... See More  

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The new American states struggling with money issues...

Item #681443

June 01, 1787

GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1787  Included near the back is nearly half a page headed: "American News" which begins: "The present state of America is rather to be deplored than envied..." concerning its financial situation, including; "...America, like every other rising state, must have much to struggle with before it can arrive at opulence...".

Inc... See More  

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Two nice plates...

Item #629066
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1787  A feature of the issue is the large, foldout plate with a nice print of: "Kenilworth Church" in Warwickshire, England. The other print called for is present as well being a full page of the: "Ancient Encampment at Knaptoft" with related text.

A wealth of varied content throughout with various news reports from England near t... See More  

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