Issues for under $50

Issues for under $50

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Reports from America...

Item #652297

June 04, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 4, 1768  Multiple inside page reports are from various locations in America including a letter from Massachusetts Bay and two articles from New York.

Also included are excerpts from Voltaire's new satire: "The Man of Forty Crowns" which is accompanied by a lengthy review which concludes with: "...This plausible discourse made me reflect ... See More  

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A handsome newspaper from 1768... Rapid growth in Charleston...

Item #697719

June 13, 1768

THE GLOCESTER JOURNAL, England (now spelled Gloucester), June 13, 1768  

* Early Southern colony report

Various British news reports throughout, with its finest feature being the handsome masthead with two detailed engravings and the ornate lettering.

Page 3 has a brief item: "Letters from Charles-Town, South Carolina, mention that the inhabitants of that place are so much increas... See More  

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Northwest Passage... Admiral De Fonte's letter...

Item #653060

July 23, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 23, 1768  The front page has the conclusion of the lengthy letter from Admiral De Fonte, "giving an Account of the most material Transactions in a Journal of his from the Calo of Lima in Peru, on his Discoveries to find if there was any North-West Passage from the Atlantic Ocean into the South and Tartarian Sea," followed by considerable text. The... See More  

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News from America...

Item #698515

September 12, 1768

THE GLOCESTER JOURNAL, England, Sept. 12, 1768 

* Colonial America reporting

The ftpg. has an article concerning the Indians in the New Orleans vicinity. Page 2 has a report from Boston headed "America" concerning ships "...hovering round Castle William as if there was the greatest danger of its being attacked at a time of profound peace." and then other reports from... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Radical newspaper printed while the publisher was in jail...

Item #561607
THE NORTH BRITON, London, 1769-70 (with imprint at the bottom of the bkpg: "Printed for W. Bingley, a prisoner in the King's Bench...")

* Radical newspaper printed while the publisher was in jail

This was a radical newspaper from the 18th century, very much associated with the name John Wilkes. Wilkes published the issues #1 thru 46.

Issue number 45 (April 23, 1763) is the m... See More  

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Trouble in America...

Item #642514
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1769  Among the articles in this issue are: "A Description of the Copper Mine at Ecton Hill"; over two pages on: "A Continuation of the Most Interesting transactions in America..." continued from the January issue, which has some great reading concerning the troubles between America & England, one portion noting: "Re... See More  

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Colonists preparing for trouble... reports from Boston, New York, and Hartford...

Item #642810
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1769  There is a full page headed "American News" including reports several reports from Boston, including: "...There is much talk...the most malignant insinuations...& speaks of deep & dark designs...of 30,000 men ready to take up arms...and of a design to throw off the dependence of the colonies on the mother country...&quo... See More  

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A futuristic look at America vs. England...

Item #696102

May 11, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, May 11, 1769  Most of the front page is taken up with a review of a new book: "Private Letters from an American in England to his Friends in America" from an interesting standpoint. It is prefaced with: "...These letters are supposed to be written...towards the close of the 18th century by a young American who is stimulated by curiosity to pay a v... See More  

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Peace with the Indians at Detroit...

Item #601128

July 25, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 25, 1769  Page 2 has reports headed: "America" with datelines from Philadelphia & New York, the latter noting: "...the disputes with the Indians at Detroit were amicably adjusted & peace again settled...".

Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 1/4 inches, very nice, clean condition.

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Angry that the governor dissolved the General Assembly...

Item #601268

August 26, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, Aug. 26, 1769  Page 2 has most of a column taken up with reports headed "America" with Boston, Williamsburg, and Philadelphia datelines. The Boston report ends with: "...Resolved...when the governor of the Province had wantonly dissolved the General Assembly & arbitrarily refused to call another upon the repeated dutiful petition of the people." T... See More  

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From before the outbreak of war in America...

Item #687403

October 01, 1769

THE SCOTS MAGAZINE, (Edinburgh, Scotland), October, 1769  A somewhat "generic" issue of this uncommon magazine title with a wide variety of articles from before the outbreak of war with the American colonies. 

Near the back is a half page of reports from "British North America".

The front page has the "Contents" listed. Complete in 56 pages, 5 by 8 inches,... See More  

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News from Charleston and Boston...

Item #601333

October 10, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 10, 1769  Page 6 has a brief report from Charleston concerning: "...the Indians in that quarter behave with much insolence since the King's troops have been withdrawn...". The back page has a letter from Boston.

Eight pages, 8 by 11 1/4 inches, very nice condition.

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More on creating the Mason-Dixon Line...

Item #674769

* Mason and Dixon Line creation

This is the "supplement" issue provided at the end of the year containing various articles much like the regular issues but containing fewer pages. It has just a one-third page masthead and also includes the table of contents on the front page.

Articles include an: "Acc... See More  

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Men to set the boundary line between New York & New Jersey...

Item #692870

February 17, 1770

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 17, 1770  The back page has an: "Extract of a Letter From New York" concerning several men chosen as commissioners: "...for settling the boundary line between the Colonies of New York and New Jersey, met at Hartford..." with a bit more.

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches, very nice condition.

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Foldout plate of a castle...

Item #593600
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1770  Within this issue are 3 1/2 pages on: "A Curious Description of Dalkey and Its Seven Castles" which is accompanied by a foldout print of one of the castles. This print measures 8 by 10 inches & is in very nice condition (see). Also in this issue: "On the Disparity of the Language of N. and S. Wales" and much more.

Near the ... See More  

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Dalkey and Its Seven Castles"... Foldout plate of a castle...

Item #683338
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1770  There are 3 1/2 pages on: "A Curious Description of Dalkey and Its Seven Castles" which is accompanied by a foldout print of one of the castles. This print measures 8 by 10 inches & is in very nice condition. Also in this issue: "On the Disparity of the Language of N. and S. Wales" and much more.

Near the back is the "... See More  

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Virginia awaits Parliament's response on taxation...

Item #215539

June 08, 1770

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, June 8, 1770  An inside page has a letter from Virginia which includes: "The colonies wait silently for the determination of parliament concerning the revenue act. They have done all in their power to prohibit or retard the sale of British commodities but a view of our imports will show how ineffectual their efforts have been & how useless &
... See More  

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Supporting the Non-Importation agreement...

Item #586322

July 21, 1770

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 21, 1770

* Non-Importation agreement support

The front page has an item headed "America" with a Boston dateline, noting in part: "....sense of our merchants, traders, etc. respecting the non-importation agreement, as meeting was called the day following at Faneuil was voted almost unanimously that we would still strictly adhere to ... See More  

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Persevering during non-importation...

Item #679854

August 02, 1770

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 2, 1770  Page 6 has a report headed: "America" from Charleston which begins: "There cannot be a more striking proof of the virtue & patriotism & the determined resolution of our merchants to persevere in the most strict observance of the non-importation agreement than...".

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, very nice, clean condit... See More  

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Holding to the non-importation agreement...

Item #581942

August 28, 1770

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Aug. 28, 1770  Inside under: "AMERICA, Philadelphia" is a report of: "...English goods arrived here...which were purchased by two shopkeepers...contrary to the non-importation agreement; upon which the committee of merchants sent for them & represented the impropriety of their conduct, which they readily acknowledged & the good were i... See More  

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Breaking the non-importation agreement...

Item #596361

October 16, 1770

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 16, 1770  Page 6 has an: "Extract of a Letter from Charles-Town" [Charleston] which has several items, including: "...We have agreed to stop all commercial intercourse with New York on account of that province breaking the non-importation agreement, which we strictly adhere to..." (see).

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches, great condit... See More  

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Need to unite on the non-importation issue...

Item #596362

October 18, 1770

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 18, 1770 

* Pre Revolutionary War tensions

Page 6 has reports headed "America" from Boston, Newport, Marblehead, Philadelphia & New York, including: "...Resolved, That we will adhere to & support the non-importation long as a majority of the colonies who have entered into similar agreements shall adhere to & p... See More  

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Boundary dispute with the Cherokees...

Item #597350

December 25, 1770

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Dec. 25, 1770 

* Cherokee Indians

Page 2 has a short item headed "America" with a Charleston dateline concerning a meeting with Indians over a border dispute.

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches, great condition.

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Item #208452
THE MIDDLESEX JOURNAL: OR CHRONICLE OF LIBERTY, London, 1771  One of the less common London newspapers from this period, with a nice engraving in the masthead. A good amount of news of the day throughout the four pages & with some advertisements included as well. Folio size, generally in nice condition.

The photo is "generic" but the issue you receive will have the same look an... See More  

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Displayable plate... BRIDGE over Yarmouth Haven...

Item #659534
From the GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1771  The print is of "A Design for a BRIDGE over Yarmouth Haven Drawn by Mr. Samuel Bream". This is the print only, not the complete magazine, which would very nice framed. See photo for details.

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Dealing with a pirate ship...

Item #693217

March 07, 1771

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 7, 1771  Page 2 has: "America" with a report from Charleston concerning a fire at the wharf. Another page has a report from Newport, Rhode Island which notes: "...a large white-bottomed Bermudas built Sloop, had turned Pirate and captured a French schooner with 3000 dollars...and also robbed another. That an armed vessel was dispatched in qu... See More  

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Events in Charlestown, SC - pre-Battle of Alamance...

Lead-up to the Revolutionary War...

Item #567722
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1771  Near the back is a full page headed "American Affairs" which includes: "Charles-Town, May 8. The General Assembly of the province of Georgia, met at Savannah on the 23d past. On the 24th the new elected Commons House of Assembly unanimously re-chose the Hon. Noble Wimberly Jones, Esq; for their Speaker; but he being disapproved ... See More  

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Brief Judaica mention...

Item #619936

June 17, 1771

ARIS'S BIRMINGHAM GAZETTE, England, June 17, 1771  Page 2 has a very brief Judaica item: "...In the attack Marshal Sawa was wounded...To escape the Russians, he was put into a great basket & carried into a marshy place...having agreed with a Jew to come and dress his wound, who was to find his way to him..." (see).

Four pages, full red tax stamp on the ftpg., bit of foxing ... See More  

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Engraving of the skyline of London... News from Boston...

Item #697633

August 01, 1771

THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, August, 1771  Perhaps the most interesting feature is the full title/contents page which has a very intricately engraved view of the skyline of London at the time, making this very decorative.

Near the back is the "Monthly Chronologer" which includes over a full page of reports headed "America" with items from Boston, including 2 messages fro... See More  

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News from Richmond...

Item #690079

August 05, 1771

THE NORTHAMPTON MERCURY, England, Aug. 5, 1771

* Henrico County, Virginia flood of 1771

 Page 3 has reports from the Virginia Gazette including: "...that they received daily accounts of the devastation occasioned by the late floods...have been swept away...Fourteen Negroes belonging to the estate were drowned..." with much more.

Four pages, never bound nor trimmed with wide m... See More  

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Plate of the Great White Owl... Map of English canal...

Item #646260
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1771  Most of a column is taken up with: "Mr. Brahm's Observations on the American Coast" which seems to deal with areas in Florida and the Caribbean (see). There is also a brief article on "The Great White Owl" which begins: "This elegant species is found in the countries round Hudson's Bay & in the Northern ... See More  

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From just before the outbreak of the Revolutionary War...

Item #121036
THE DAILY ADVERTISER, London, England, 1772  A nice four page newspaper, which as the name would suggest, is mostly taken up with advertisements, offering an interesting glimpse into life from just before the outbreak of the Revolutionary War. Some news items on the front page as well.

Folio-size, four page, nice condition. Note that the photo is "generic" and the issue you get wil... See More  

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Includes a partial red ink-stamp on the front page...

Item #208450
THE DAILY ADVERTISER, London, 1772 (inc. ftpg partial red ink stamp).  As the title might suggest the emphasis was on advertisements with a tremendous number found within this complete, four page issue. There is some current news on the front page from this interesting period just a few years before the outbreak of the Revolutionary War in America. Folio-size, partial red-inked tax stamp on t... See More  

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From just prior to the Revolutionary War...

Item #208917
ARIS'S BIRMINGHAM GAZETTE, England, 1772 A nice newspaper of folio-size, four pages, filled with various news & ads of the day. The front page has a partial red-inked tax stamp near the bottom. The first letter in the first column is ornately decorated (see photo).  Soem browning and margin wear but generally nice.  The photo below is "generic" as the actual issue you recei... See More  

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From Northampton, England, before the Revolutionary War...

Item #208963
THE NORTHAMPTON MERCURY, England, 1772 This is a very nice, folio-size newspaper of four pages which was never bound nor trimmed with uncommonly wide margins. This is also the first 18th century newspaper we have been able to offer from this part of England. The issue contains various news from throughout Europe with an emphasis on British events with the back page mostly taken up with ads. We do ... See More  

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Foldout plate of a canal from Leeds to Liverpool..,.

Item #613236
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1772  Among the articles in this issue is: "Critical Remarks on M. de Voltaire" which has much on his thoughts concerning Jews, noting near the beginning: "With an impartiality & understanding superior to those of vulgar critics, M. de V. has made a discovery of which they would never have dreamed; a discovery, which is entirel... See More  

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Judaica interest...

Item #613365

January 20, 1772

ARIS'S BIRMINGHAM GAZETTE, England, Jan. 20, 1772  The front page includes some court reports including: "...The diamonds taken away from Sir Robert Ladbroke's house were found at a Jew receiver's...Four Jews, thieves & receivers together were concerned in the burglary at Sir Robert's, but they are out-numbered by the Christian villains..." and also: "...the... See More  

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Discovery of perpetual motion...

Item #617544
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1772  Among the articles in this issue are; "Memoirs of the Life of Sir Henry Fynes" "Characteristics of Saxon and Norman Architecture" "Perpetual Motion Said to be Discovered" and other items. Near the back is the "Historical Chronicle" which has the latest news reports of the day. Included is a report from ... See More  

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Trouble with Indians in Illinois in 1772...

Item #698192

June 13, 1772


* 18th century Kaskaskia, Illinois

* Indians - Native Americans

Page 3 has an: "Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman at the Illinois, dated at Kaskaeskias" noting: "Since we have had possession of the Illinois country the above nation of Indians...have taken 7 Englishmen & one woman prisoners, scalped 1 soldier... See More  

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On Captain Cook's second voyage to the South Seas...

Item #679777

July 14, 1772


* Second voyage of James Cook

A one paragraph report on the second page mentions: "We are assured that Capt. Cooke...with some other learned Gentlemen, have actually set sail in order to make new discoveries in the South Seas..." with a bit more.

This was his second trip, the purpose of the mission was to determine if a continent extended... See More  

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Sam Adams is selected...

Item #679779

July 21, 1772

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 21, 1772 

* Samuel Adams chosen for clerk

* House of Representatives

* Pre Revolutionary War era

Page 6 contains a report from a Boston letter concerning political events in that town, and which mentions "...the House then made choice of Mr. Samuel Adams for their clerk...". The article goes on to report other political happenings, taking ... See More  

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From between the Boston Massacre & the Boston Tea Party...

Item #622343

August 03, 1772

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Aug. 3, 1772 

* Rare title

Pages 1 and 2 are almost entirely taken up with various European news, including military events, with pgs. 3 & 4 mostly taken up with ads.

Four pages, folio size, nice condition.

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News from Albany...

Item #587049

August 19, 1772

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Aug. 19, 1772  Page 2 has a piece headed: "America" from Albany with a story of a brave rescue of a child from falling overboard from a ship (see).

Four pages, folio size, nice condition.

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Value of the Ohio River...

Item #582086

August 24, 1772

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Edinburgh, Scotland, Aug. 24, 1772 

* Ohio River value ?

* Pre Rev. War era

Page 3 has a paragraph noting: "The Ohio, though a very extensive river of North cut off from all possible intercourse with a foreign commerce & has no connection whatever with the sea..." and a bit more (see photos). Four pages, folio size, red ink tax ... See More  

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Christianizing the Indians in North America...

Item #642818
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1772  Among  the articles in this issue are: "Account of the Revolution in Sweden" "Description of the Wild Pine of Jamaica" "Account of a Model for a Bridge in Ireland" "Description of the Mosque in Kew Gardens" which is accompanied by a full page plate of the Mosque. Also: "A Scheme for Propag... See More  

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Plate of a monkey and an emu...

Item #623382
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1772  This issue has a wide range articles which take up the bulk of the 48 pages, and also includes the two plates which are called for. One has related articles headed: "A Description of an uncommon Kind of Monkey..." and a description of "The Emeu [emu], or Casoar [cassowary]" with the plate showing both (see). The other fu... See More  

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Rare title from London...

Item #587909

November 24, 1772

THE MIDDLESEX JOURNAL OR UNIVERSAL EVENING POST, London, November 24, 1772  News reports from various places in Europe, with the back page having an item concerning crops in America.

Four pages, folio size, partial red tax stamp at the bottom of page 1, very nice condition.

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The Eskimos described... Rochester Castle...

Item #673191

* Rochester Castle at Kent, South East England print

This is the end of year "supplemental" issue to this famous title, containing on the front page the title with date, plus the list of the contents which includes: "Description...of the Esquimaux [Eskimo] Indians..." which is very descriptive of them and tak... See More  

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Just before the Revolutionary War...

Item #600928

December 14, 1772

THE DAILY ADVERTISER, London, Dec. 14, 1772  True to its name this newspaper is almost entirely filled with advertisements save for a column of news on the front page.

Four pages, folio size, slightly close-trimmed at the bottom of pages 1 & 2, very nice condition.

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Angry Boston freeholders... Destroy Fort Pitt...

Item #679813

December 19, 1772

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, Dec. 19, 1772  The second page has the follow-up petition from the Freeholders of Boston expressing once again their concern about the salaries of the judges of the Superior Court, as well as a request for a special meeting of the General Assembly to discuss this important and alarming matter.

A reply from the Governor says their reasons are insufficient and they have n... See More  

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