Issues for under $50

Issues for under $50

Web Results (18630)



Reports from America...

Item #599705

January 09, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 9, 1773  Inside has most of a column headed: "America" with two reports datelined New York and one from Boston (see).

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, some fold foxing, nice condition.

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European interest in American wheat...

Item #696463

February 01, 1773

ARIS'S BIRMINGHAM GAZETTE, England, Feb. 1, 1773  From just before the Revolutionary War began. There is a small bit on page 3 concerning the importation of wheat from America. Otherwise the content is almost entirely European.

Four pages, full red tax stamp on the front page, good condition.

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Governor dissolves the South Carolina General Assembly...

Item #613400

February 20, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 20, 1773  Inside has reports from Charleston concerning politics and noting that the Governor had dissolved the colonial General Assembly (see).

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, light dirtiness, generally good.

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1773 Edinburgh, Scotland....

Item #587050

March 31, 1773

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, March 31, 1773  Page 2 has a section headed: "America" with a New York dateline, concerning a naval encounter with Indians (see).

Four pages, light dirtiness to the ftpg., folio size, nice condition.

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Foldout plate of Rheims Cathedral...

Item #212736
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1773  A feature of this issue is the very nice foldout print (in reddish ink) titled: "Elevation and Geometrical Profile of the Abbe Church of St. Nicaise at Rheims". For more on the Rheims Cathedral see the web. The plate measures 8 by 10 1/2 inches and has a related article.

Also a full page plate titled: "Curiosities found in the... See More  

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North Carolina governor censures the Assembly...

Item #612734

May 29, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, May 29, 1773  Inside has a report headed: "America" with news from Charleston including mention that: "...his Excellency Josiah Martin,  Governor in Chief of North Carolina, gave his assent to 25 bills & rejected 17. His Excellency then...censured the conduct of the Common House, prorogued the General Assembly...& the next day dissolved the sa... See More  

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News from America...

Item #597349

June 29, 1773


* New York-Massachusetts boundary dispute

Inside has a report headed: "America" which includes a report of a planned meeting between the governors of New York & Massachusetts over the boundary line dispute. Also reports from Newport, New London, and Philadelphia (see).

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches, very nice condition.... See More  

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Counterfeiters beware...

Item #568280

July 20, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 20, 1773  An inside page has: "Animadversions on the late Act for Preventing the Clipping and Diminishing of the Gold Coin of this Kingdom". Another report headed: "America" is concerning: "...the island of St. Vincent, the Carribs, formed into small parties in the night, plunder the inhabitants & render property extremely insec... See More  

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Early animal conservation... On counterfeit bank notes...

Item #567524

July 22, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 22, 1773  Pg. 3 has a fascinating letter from New York concerning a woman challenging a man to a duel to protect her own honor (see).

Half of an inside pg. is taken up with: "Abstract of the Act for the more effectual Preventing the Forging of the Notes or Bills of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England...". The same page has an item whi... See More  

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News from America...

Item #583755

September 13, 1773

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Sept. 13, 1773 

* Native American Indians

Page 2 has a full column of reporting under "America" with reports from Charleston with much on the situation with the Cherokee & Creek Indians, and also bits noting: "...vessels belonging to Rhode Island...carried into New Providence are, we hear, both condemned. One of them had 18 ch... See More  

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Early proponent of using whole wheat...

Item #567728

October 14, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, October 14, 1773 

* Early proponent of using whole wheat

The full ftpg. is taken up with: "The Great Advantage of eating Pure and Genuine Bread comprehending the Heart of the Wheat with all its Flour", seeming to be a proponent of whole wheat flour.

Half of page 2 has reports from the South Carolina Gazette in Charleston relating to the: "... See More  

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The trouble with trade with the colonies...

Item #567595

October 19, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, October 19, 1773   The entire ftpg. it taken up with a very early article on the benefits of eating whole grains, titled: "The Great Advantage of Eating Pure and Genuine Bread".

An inside page has a letter: "Encouraging the Consumption of British & India goods, by Luxury in the Colonies..." which includes: "...But our trade wit... See More  

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Trade with American Colonies

Item #567596

October 21, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, October 21, 1773 

* Trade with American Colonies 

An inside page has some discussion on the value of trade with the colonies and elsewhere (see photos), taking most of a column (see photos).

Eight pages, about 8 1/2 by 11 inches, and in nice condition.

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Trade with American Colonies...

Item #567709

October 21, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, October 21, 1773  

* Trade with American Colonies 

An inside page has some discussion on the value of trade with the colonies and elsewhere (see), taking most of a column (see).

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, nice condition.

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Brief Judaica item...

Item #567600

October 30, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, October 30, 1773 

* Judaica Jewish Jews

A brief pg. 2 item notes: "A great number of Jews who have lately been driven from the Prussian dominions, have settled at Gotenburg, where they are going to form a trading company under the auspice of his Swedish Majesty." (see photos).

Other news of the day, mostly from  England. Complete in eigh... See More  

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The king shuts down the land office...

Item #567665

November 02, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 2, 1773 

* Early North Carolina 

* The king shuts down the land office

A small item on pg. 2 headed "America" has news from Baltimore noting that in North Carolina: "...his Excellency Governor Martin hath received instructions from his Majesty for shutting up the Land office in that province, & that similar orders are s... See More  

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Dueling... King's Proclamation...

Item #567628

November 20, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, November 20, 1773 

* Early dueling 

* Pre Rev. War

The entire front page is an article concerning dueling (see for beginning). An inside page has a few brief reports headed: "America". The back page has "By the King, A Proclamation" for rescheduling a session of Parliament (see).

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, nice co... See More  

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Dueling... King's Proclamation...

Item #567652

November 20, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, November 20, 1773  The entire front page is an article concerning dueling (see for beginning). An inside page has a few brief reports headed: "America".

The back page has "By the King, A Proclamation" for rescheduling a session of Parliament (see).

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, nice condition.... See More  

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News from Charleston...

Item #568024

November 27, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, November 27, 1773 

* Pre Revolutionary War era

* Early Charleston, South Carolina

Inside has over half a page of reports from the South Carolina Gazette (see for beginning), plus other news of the day with advertisements as well.

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, nice condition.

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Southern United States in 1773...

Item #568022

December 02, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, December 2, 1773  An inside page has a report headed: "America" with a Charleston dateline, beginning: "Letters from West Florida inform us that it is thought the seat of government will be removed to the Mississippi & that a new Custom House is actually established at Manchack..." (see). Other news and ads of the day.

Eight pages, 8 1... See More  

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Nova Scotia described...

Item #581941

December 31, 1773

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, December 31, 1773 

* Early Nova Scotia description

Inside has: "...a Letter from a gentleman who emigrated from Scotland...dated Nova Scotia, Fort Cumberland..." which is very descriptive of Halifax and the vicinity (see photos). Other news of the day throughout including various ads. Eight pages, some dirtiness, more so at the folds, measur... See More  

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Creating Trumbull County...

Item #568828

March 03, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 3, 1774  An inside page has over a full column concerning how to deal with the American situation. See photos for the full text.

Another page has reports from Boston and New York headed "America" and includes: "...on Thursday last the Tea, which was saved out of Capt. Loring's brigantine, was landed at the Castle by order of the Officer... See More  

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Creating Trumbull County...

Item #602021

March 03, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 3, 1774  An inside page has over a full column concerning how to deal with the American situation. See photos for the full text.

Another page has reports from Boston and New York headed "America" and includes: "...on Thursday last the Tea, which was saved out of Capt. Loring's brigantine, was landed at the Castle by order of the Officer... See More  

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Supporting the Americans... Trouble with the Creek Indians...

Item #568847

April 16, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 16, 1774  Over a full column on page 6 is taken with with a report from Charleston relating to the trouble with the Creek Indians (see photos).

The back page has an item which notes: "A writer treating of the present disputes relative to the Bostonians says, 'It is true, we did assist America in the late war, but did they not assist us, for whils... See More  

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Supporting the Americans... Trouble with the Creek Indians...

Item #646146

April 16, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 16, 1774  Over a full column on page 6 is taken with with a report from Charleston relating to the trouble with the Creek Indians (see).

The back page has an item which notes: "A writer treating of the present disputes relative to the Bostonians says, 'It is true, we did assist America in the late war, but did they not assist us, for whilst we ke... See More  

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House of Commons...

Item #568853

April 30, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 30, 1774  Page 6 has some reports from the House of Commons, which includes some talk of the Administration of Justice Act for Massachusetts (see). There is some additional discussion on the back page as well.

Much other news, mostly European, plus a wealth of ads as well. Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches, partial red ink tax stamp on page 2, and in ve... See More  

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Prelude to the Revolutionary War...

Item #569699
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, May 28, 1774  Most of the front page is a report headed: "The Journal of a Voyage...for making Discoveries towards the North Pole by the Hon. Commodore Phipps..." (see for beginning). 

A full column on pg. 2 has reports from Boston (see) concerning strained relationships with England, and mentioning Ben Franklin (see). This is followed by a lette... See More  

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On the Boston Port Bill and more...

Item #568728

June 21, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 21, 1774  An inside page has over a full column beginning: On perusing in your paper of May 31, an extract from a pamphlet, entitled Considerations on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in America, some reflections occurred to me on that Authors reasoning, which I would wish to communicate to the public through your paper and it i... See More  

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Suffering through the blockade...

Item #568068

July 12, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 12, 1774 

* Boston, Massachusetts shipping blockade

Inside has an "Extract of a Letter from Boston" which begins: "We shall soon be in a deplorable situation in this town; no vessels are now permitted to enter the port & none will be allowed to depart after the 14th..." and ending: "...I intend removing to Salem during the... See More  

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History of Jamaica...

Item #568107

July 26, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 26, 1774  The entire front page is taken up with: "The History of Jamaica..." (photo shows the beginning) which carries over to page 2, then continued in a furure issue.

Inside has a: "Curious Account of the Highland Robbers" and other reports from England and the rest of Europe, including several military events.

Eight pages, 8 1... See More  

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The best of patriots...

Item #602351

September 13, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 13, 1774  Inside has a lengthy letter sent to America, by a "...a noble Lord in a very high office" (see). It also has a letter from New York which begins: "Every body here, high and low, are in a combustion. Those who have nothing to lose are our warmest Patriots & declare they will hazard their All for their dear country..." with ... See More  

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General Gage killed?...

Item #567893

October 01, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 1, 1774  Inside has a report noting: "...some commotions at Boston in New England, that a very great number of the army have  deserted; and that some mischief has been done. It was also reported that General Gage was killed & that two regiments of his troops have revolted..." (see).

The back page has some American content including: &quo... See More  

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The governor forbids illegal meetings to consider the Acts of Parliament...

Item #567919

October 11, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 11, 1774 

* Early Southern America - Indians

* The governor forbids illegal meetings to consider the Acts of Parliament

A brief report notes that: "...letter from Mobile, in West Florida, mentions that the town of Villa Real, near New Orleans, had in the night been set upon by a large party of Indians who murdered several of the Spaniards...&quo... See More  

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The governor forbids illegal meetings to consider the Acts of Parliament...

Item #568276

October 11, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, October 11, 1774  A brief report notes that: "...letter from Mobile, in West Florida, mentions that the town of Villa Real, near New Orleans, had in the night been set upon by a large party of Indians who murdered several of the Spaniards..." with a bit more (see).

The back page has a significant report, being a proclamation signed  in type by th... See More  

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Pre revolutionary war tensions...

Item #567953

November 19, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, November 19, 1774 Page 2 has a report from New York noting the arrival of a ship which ran afoul of a French ship (see).

Page 5 has 2 desertion ads, with particulars (see).

Most of a column on the back page is an: "Extract of a Letter from Boston, New England" reporting in part: "...acquaint him that with grief, this county has viewed an exertion for... See More  

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Culture of wine... The situation in America...

Item #677717
THE SUPPLEMENT TO THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, 1775  This issue is mostly taken up with a lengthy article headed: "Debates in the Last Session of Parliament, Resumed" which includes various talk of the Revolutionary War in America.

Another article is titled: "The Culture of Vines Further Illustrated", plus there is a wide variety of other articles as well.

Both ... See More  

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Apprehending those guilty of high treason in America...

Item #596747

February 12, 1777

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Feb. 12, 1777 

* Revolutionary War

The front page has half a column taken up with: "An Account of the Spanish Settlements in South America", continued in a future issue. Page 2 has some talk in the House of Lords concerning a bill: " enable his Majesty to apprehend & secure all persons guilty of or suspected to be guilty of hi... See More  

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The King receives a threatening letter...

Item #583332

June 17, 1777

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, June 17, 1777  The front page carries an article in which the King received an anonymous threatening letter which was found near the house of Colonel Crawfurd. The letter was published (which contained the actual spelling) and a reward was established to be paid upon the conviction of any one or more of the offenders.

This is complete in four pages, contains a ... See More  

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Cornwallis attacked 10,000 provincials...

Item #597522

July 14, 1777

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, July 14, 1777  Page 2 has: "...advice was received of a very considerable body of the rebel army commanded by Arnold and Sullivan having stole a march and got in the rear of our reserve, had obliged Lord Cornwallis to alter his front & post picquet guards all around him, by which the battalions are greatly weakened." Also: "General Lee, ... See More  

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Latest war reports...

Item #597737

October 20, 1777

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Oct. 20, 1777 

* Rare Revolutionary War title

Page 2 has a report noting: "....from New  York but by which there were many private letters confirming the repulse at Staten Island. A letter from Rhode Island...says that Gen. Pigott was arrived there to take the command of the troops...were in no fear of the provincials, whose number...was sa... See More  

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From Germany, in the 1770's...

Item #121041
INTLLIGENZ-BLATT, Germany, 1778  An interesting title from Leipzig from during the American Revolutionary, although I suspect no such reports within these pages.

In the German language, 8 pages, measuring 9 by 7 inches, generally very nice condition.

Note that the photo is "generic" and the issue you get will not have these specific photos or be of this specific date but will have... See More  

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Ben Franklin on learning to swim... Holt Castle print...

Item #217171
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, January, 1779  Inside has nearly two pages on: "Useful Hints For Learning To Swim, In a Letter to a Friend, by Benj. Franklin, L.L.D. F.R.S."

Also within: "On the Fatal Effects of Revenge" and: "On Female Conduct" & so much more. Near the back are news reports of the day but I see no war-related content.

This issue does feature... See More  

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Southerners returning their allegiance to the King...

Item #597922

January 09, 1779

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Jan. 9, 1779 

* Revolutionary War

Page 2 has a report noting: "...was reported with an air of authenticity that government had just received advice of the Carolinians and Georgians having thrown off the yoke of Congress & began to beat up for volunteers for the service of their lawful sovereign..." and also: "Count D'Estaing ha... See More  

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Item #591744

January 12, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Jan. 12, 1779  Although from the middle of the Revolutionary War I find very little--if any--reference to it, this issue filled primarily with European reports. Complete in 8 pages plus also included is the single page "Supplement" issue. Measures 8 1/2 by 11 inches, light wear to folds, generally nice condition.

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Item #591745

January 15, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Jan. 15, 1779  Although from the middle of the Revolutionary War I find very little--if any--reference to it, this issue filled primarily with European reports. Complete in 8 pages, measures 8 1/2 by 11 inches, light wear to folds, generally nice condition.

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Trial of Admiral Keppel...

Item #652592

January 19, 1779

THE MIDDLESEX JOURNAL & EVENING POST, London, Jan. 19, 1779  The entire front page & a bit of pg. 2 are taken up with verbatim: "Proceedings of the Court Martial on the Trial of Admiral Keppel". As Wikipedia notes: 'During the American Revolutionary War Keppel came into a notorious dispute with Sir Hugh Palliser over Palliser's conduct as his second-in-command at the... See More  

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Carolinas & Georgia now support the King...

Item #592610

February 01, 1779

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, February 1, 1779 

* Rare Revolutionary War title

* North & South Carolina - Georgia support king ?

Page 2 has a letter from New York which notes: "It gives me great pleasure to inform you that the face of affairs seems to be changed; the two Carolinas & Georgia having revolted from the Congress, give fresh spirits to the friends of... See More  

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From the Revolutionary War era...

Item #702232

March 13, 1779


* American Revolutionary War era

* 18th century - from The Enemy

Newspapers from England during the time of the Revolutionary War are always interesting as they give a sense as to life at that time and what political discussions were the "hot topic" of the day.

I could find no "meaty" references to the Revolutionary War in this i... See More  

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Item #204196
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1779  A fine opportunity to purchase a magazine from during the Revolutionary War at a reasonable price, as I find almost no American content in this issue. At the back under the "Historical Chronicle" is mention that the New York, Quebec & Newfoundland fleets have set sail under the convoy of Admiral Arbuthnot. The balance of the news ... See More  

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From the Revolutionary War era...

Item #592230
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1779  A fine opportunity to purchase a magazine from during the Revolutionary War at a reasonable price, as I find almost no American content in this issue. At the back under the "Historical Chronicle" is mention that the New York, Quebec & Newfoundland fleets have set sail under the convoy of Admiral Arbuthnot. The balance of the news ... See More  

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