Aviation & Flight
Aviation & Flight
Much reporting on the War of 1812...
Item #711555
December 04, 1813
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 4, 1813 Among the reports are: "The War-Tax Laws" "Captain Jesse D. Elliot" "Governor Shelby" "Vermont Militia" with a section headed: "Events of the War" taking over 6 pages & including subheads: "Military--The Northern Armies" "Official Correspondence--From Gen. Wilkinson to the Secret... See More
Much reporting on the War of 1812...
Item #647675
December 04, 1813
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 4, 1813 Among the reports are: "The War-Tax Laws" "Captain Jesse D. Elliot" "Governor Shelby" "Vermont Militia" with a section headed: "Events of the War" taking over 6 pages & including subheads: "Military--The Northern Armies" "Official Correspondence--From Gen. Wilkinson to the Secret... See More
Much reporting on the War of 1812...
Item #618610
March 26, 1814
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 26, 1814 Over half of the front page has a letter signed by John Armstrong (Secretary of War) beginning: "The time at which we have reason to expect an ascendancy on Lake Ontario has arrived.." in which he gives an update on events from his theater of the War of 1812. War reports carry over for several more pages & includes letters s... See More
Two letters signed by William Henry Harrison...
Item #647662
April 16, 1814
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, April 16, 1814 Contains much reporting on the War of 1812 including letters signed by John Armstrong, Wm. Henry Harrison, Geo. McClure taking 3 pages. Also: "Brig. Gen. Tecumseh" "Events of the War" which takes 6 pages with various letters of correspondence.
Sixteen pages, 6 1/4 by 9 3/4 inches, very nice condition.
As noted in W... See More
Much on the Battle of Fort Oswego...
Item #703092
May 31, 1814
THE WAR, New York, May 31, 1814 All of the front page and half of pg. 2 are taken up with a continuation of the "Documents" concerning the failure of the U.S. military on the northern Frontier. Includes are letters signed in type by: Wm. H. Harrison, Geo McClure, and John Armstrong.
Inside includes: "Attack On Oswego - American Official Account" which is on the Batt... See More
British capture the nation's capital... Battle of Lundy's Lane...
Item #701495
August 30, 1814
AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, Aug. 30, 1814
* Burning of Washington (capture)
* British attack on the capital of U.S.
* Battle of Lundy's Lane - Bridgewater
Page 2 has a lengthy (over 3 columns) report on the Battle of Lundy's Lane near Niagara, written by the American commander: Jacob Brown.
This notable battle was also known as the Battle of Niagara, fought on July 25 bet
... See More
Item #180073
AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, 1815-1820 A lot of 9 issues, all with lite rubbing on the ftpg., occasional stray writing or notations, some foxing. Woodcut of an eagle and shield in the masthead.
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Captain Oliver Hazard Perry...
Item #647970
March 15, 1817
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 15, 1817 The issue begins with: "The State of Our Country". Other items include: "Legislature of Delaware - Governor's Address" signed: John Clark; "Legislature of Kentucky" "General Armstrong Privateer"; a lengthy list of: "Appointments & Promotions" by the President, taking over half a pa... See More
Rewards for deserters.... United States selling land...
Item #583302
May 06, 1817
AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, Connecticut, May 6, 1817 This newspaper, which features an eagle in the masthead, carries reward notices on the front page for men who had deserted from the 6th U. S. Infantry. Also on the front page is an "act for the relief of the widows and orphans of the officers, seamen and marines who were lost in the United States' brig Epervier...". The backp... See More
1818 Hartford CT.....
Item #217761
June 09, 1818
AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, June 9, 1818
* Nice eagle masthead
* 1818 Hartford Connecticut CT
* President James Monroe
The front page has five Acts and three declarations each signed in type: James Monroe. Other news of the day with several interesting advertisements. Some staining in one of the declarations, some foxing spots, otherwise in nice condition.
... See More
* Nice eagle masthead
* 1818 Hartford Connecticut CT
* President James Monroe
The front page has five Acts and three declarations each signed in type: James Monroe. Other news of the day with several interesting advertisements. Some staining in one of the declarations, some foxing spots, otherwise in nice condition.
James Monroe Land Sales in 1818....
Item #217403
June 30, 1818
AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, June 30, 1818.
* James Monroe public land sales notices
* Hartford, Connecticut 1818
On the front page under a small woodcut of an eagle and shield are five separate Acts plus three notices for the sale of public lands, each signed in type: James Monroe. Another act and notice on pg. 4 are also signed in type by Monroe. Other news of the day inclu
... See More
* James Monroe public land sales notices
* Hartford, Connecticut 1818
On the front page under a small woodcut of an eagle and shield are five separate Acts plus three notices for the sale of public lands, each signed in type: James Monroe. Another act and notice on pg. 4 are also signed in type by Monroe. Other news of the day inclu
Acts signed by James Monroe...
Item #627864
February 08, 1820
AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, Connecticut, February 8, 1820 The front page of this issue contains an act of Congress signed in type: JAMES MONROE. Page 2 has a unusually large advertisement for "For Governor, Oliver Wolcott"
Other news and advertisements (some illustrated) of the day are within.
This is complete in four pages with some lite rubbing at the centerfold, otherwise in n... See More
1827 Frontier Posts Inspected....
Item #212932
September 18, 1827
AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, Sept. 18, 1827.
* Frontier Posts
*1827 Hartford Connecticut
A page 3 letter under General Orders discusses the recent military inspection of the frontier posts south and west of the Hudson River, and the Lower Lakes, by the General Chief of the Army, mentioning his sentiments of proud satisfaction, signed in type: R. Jones, the Adjutant General. Other news o
... See More
* Frontier Posts
*1827 Hartford Connecticut
A page 3 letter under General Orders discusses the recent military inspection of the frontier posts south and west of the Hudson River, and the Lower Lakes, by the General Chief of the Army, mentioning his sentiments of proud satisfaction, signed in type: R. Jones, the Adjutant General. Other news o
The inauguration of President Wm. H. Harrison...
Item #702420
March 08, 1841
BOSTON COURIER, March 8, 1841
* William Henry Harrison
* Presidential inauguration
* Inaugural address
Beginning on the front page and concluding on page 2 is: "Inauguration and Inaugural Address" of President William Henry Harrison. Most of the space is taken up with his very lengthy inaugural address.
Following the address is: "The Inauguration of William Henry Har... See More
A wonderful issue on the California Gold Rush...
Item #693467
December 06, 1848
THE DAILY UNION, Washington, D.C., Dec. 6, 1848
* President James K. Polk
* State of the Union Address
* Discovery of California gold
A great newspaper to find the state-of-the-union address by a President, and this issue has all of pages 1, 2, and a bit of page 3 taken up with that signed in type by: James K. Polk.
Within his message, and on the front page, he devotes much space ... See More
The President addresses the discovery of gold in California...
Item #704174
December 07, 1848
* President James K. Polk
* State of the Union Address
* Discovery of California gold
All of the front page & most of page 2 are taken up with the "PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE!" being the annual state-of-the-union address, signed in type: James K. Polk.
Within his message, and on the front page, he devotes much space to Californ... See More
Death of the newspaper's proprietor...
Item #618948
February 24, 1854
THE DAILY UNION, City of Washington, Feb. 24, 1854 All four pages have black mourning rules due to the death of the proprietor of the newspaper. Page 3 has an article headed: "Death of General Robert Armstrong" which begins: "The melancholy duty devolves upon us of announcing the death of General Robert Armstrong, the proprietor of this paper, and our associate in its editoria... See More
Black mourning rules around the issue...
Item #693463
February 25, 1854
THE DAILY UNION, Washington, D.C., Feb. 25, 1854
* Black mourning borders
All four pages have wide, black "mourning" rules which were used when someone of significance has died. In this case it is General Robert Armstrong.
Page 3 has a report from the House of Representatives headed: "Death Of General Armstrong". The comments and reports on him take up most of the... See More
Dr. Livingstone... William Walker...
Item #172018
January 31, 1857
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 31, 1857 Early from the first year (issue #5) with relatively few illustrations, but including a nice one of; "Dr. Livingstone, the African Explorer". Also is an article "Walker and Nicaragua". A few scenes from Russia. "More Insanity" showing several cures.
Complete in 16 pages, in very good condition (as shown), an... See More
Map of Southern Africa... Costa Rica...
Item #172022
February 14, 1857
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 14, 1857 Just the 7th issue of this title. Two-thirds pg: "Map of the African Continent" showing the bottom half of it. Two pages with 8 prints of: "A Tramp Through the Backwoods of Costa Rica".
Complete in 16 pages, in good condition as shown and contains additional prints and/or related text.
President Buchanan's cabinet...
Item #172038
April 11, 1857
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 11, 1857 Nice full page shows: "The Cabinet" of President Buchanan, with displayable portraits of the seven men, with an accompanying article.
a print of: "Robert J. Walker, the New Governor of Kansas". There are 5 prints on the war between Persia and England.
The back page has 4 cartoons.
Sixteen pages.
Item #172042
April 25, 1857
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 25, 1857 Most of the front page is taken up with an article: 'The Mormons'. Inside contains several illustrations of Chinese entitled "Some Celestial Paradoxes". Several illustrations on: "A Ranger's Life In Nicaragua" and two on carrier pigeons. This is a volume one issue, with smaller illustrations than found in later iss... See More
Item #172056
June 13, 1857
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 13, 1857 The front page features a quarter-page print of "Sir E. Bulwer Lytton" with an accompanying article.
Inside prints include: "Rembrandt Peale"; any illustrations of "Travel Notes in Bible Lands" including: "Modern Gaza" "Ruins of Askelon" "Plain of Ashdad" "Ludd (ancient Lydda)"... See More
Louisville, Kentucky... Jamestown prints...
Item #172060
June 27, 1857
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 27, 1857 Front page includes "Travel Notes in Bible Lands" an illustration of 'Bethany' in Palestine. Inside has a nice & quite early quarter-page view of the 'City of Louisville, Kentucky'. Quarter page: 'St. Luke's Home for Indigent Females'.
"The Jamestown Celebration" Jamestown, Virginia (Jamestown S... See More
Flying machines... Hot air balloons...
Item #172068
July 25, 1857
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 25, 1857 The front page features "The Travel Notes in Bible Lands" with a half page illustration 'Pool of Bethesda' and smaller illustration 'Pillar of Absalom'. Full page of text with 5 illustrations on: 'New Holland Pippins' with a view of the 'Country House Near Sydney, New Holland' and one of 'Kangaroos'... See More
Alexander Stephens of Georgia...
Item #172144
April 10, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 10, 1858 The front page has a nice illustration of "Hon. Alexander H. Stephens of Georgia" including a biography of him. A text report entitled "The Settlement of the Mormon Affair. A full page: "A Masked Ball at the Academy of Music at Paris" along with an article "Busard and the Paris Masked Balls" which also fea... See More
Atlantic Telegraph... Cricket...
Item #172180
August 14, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 14, 1858 The front page features an article and half page illustration of "The Atlantic Telegraph" (England, United States). Inside half page map of "The Gulf of Petielle." Also two illustrations of boats including "The Pei-Ho Forts" and "Victoria, Vancouver's Island." The Great Cricket Match at Hoboken" i... See More
Atlantic Telegraph... Cyrus W. Field...
Item #172182
August 21, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 21, 1858 The front page features a full illustration of "Cyrus W. Field, Esq." with an article on him inside.
Also inside: "The Telegraph Enterprise - Morse and Hudson" which features a half page illustration" "Laying the Cable in Mid-Ocean" with five related illustrations. Two other nearly half page illustrations on l... See More
Ballooning... Launch of the largest wooden ship in the world...
Item #172194
October 02, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 2, 1858 Full front page illustration shows: "Launch of the 'General Admiral', the Largest Wooden Ship in the World, From the Ship-Yard of W. H. Webb, of New York". 'A Trip to Niagara Falls' includes 12 illustrations. Somber back page cartoon: 'The Quarantine Question'
Also an article "A Man Lost in the Clouds"... See More
British Columbia scenes... Early Mormon print of Provo...
Item #172196
October 09, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 9, 1858 The front page features a print of: "The Steamship Austria, Burned at Sea September 13, 1858" with accompanying article plus two more full page scenes inside.
Two halfpg. prints are of British Columbia: "Fort Langley, Frazer's River" and "Fort Yale and the Gold Hunter's Camp, Frazer's River". ... See More
The steamer Winans...
Item #172200
October 23, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 23, 1858 The front page illustration: 'A Target Excursion in Broadway' with an accompanying article. An article entitled "The Winans Steamer" also includes two full pages and 6 illustrations of 'The Winans Steamship'. Full page: 'An Elephant Steeple-Chase at Rangoon, Burmah'.
Complete in 16 pages, in good condition as ... See More
Morrissey & Heenan boxing match... Steam fire engine...
Item #172202
October 30, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 30, 1858 The front page features a half page illustration of "Mademoiselle Piccolomini" with accompanying article. Inside two 1/4 page illustration of "The Late Rev. John Sawyer, of Bangor, Maine" and "General Paez, of Venezuela." Half page illustration of "Terrible Explosion at Havana, on September 29, 1858." Hal... See More
Early scene from Utah...
Item #172204
November 06, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 6, 1858 The front page features a half page with illustrations of "Hon. Amasa J. Parker and Hon. Edwin D. Morgan" with the article "The Rival Candidates for Governor". An article "Thorough-Bred Horses in the United States" features two nearly half page illustrations of horses. A one-third page illustration of 'Th... See More
Front page print of the infamous slave ship "Wanderer"...
Item #172224
January 15, 1859
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 15, 1859 The front page features a rather large print of: "The Yacht 'Wanderer'" along with a related article.
Its infamy is in that it was the last documented ship to bring a cargo of slaves from Africa to the United States, which it did on November 28, 1858. Part of the article notes: "...after detaining the Wanderer for a week... See More
Winslow Homer print...
Item #172254
April 30, 1859
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 30, 1859 Halfpg: 'Proposed Balloon Railway Up Mt. Rhigi, Switzerland'. Nice fullpg: 'May-Day In The City'. Also a full page Winslow Homer print: "May Day In The Country". Additional illustrations, articles and advertisements.
Complete in sixteen pages.
First issue of the new format...
Item #613731
July 02, 1859
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, July 2, 1859 This is the first issue of the new format, or "New Series" as described in the dateline. This was previously a folio-size newspaper. The front page has an illustration of "Nystrom's Improved Hydraulic Pontoon Dock". Inside the issue is "Baird's Car Seat and Reclining Chair"; "Crumbie & Brigg's Impr... See More
Regis Gignoux's Niagara lighthouse
Item #172274
July 09, 1859
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 9, 1859 A front page half page illustration of "Fire in the Fourth." Inside includes a full page illustration of "Gignoux's Niagara - The Property of Hon. August Belmont" (Lighthouse). This features the continuation of "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens. A nearly doublepage map of "Sardinia, Piedmont, Savoy, Pa... See More
Good baseball issue... Cricket... "A Tale of Two Cities"...
Item #172302
October 15, 1859
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Oct. 15, 1859 Ftpg. shows: 'A German Beer Garden in N.Y. City on Sunday Eve.' Nice fullpg: 'The English Cricketers--the Eleven of All England'. Half of the dblpgctrfld. is a terrific illus. of: 'A Base Ball Match at the Elysian Fields, Hoboken' showing a game in progress. A very displayable print, showing almost the entire field. The other hal... See More
Huge fire at the Lawrence Pemberton Mills...
Item #172330
January 21, 1860
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 21, 1860 The full front page shows: "Ruins of the Pemberton Mills, At Lawrence, Massachusetts...". The doublepage centerfold has has 12 comic vignettes titled: "A Broadsheet of Good Things, by John Leech". Also a three-quarter page print: "The Ball at Tammany Hall, New York...In Commemoration of the Anniversary of the Battle of New... See More
Winslow Homer centerfold...
Item #172332
January 28, 1860
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 28, 1860 Featured is a very nice doublepage centerfold: "Skating On the Ladies' Skating Pond in the Central Park, New York" by famed artist Winslow Homer. Many other prints within including: "The Late Lord Macaulay"; 3 prints of: "Irving Park, Tarrytown" New York; plus more. Two cartoons on the back page.
Complete in sixt... See More
Democratic Convention...
Item #172358
April 28, 1860
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 28, 1860 Ftpg. shows: 'Delegates to the Democratic Convention Leaving the Charleston Hotel'. Also a halfpg. scene of the Convention Hall at Charleston, S.C., plus a great dblpgctrfld. showing them in session at Charleston. 'Statue of Henry Clay, at New Orleans'. The back page has a notice for "The Base Ball Player's Pocket Companion&quo... See More
Map of Two Sicilies, Italy... Cities of Messina and Naples...
Item #172370
June 09, 1860
HARPER'S WEEKLY, June 9, 1860 Full front pg. illus. of "General Giuseppe Garibaldi." Inside contains a "Map of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies." 1/2 pg. illus. of "The City of Messina, in Sicily." Large illus. spanning across the bottom of two pgs. of "General View of the City of Naples, with Mount Vesuvius in the Distance." 1/2 pg. illus. of the "E... See More
American trotting horses...
Item #172382
July 21, 1860
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, NY, July 21, 1860 Front pg has two nice illustrations: "Mr. Chenery's Stables at Belmont, Massachusetts, Where the Cattle Disease--Pleuro-Pheumonia--First Appeared" and "Part of Mr. Chenery's Herd". Fullpg. with two great illustrations of: "Our American Trotting Horses". Nice & displayable dblpgctrfld: "Review of t... See More
The meteor of July 20...
Item #172386
August 04, 1860
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, NY, August 4, 1860 Three large front pg. illus. pertaining to "The Meteor" including "The Meteor of July 20, as seen by J.A. Adams, Esq., at Saratoga Springs," "The Meteor as seen by S.P. Avery, Esq., at Brooklyn," and "The Meteor as seen by J. M'Nevin, Esq., Near Bedford, Long Island." Inside: Two diagrams Pertaining... See More
City of Toronto, Canada... Public Square at Cleveland...
Item #172396
September 08, 1860
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 8, 1860 The ftpg has: "A Group of Druses in Lebanon". Fullpg. with 3 "Panoramic Views of the City of Toronto, Canada". Nice dblpgctrfld. has various vignettes on "Public Sq. at Cleveland, Ohio with the Perry Statue" & more on O.H. Perry. Small illus: "The Virgin, an Instrument of Torture", halfpg print: The ... See More
The Prince of Wales... Charles Dickens story...
Item #172412
November 03, 1860
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 3, 1860 Frontpg. has 1/2 pg. print: "The Last of the Prince--The Royal Squadron Steaming Out of Portland Harbor". Fullpg. shows: "Our Recent Vistitors, The Prince of Wales and Suite--At Brady's Gallery, New York". Nice dblpgctrfld. shows an elegant naval parade: "Embarkation of the Prince of Wales at Portland, Maine". ... See More
Large & ornate masthead from the Civil War...
Item #649226
NEW HAMPSHIRE JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE, Manchester, 1861 The title reflects the theme of this issue, being primarily a farming-related newspaper with agricultural concerns taking much of the front page and some inside space as well. However Civil War reporting is found on page two with a review of the week's battle events and military concerns. Of added significance is the large and very d... See More
Large & ornate masthead from the Civil War...
Item #215899
NEW HAMPSHIRE JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE, Manchester, 1861 The title reflects the theme of this issue, being primarily a farming-related newspaper with agricultural concerns taking much of the front page and some inside space as well. However Civil War reporting is found on page two with a review of the week's battle events and military concerns. Of added significance is the large and very d... See More
Lincoln's inauguration... Winslow Homer print...
Item #172450
March 16, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 16, 1861 The entire front page shows: "The Inaugural Procession at Washington Passing the Gate of the Capitol Grounds" which shows Abraham Lincoln & James Buchanan in the carriage.
Inside has a nearly half page print showing: "Presidents Buchanan and Lincoln Entering the Senate Chamber Before The Inauguration" with related text he... See More
Bombardment of Fort Sumter...
Item #172462
April 27, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 27, 1861 The front page shows: "General Thomas Swearing In the Volunteers Called Into the Service of the United States at Washington, D.C." plus there is also text on: "The Bombardment of Fort Sumter".
Inside includes a dramatic full pg: "The Interior of Fort Sumter During the Bombardment" and also a full page: "Map of ... See More
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