Mormon Issues
In addition to the issues shown below, we have many 19th century issues from Salt Lake City which are not available on our website. If interested, please be in touch.Mormon Issues
In addition to the issues shown below, we have many 19th century issues from Salt Lake City which are not available on our website. If interested, please be in touch.
A possible Mormon connection? Two influencing events?
Item #684989
April 05, 1823
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER Baltimore, April 5, 1823
* Jews and Mormons ?
An inside page has a brief report noting: "...that the society for meliorating the condition of the Jew, are now engaged in a negociation for 20,000 acres of land in the 'Genesee country' for a Jewish colony. Will the Jews work on it?"
In brief, this was an attempt by Elias Boudinot to create a land ... See More
Curious connection on two undeciphered texts, one being the Mormon golden plates...
Item #684998
May 03, 1823
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 3, 1823
* re. Golden Plates - Mormons
* Latter Day Saints manuscript
* Mormonism - Joseph Smith
An inside page has an interesting article with a small heading: "Curious Manuscript", which reports on: "...the discovery of a curious manuscript at was not Chinese, Arabic, Syric-French, Spanish or English, but what it... See More
Curious connection on two undeciphered texts, one being the Mormon golden plates...
Item #684997
May 03, 1823
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 3, 1823 An inside page has an interesting article with a small heading: "Curious Manuscript", which reports on: "...the discovery of a curious manuscript at was not Chinese, Arabic, Syric-French, Spanish or English, but what it was no one could tell..." with further detail.
This "curious manuscript" was re... See More
Critical thoughts on Mordecai Noah's plans for a Jewish homeland... A curious parallel to Mormon efforts a few years later...
Item #685000
January 21, 1826
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 21, 1826
* Mordecai Manuel Noah
* Jewish homeland on the Niagara River
The prime article is: "Re-assemblage of the Jews" which has a letter somewhat critical of the efforts of Mordecai Manuel Noah to create a homeland for the Jews on Grand Island in the Niagara River.
This is followed by some responses by Mr. Noah.
Some have draw... See More
Very early Mormon report...
Item #683180
September 08, 1832
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 8, 1832
* Very early report on the Mormons
Within this issue is a rather brief article with a small head: "Mormonism", the full report reading: "Two preachers of this sect have lately visited Boston, and soon made 15 converts to their strange doctrines--some of whom are respectable persons--5 also had joined at Lynn. Certain o... See More
Judaica content... The cholera & Mormons... Davy Crockett...
Item #686286
August 02, 1834
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 2, 1834
* Davy Crockett - Gold Coins
* Jewish and Mormon interest
Page 2 has a simple one sentence report, interesting nonetheless: "A public dinner was given to col. David Crockett, at Louisville, Kentucky, on his way home."
Page 3 has a curious item about death caused by drinking cold water (a common thought in the 19th cent... See More
One of the earliest newspaper mentions of Lincoln to be had... Early Joeseph Smith mention...
Item #704359
August 12, 1837
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 12, 1837
* Very early mention of Abraham Lincoln
* Early Mormon & Joseph Smith mention
An inside page has a report headed "Illinois" being an account of activities in the state legislature, with an inconspicuous--yet very significant--listing of "Lincoln" in the "negative" column of those who voted on a spec... See More
On the treaty ending the Mormon War...
Item #684922
October 09, 1838
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 9, 1838
* 1838 Mormon War treaty
* Missouri militia victory
* Latter Day Saint movement
Page 3 has two reports on the Mormons, the first mentions in part: "...that an insurrection is now actually on foot in the counties of Caldwell and Daviess...General A. has ordered out 400 more suppress the insurrection and restore... See More
Early Ulysses S. Grant well before he was famous... Assaults upon the Mormons...
Item #697530
July 20, 1839
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, July 20, 1839
* Very early Ulysses S. Grant
* West Point cadet admission
* Mormons in Nauvoo, Illinois
A fascinating and extremely early mention of Ulysses S. Grant, as the front page contains a "...list of cadets admitted into the institution in June last:..." and what follows are those admitted from each of the states amo
... See More
* Very early Ulysses S. Grant
* West Point cadet admission
* Mormons in Nauvoo, Illinois
A fascinating and extremely early mention of Ulysses S. Grant, as the front page contains a "...list of cadets admitted into the institution in June last:..." and what follows are those admitted from each of the states amo
Mormon numbers are increasing in New Jersey...
Item #692853
August 17, 1839
THE NEW-YORKER, New York, Aug. 17, 1839
* Early Mormons - Mormonism
The bottom of an inside page has a brief report on: "Mormonism" noting: "...this delusion has exhibited itself in this state [New Jersey], in the neighborhood of New Egypt & other places in Monmouth co. A number of the disciples appeared there...& have succeeded in making coverts of several pers... See More
The governor of Rhode Is. deals with the Dorr Rebellion...
Item #645755
May 07, 1842
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, May 7, 1842 Page 3 has a message from the governor of Rhode Island given at a special session of the legislature which relates to the on-going Dorr Rebellion in that state.
Near the back is a brief Mormon item: "Mr. Stewart offered to present certain testimony of the Mormons in relation to their controversy with the state of Missouri. ... See More
Orrin Porter Rockwell, the Mormon bodyguard...
Item #685085
March 25, 1843
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, March 25, 1843
* Porter Rockwell - Utah Territory lawman
* Bodyguard and friend of Joseph Smith arrest
* Mormons - Mormonism - Latter Day Saints
* Attempted murder of Governor Lilburn Boggs
The back page has a small report: "Mormons" noting: "Orrin Porter Rockwell, the Mormon, who has been accused of being the person who attemp... See More
An April Fool's report on the abolishment of Nauvoo... Deranged by Millerism...
Item #705091
April 01, 1843
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, April 1, 1843
* Mormons - Mormonism
* Nauvoo, Illinois hoax ?
* Millerism - Millerites
The back page has what is apparently an "April Fools" report concocted by the normally staid editor, headed: "Nauvoo Abolished". It reports: "In the Illinois legislature...the senate repealed the law creating the Nauvoo legion, mili... See More
British Mormons heading to Nauvoo... Fugitive slave George Latimer...
Item #685090
April 08, 1843
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, April 8, 1843 The back page has a very brief item: "Mormons" "A streamer recently passed Natchez, with 500 English Mormons on board, bound for Nauvoo."
But a lengthier report on: "The Latimer Case" noting in part: "...enclosing the reply of governor Morton of Mass. to the second demand for the fugitive Latimer...he ... See More
Joseph Smith on the Millerites...
Item #684890
July 24, 1843
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 24, 1843
* Mormons - Mormonism
* Nauvoo, Illinois
* Millerism - Millerites
Page 3 has a brief item noting: "Joe Smith, in a late number of the Nauvoo Times & Seasons, has a review of Millerism, in which he avows his believe that the world has a decided liking for being humbugged. There is not a greater truth to be found wi... See More
Mormon missionaries headed to Russia in 1843...
Item #684909
August 23, 1843
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Aug. 23, 1843
* Orson Hyde - Mormons leader
* Latter Day Saints movement
* Mormon missionaries to Russia
Page 3 has a brief report with a small heading: "Mormon Mission" noting in part: "...The Nauvoo 'Times and Seasons' contains...letters of Joe Smith appointing G. J. Adams to accompany Elder Hyde on a mission t... See More
The Mormon Legion... Tyler's annual address... The Millerites...
Item #685113
December 09, 1843
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 9, 1843
* Nauvoo Legion militia - Illinois - Mormons
* John Tyler - state of the union address
* William Millerites - Millerism
Inside has a small heading: "The Nauvoo Legion" which notes: "...that the Nauvoo Legion numbers some four or five thousand men. They are thoroughly disciplined, and well acquainted with the use of ... See More
Trouble with the Mormons in Illinois... Slave ships...
Item #685118
April 13, 1844
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, April 13, 1844
* Mormons - Mormonism
* Nauvoo, Illinois
An inside page has a brief item discussed in the federal Congress with a small heading: "Mormons" noting: "Mr. Semple presented a memorial from the mayor & aldermen of Nauvoo, that a separate territorial government may be extended to that city; also from 3,419 citizens ... See More
Joseph Smith as a candidate for President...
Item #704481
May 18, 1844
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, May 18, 1844
* Mormons leader Joseph Smith
* Election campaign for president
* 1st presidential candidate to be killed
Page 2 has a report under: "Political--Presidential" which discusses the various candidates for the presidency. Included in the discussion is mention of Joseph Smith, leader of the Mormons.
It is not known by many to... See More
Rare & lengthy account of Joseph Smith running for President...
Item #684969
June 08, 1844
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, June 8, 1844
* Joseph Smith running for U.S. president
* Mormons - Mormonism - Latter-Day Saints
It is not known by many today that Joseph Smith, leader of the Latter-Day Saints, ran for president of the United States in 1844.
After several years of harassment and persecution in Missouri and Illinois, Smith wrote to five men expected to be can... See More
On Joseph Smith and his failed presidential campaign in 1844...
Item #684973
June 22, 1844
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, June 22, 1844
* Mormons leader Joseph Smith
* Election campaign for president
* 1st presidential candidate to be killed
It is not known by many today that Joseph Smith, leader of the Latter-Day Saints, ran for president of the United States in 1844.
After several years of harassment and persecution in Missouri and Illinois, Smith wrote to fiv... See More
On Joseph Smith and his failed 1844 presidential campaign...
Item #684972
June 22, 1844
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, June 22, 1844
* Mormons leader Joseph Smith
* Election campaign for president
* 1st presidential candidate to be killed
It is not known by many today that Joseph Smith, leader of the Latter-Day Saints, ran for president of the United States in 1844.
After several years of harassment and persecution in Missouri and Illinois, Smith wrote to fiv... See More
Will the Mormons leave? On the assassination of Joseph Smith... America's first African-American lawyer...
Item #685126
July 27, 1844
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, July 27, 1844
* Mormonism - re. Joseph Smith assassination
* Macon Bolling Allen - 1st black lawyer
Pages 4 and 5 contain a nearly full-column article on: "The Mormons" focused on driving the Mormons out of Illinois, and a bit on the assassination of Joseph Smith & his brother.
A few bits include: "...exhibits on the p... See More
Report of the murder of Joseph Smith in a British magazine...
Item #704358
September 01, 1844
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1844
* Joseph & Hyrum Smith murders
* Mormons - Mormonism founder
* Carthage, Illinois jail - lynch mob killing
Near the back under "Foreign News" is a report from the "United States" noting: "Joseph and Hiram Smith, the Mormon prophets, were murdered in June last, at Carthage in Illinois, by a mob of 60 o... See More
On repealing the Mormon charter in Illinois...
Item #704473
December 28, 1844
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 28, 1844
* Mormons - Mormonism
* Charter for the City of Nauvoo, Illinois
Page 3 has a report with a small heading: "The Mormons" which reads more like an editorial than a news report, bits including: "The Illinois House...have referred a bill repealing the Mormon charters to the Judiciary...It ought never to have bee... See More
Founding of the U.S. Naval Academy... Much on the Mormon War...
Item #704475
October 18, 1845
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 18, 1845
* United States Naval Academy founded
* Annapolis, Maryland - Navy Midshipmen
* Mormons War - Mormonism
An inside page has a very historic report on the official opening of the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.
The report has a small heading: "The United States School of Midshipmen" and begins: &quo... See More
Creating the Naval Academy at Annapolis... Arresting Brigham Young...
Item #704478
January 31, 1846
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 31, 1846
* United States Naval Academy is born
* Brigham Young arrested - Mormons
Near the back is a nice article on the establishment of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, headed: "The Naval School At Annapolis", which includes: "It is generally understood that in September last the military post at Annapolis, Md., was vacated... See More
Last sermon of Brigham Young before Utah... Nice on the capture of slave ships...
Item #704483
March 21, 1846
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, March 21, 1846 The front page has an editorial concerning the Mexican War: "Shall We Have Peace or War?" Page 3 has a report: "Slavers Captured" being an account of the capture of the slave ships Panther, Patuxent, and Pons. Note that although slavery continued until the Civil War, the importation of slaves was outlawed in 1808.
A... See More
Two Mexican War maps... Much on the Mormons emigrating west...
Item #685156
May 30, 1846
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, May 30, 1846 The front page contains a great rarity for this title: a map of the Mexican War. And not one, but two.
The front page text is headed: "Seat Of War--Explanations" noting the various parts of the map and the latest action. Nearly 12 insides pages are taken up entirely with "War With Mexico" reports.
Over half of the ba... See More
Rare reference to the 'Mormon Battalion' during the Mexican War... The slave trade... The Oregon Treaty with England...
Item #688634
August 15, 1846
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 15, 1846
* Mormons Battalion - Mormonism
* Only U.S. military religious unit ever
* Mexican-American War
The top of the back page has a very notable report: "Mormon Volunteers" being a brief item noting: "Capt...Allen has reached Fort Leavenworth with 500 Mormon volunteer infantry. They proceed forthwith to join Gen. Kear... See More
Zachary Taylor on the Mexican War... Mormons are leaving Illinois...
Item #691570
August 28, 1846
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 28, 1846 The front page has: "From the Rio Grande" and: "Later From Mexico".
Page 3 has: "The Mexican War" "Further From Vera Cruz" "War Movements" while the back page has over two columns taken up with interesting "Official Dispatches" datelined from the "Headquarters Army of Occupation... See More
Abraham Lincoln wins an election in 1846... The Mormon troubles... The Mexican War...
Item #689433
September 12, 1846
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 12, 1846
* A early Abraham Lincoln political election win
Page 3 has a report from Illinois on election returns, which notes: "...7th district, Cartwright (loco.), 4829; Lincoln, (whig) 6340 (elected...".
History tells us that n 1843 Abraham Lincoln sought the Whig nomination for Illinois' 7th district seat in the U.S. House... See More
Mormons vs. the Anti-Mormons... On Iowa & Wisconsin joining the Union... The Mexican War...
Item #704480
September 19, 1846
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 19, 1846
* Illinois Mormon War - Mormonism
* Nauvoo, Hancock County
* Wisconsin & Iowa joining the Union
* Mexican-American War
Page 5 has a report headed: "States Ofd The Union - The New States--Iowa and Wisconsin" with reports on both. Iowa formally joined the Union in December, 1846, and Wisconsin not until May, 1848.
... See More
Sloat takes command of California during the Mexican War.. Mormon War has ended?
Item #688639
September 26, 1846
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 26, 1846
* Commodore John D. Sloat
* Mexican-American War
* Claims California for U.S.
* Illinois Mormon War ending
* Nauvoo, Hancock County
Inside has a very historic article headed: "The Pacific Squadron - Commodore Sloat Takes Possession of California". The letter reports that Commodore Sloat has taken possession of Calif... See More
The Mexican War, with thoughts of California joining the Union... End of the Mormon War...
Item #685166
October 17, 1846
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 17, 1846 Page 3 has: "Illinois. The Mormon War ended" which is an interesting account taking close to a full column. It notes in part: "...Articles of capitulation...drawn up to the following effect:..." followed by the four articles, which include: "The Mormon population to leave the State, or disperse immediately.... See More
Rare mention of the 'Mormon Battalion' during the Mexican War...
Item #697647
March 20, 1847
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, March 20, 1847 Near the top of an inside page has a brief yet notable report: "Letters received also state that Col. Cook and the Mormon battalion were 350 miles beyond Santa Fe. They were generally in good health and progressing slowly."
This is a very rare mention of the 'Mormon Battalion', which was the only religious unit in U.S... See More
The Mormons' new home... Gold in California...
Item #697823
March 22, 1849
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 22, 1849
* California gold rush - 49ers
* Mormons at Salt Lake City
* Mormonism - emigration
Two-thirds of a column on page 3 is taken up with: "The Mormons" which notes in part: "...Seven thousand of them have found a resting place in the most remarkable spot on the American follow after a new Jerusalem ... See More
Mormons are settling at the Great Salt Lake... Wonderful letter on the Gold Rush of California...
Item #687011
June 28, 1849
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 28, 1849
* California gold rush - 49ers
* Mormons at Salt Lake City
* Mormonism - emigration
Page 2 has 1 1/3 columns taken up with great content headed: "Affairs In California" which is prefaced with: "The following letter from Col. Stevenson to a friend in New York contains a very interesting statement of the cond... See More
Report on the Mormon colony in Utah...
Item #704479
January 08, 1850
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Jan. 8, 1850
* Mormons - Mormonism
* Early Salt Lake City, Utah
The front page has: "From The Valley Of Salt Lake" which is an early report on the Mormons at their new home. Bits include: "...states that the Mormon colony at the Valley of the Salt Lake was in a prosperous and happy condition. The crops had been abundant...The Mo... See More
On the Mormons... Alcoholic congressmen...
Item #692181
August 10, 1850
THE GREENSBOROUGH PATRIOT, (Greensboro), North Carolina, August 10, 1850 Rarely are we able to secure antebellum newspapers from this city.
Page 2 has a nice article: "Locusts, Crickets and Gulls of the Salt Lake Country" which is: " interesting account of his visit to the Mormon encampment in the western deserts. They were out casts from Missouri and Illinois, who had f... See More
Earliest use of the term 'underground railroad' we have discovered...
Item #684244
August 28, 1850
SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, New York, Aug. 28, 1850
* Slavery - slaves - pre-Civil War tensions
* Rare "Underground Railroad" mention
The front page has an article: "From The Plains" which is a great letter concerning those traveling across the country, including Mormons heading to Utah. A few bits include: "The Gold Diggers have all disappeared among the Black Hills... See More
Salt Lake City...
Item #688257
October 30, 1852
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 30, 1852 Page 2 has an article: "From Salt Lake City" with the latest news from there, mostly concerning the situation with Indians in the vicinity.
Four pages, slightly irregular at the blank spine, nice condition.
Journey to Salt Lake City... Verdict in the famous slave case...
Item #688258
November 04, 1852
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 4, 1852 Taking over 1 1/2 columns on page 2 is the very detailed: "Captain Stansbury's Expedition To The Great Salt Lake". This is a wonderful account of the journey, about which much can be found on the internet. The subheads include: "From the Literary World" "A Dutchman en Route" "A Happy Family on... See More
Beginning work on the Washington Monument... Nauvoo, the Mormon city...
Item #704692
January 08, 1853
ILLUSTRATED NEWS, New York, Jan. 8, 1853
* Nauvoo, Illinois - Mormons
* Washington monument
A short-live newspaper which preceded the first issue of "Harper's Weekly". This is the volume 1, number 2 issue. P.T. Barnum was a "Special Partner" in this publication.
The front page shows: "The Late Collision on the Mississippi--Loss of the Steamer Western World&quo... See More
A notable Proclamation by Brigham Young...
Item #700917
April 30, 1853
DESERET NEWS, Great Salt Lake City, U.T. (Utah Territory), April 30, 1853
* Governor Brigham Young
* Gubernatorial proclamation
* Mexicans in the Territory
* Utah Militia put on alert
An early issue of the first newspaper in Utah, having begun in 1850. This is the volume 3, number 12 issue.
Most of the front page is taken up with a portion of the: "Life Of Joseph Smith"... See More
Print of the Mormon city of Nauvoo...
Item #697683
July 22, 1854
GLEASON'S PICTORIAL, Boston, July 22, 1854
* Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois view
* The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
* Mormons - Mormonism &n... See More
Great view of Utica, New York... Utah & Oregon...
Item #597657
June 02, 1855
BALLOU'S PICTORIAL, Boston, June 2, 1855 The front page as a nice graphic which is representative of "New Hampshire" as well as an article on it as well (see). Prints inside include: "View of Constantinople as seen from the Harbor" "View Iin Calcutta, East Indies" "Falls of Lewis Fork, Oregon" "Pyramid Lake, in Utah Territory", two scenes... See More
Great view of Utica, New York... Utah & Oregon...
Item #613593
June 02, 1855
BALLOU'S PICTORIAL, Boston, June 2, 1855 The front page as a nice graphic which is representative of "New Hampshire" as well as an article on it as well (see). Prints inside include: "View of Constantinople as seen from the Harbor" "View In Calcutta, East Indies" "Falls of Lewis Fork, Oregon" "Pyramid Lake, in Utah Territory", two scenes ... See More
'Bleeding Kansas'... British Mormons heading to Utah...
Item #700709
May 27, 1856
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 27, 1856
* Bleeding Kansas
* Missouri border invasion
* War on slavery
* British Mormons
Page 3 has a report headed: "From Kansas" which is a letter dated May 16, just prior to the historic sacking of Lawrence, Kansas. It notes in part: "Prepare for an awful shock. Hold a steady helm, or the old ship will be wrecked... See More
Brigham Young's troubles...
Item #666641
April 21, 1857
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., April 21, 1857 Page 3 has a report headed: "The Mahomet Of Utah" which begins: "Mr. Brigham Young's prospects are by no means flattering. His hot-bed of infamy and corruption is at last to be overhauled. The false prophet...has braved all hints at extermination, stands an uncommonly good chance of finding his power suddenly v... See More
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