Mormon Issues

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Mormon Issues

In addition to the issues shown below, we have many 19th century issues from Salt Lake City which are not available on our website.  If interested, please be in touch.
Web Results (308)



Oil tanker explosion in Los Angeles harbor...

Item #570051

June 23, 1947

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, June 23, 1947  This 38 page newspaper has two column headlines on the front page that include: "Los Angeles Harbor Rocked By Explosion of Big Tanker" and more. (see) report continues on page 3 with related photos.

Tells of the S.S. Markay oil tanker explosion at Berth 167, Mormon Island, Los Angeles, California.

Other news of the day throughout. ... See More  

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Laramie WY airplane crash....

Item #618561

October 07, 1955

THE TIMES-PICAYUNE, New Orleans, October 7, 1955

* Laramie, Wyoming airplane crash

* United Airlines Flight 409

* Douglas Dc-4 propliner

The front page has a three column headline: "66 KILLED AS AIRLINER RAMS MOUNTAIN PEAK" with subhead. (see). 1st report coverage on the Salt Lake City bound DC-4 Airplane crash near Laramie, Wyoming.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the... See More  

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"Ham" the chimpanzee: first hominid in space...

Item #698919

February 01, 1961

DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Feb. 1, 1961  

* Ham the Chimp - Chimpanzee

* 1st Hominid launched into space

* Mercury-Redstone 2 space flight

The banner headline announces one of the first successes of NASA at the beginning of the "space race" with the Soviet Union: "Chimp Survives Flight In Space" with subhead: "Flight Paves Way For Astronauts". An... See More  

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Kennedy killed...

Item #604446

November 23, 1963

THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE--EXTRA, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 23, 1963  Presumed complete with all 46 pages, minor wear at central fold, generally very nice.

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African-Americans may become Mormon priests...

Item #655207

June 10, 1978

THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, Raleigh, North Carolina, June 10, 1978 

* Blacks may become Mormon priests

Page 21 has a one column head: "Mormons Let Blacks In Clergy". The report notes in part: "...Mormon Church President Spencer W. Kimball said he had received a revelation from God after 'extend to every worthy member of the church all of the privileges and ble... See More  

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Tucker 1st Day Movie Advertisement & Review... Black Mormons...

Item #704927

August 12, 1988

LOS ANGELES TIMES,  August 12, 1988

* Tucker - premiere advertisement & review

* Mormon door is now open to Blacks

Last Temptation of Christ controversy

A nice full page ad for the premiere of the movie "TUCKER", accompanied by a  review on the first page of the Calendar section. Nice to have in a Los Angeles newspaper. The 

Also present is an advertis... See More  

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Eldridge Cleaver's death report... Obit of Bruce Springsteen's father...

Item #688380

May 02, 1998

* Death of Eldridge Cleaver
* From Black Panther to Mormon environmental & peace activist
The front page has: "Eldridge Cleaver, Former Black Panther, Dies", which tells of the life and death of the notable activist and author of "Soul On Ice" (considered a seminal work in African-American literature). The
... See More  

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Last firing squad execution in the U.S...

Item #701800

June 19, 2010

LOS ANGELES TIMES, June 19, 2010

* Ronnie Lee Gardner execution

* Last by firing squad in America

* Mormons - Mormonism

Page 12 has a heading announcing: "Murderer is executed by firing squad" with subhead and two related photos. (see images)

Complete with all section (80+ pages), nice condition.

wikipedia notes: News media arrived from around the world and raised the issue ... See More  

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