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1942 USS Nautilus (SS-168) sinks Japanese destroyer photo...
1942 USS Nautilus (SS-168) sinks Japanese destroyer photo...
Item # 711980
July 26, 1942
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 26, 1942
* Unusual USS Nautilus (SS-168) periscope photo
* United States Navy submarine attack - WWII
* Japanese destroyer Yamakaze (1936) sinking
The front page has a five column heading: "U. S. SUBMARINES SINK FIVE JAPANESE SHIPS" with subhead and a somewhat notable photo during World War II showing the sinking of the Japanese destroyer Yamakaze (1936) through the periscope of the American submarine USS Nautilus. (see images) The names of the warships involved were not reported here, probably due to secrecy.
Complete 1st section only with 34 pages, rag edition in nice condition.
Category: World War II