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Genuine London Gazette newspaper from 1673...

Item # 711751

July 24, 1673

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, July 24, 1673

* Among the earliest of English language newspapers to be had
* Unique gift idea for that history buff

This is the world's oldest continually published English language newspaper, having begun in 1665 and is still printing in London to this day. And this is a very early, genuine issue. As was the case with most newspapers of the 17th century, this is complete as a single sheet, measuring 6 1/2 by 10 3/4 inches and printed on very high quality paper with much cotton & linen fiber content.
The issue is filled with various news of the day from various cities in Europe, each report with its own dateline, and even includes a few "Advertisements" on the back page. Given its small size this would be a nice newspaper for framing & display with the 352 year old date prominent at the top. Minor irregularity along the left margin, nice condition.

Category: British