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Sam Houston's 'call to arms' against Mexico...

Item # 711271

April 02, 1842

NILES'S NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, April 2, 1842 

* Samuel Houston call to arms - Texas citizens
* Post Texas Revolution - Pre Mexican-American War

Inside has: "President Houston's Proclamation to the Citizens of Texas" which begins: "My Countrymen: Rumours have been brought from the southwestern frontier of invasion...The facts are sufficient to justify immediate preparation for defensive war. All who are subject to military duty are commanded to be in readiness to repair quipped to the scene of action at the call of the authorities of the country..." signed in type: Sam. Houston. This is followed by a: "Letter of President Houston" dated at Galveston, March 11, 1842, concerning the troubles with Mexico. It notes: "...We can bring into the field at least 10,000 men...The war will not be of long duration. No Mexican force can long sustain itself in Texas. The indignation of Texians will not tolerate..." and more (see). It is signed in type: Sam. Houston, President.
The back page has a brief update on the Creole Slave Ship Mutiny Case (see).
Sixteen pages, 8 1/2 by 12 inches, very nice condition.

This newspaper began in 1811 and was a prime source for national political news of the first half of the19th century. As noted in Wikipedia, this title: "...(was) one of the most widely-circulated magazines in the United States...Devoted primarily to politics...considered an important source for the history of the period."

Category: Pre-Civil War