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A sea serpent watched for half an hour...
A sea serpent watched for half an hour...
Item # 710882
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August 15, 1840
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 15, 1840
* Sea serpent - monster sighting ?
* Off Cohasset, Massachusetts coast
The back page has a small report noting: "The Sea Serpent has been repeatedly seen this season by our eastern brethren in its usual haunts. At Cohassset, a part of 5 or 6 persons, among whom was a sea captain of no inconsiderable experience, watched his motions for more than half an hour, during a part of which time he approached within 30 rods of the shore. None of the party had the slightest doubt as to its nature."
Sixteen pages, 8 1/2 by 12 inches, very nice condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War