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Al "Sacrface" Capone in jail, reported in a Chicago newspaper...
Al "Sacrface" Capone in jail, reported in a Chicago newspaper...
Item # 710649
October 25, 1931
* Al 'Scarface' Capone guilty of tax evasion
* End of his criminal career - prison sentence
* Enters local jail awaiting transfer to prison
* Best publication to be had - very rare as such
The bold, banner headline is what police forces from the gangster era were waiting to see: "CAPONE IN JAIL; PRISON NEXT". Subheads include: "Trip To Leavenworth Is Ordered Tomorrow" "One Day Is Granted to Seek Stay of 11 Year Sentence" and "Al Spurns Supper I:n; Cell; Goes To Bed On Hard Cot".
The lengthy & detailed article carries over to pages 2 and 3 where also are found several photos of the "Prosecutors & Judge Who Caused Capone Downfall", "Where Capone Will Serve Eleven Year Sentence" and a photo of Capone awaiting a triip to Leavenworth. There is also a sketch from the court room when Al Capone neared his fate. His appeal would fail and he would serve 8 years in prison.
When it comes to gangsters, organized crime, and the nefarious activities born out of the Prohibition and Great Depression eras, no city is more in the forefront of our minds than Chicago - and what better newspaper can be found than the Chicago Tribune, self-proclaimed to be "The World's Greatest Newspaper" - attributed in part to its dramatic, banner headlines! Whether hanging on your wall or part of an ongoing collection, these events are sure to capture the flavor of this infamous period in American history.
The complete Sunday issue with all sections. This is the "rag edition" printed on very high quality newsprint meant for the requirements of institutional holdings consequently in great condition. Four small binding holes at the blank spine.
Category: The 20th Century