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Nice print of Ted Healy, founder of the Three Stooges...
Nice print of Ted Healy, founder of the Three Stooges...
Item # 710231
May 19, 1929
SECTION 9 ONLY of the New York Times, May 19, 1929
* Print of Ted Healy of The Three Stooges fame
The front page of this section of this Sunday newspaper features an uncommonly large illustration which features both Ted Healy and Jobyna Howland. Brief text begins with: "Two Somewhat Different Players of Comedy Who Will Figure in the Week's New Entertainments. Ted Healy, a Funny Man of Several Revues..."
Ted Healy is credited by many with founding "The Three Stooges" but would meet with a somewhat mysterious death just 8 years later.
Complete section 9 only with all 22 pages, rag edition, a little irregular along the spine, nice condition.
Category: The 20th Century