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Masons--including Paul Revere--offer congrats to fellow Mason George Washington...

Item # 708854

May 10, 1797

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, May 10, 1797  Page 2 has an address from: "The East, the West, and the South of the GRAND LODGE of Ancient, Free, & Accepted MASONS of the Commonwealth of Mass. to their most Worthy Brother, GEORGE WASHINGTON'" being congratulations on his 2 terms as President.
It is signed in type by 3 members including: "Paul Revere, Grand Master". This is followed by his response to them, signed in type: Go. Washington.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, one fold at the center, nice condition.

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

Category: The 1600's and 1700's