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The Beatles come to Shea Stadium in 1966...
The Beatles come to Shea Stadium in 1966...
Item # 706238
June 02, 1966
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, June 2, 1966
* The Beatles concert advertisement for Shea Stadium
* Liverpool, England rock band - counterculture music
* John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr & George Harrison
Page 13 has a advertisement for "The Beatles" which performed one night at Shea Stadium in New York City. This ad measures 3 1/2 x 1 3/4 inches showing pictures of the top of fab 4's heads. (see image) The Beatles didn't like to tour much and where considered a studio band. This was actually one of the last concerts in which they performed. John Lennon's recent comment about the Beatles being "more popular than Jesus" was a major factor in there retiring from live performances.
I suspect this to be an extremely rare item because their was really no reason to save it at the time.
It is worth noting that "The Village Voice" was an American news and culture paper, known for being the country's first alternative newsweekly. Founded in 1955, the Voice began as a platform for the creative community of New York City.
Other interesting items from the counter-culture era. Complete in 32 pages, tabloid-size, one crease across the center, very nice condition.
Provenance note: This issue comes from The Village Voice's own archives, part of their in-house collection used to create their digital archive.
Alert: Many issues of The Village Voice contain articles and/or photos which some consider offensive, and are certainly inappropriate for children. Please purchase with discretion.
Category: The 20th Century