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New century begins... Y2K Doomsday predictions were much ado about nothing...

Item # 706106

January 01, 2000

SAN JOSE MERCURY NEWS - Final Edition, California, Jan. 1, 2000  

* A new millennium arrives
* Y2K and similar doomsday fears not realized

The bold banner on this issue simply reads: "CELEBRATION!" with a sub headline: "From Aukland to Silicon Valley, a small world welcomes 2000 with massive parties, dazzling fireworks and hardly a hiccup", the latter acknowledging the unfounded fears of all of the Y2K (and similar) doomsday predictions.
This issue contains numerous articles and photos of how the turn-of-the-century was celebrated at various areas throughout the world. Several focus on the anticipated doomsday, Y2K, which never occurred. See the photos for considerable details.
This appears to be the 32-page "Special Millennium Section" only and is in very good condition.

Item from Catalog 346 (released for September, 2024)

Category: Displayable Issues