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Making fun of Missouri and Maryland as "free states"...
Making fun of Missouri and Maryland as "free states"...
Item # 704635
January 16, 1865
RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 16, 1865 The front page begins with an interesting editorial which has near the beginning: "A body termed a 'State Convention' in Missouri did on last Wednesday...pass an ordinance of Emancipation, declaring all slaves free from that moment; and the Northern papers inform us that thereupon 'Free Maryland extends her congratulations on 'the occasion of Free Missouri'. It may be considered a rather poor joke that the two quondam states, now military governments, which are precisely the two that have most completely lost every vestige of republican government are ruled as satraples, & hold their sham elections at the point of the bayonet, should be compelled to congratulate one another on becoming 'Free States'..." with much more.
Also on the ftpg. are: "Results of Ten. Months' Observation in the Enemy's Country" which is quite lengthy, and there is also over a column of reporting from the: "Confederate States Congress" and a bit on the: "Virginia Legislature".
The back page includes: "Latest News From the North" which includes subheads; "Reports From Georgia" "Rebel Raid in West Virginia--Capture of Beverly" "The Constitutional Amendment in the Yankee Congress" "Recent Operations in Tennessee" "Farewell Orders of General Butler to His Troops" which is signed in type: Benjamin F. Butler. Also: "The War News" "Sherman's Movements" and other items, along with many advertisements.
Single sheet with a one column masthead (common late in the war as most paper mills were in the North), various irregularities at the margins, light damp staining.
Category: Confederate