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Great Christmas prints, many in color, with a displayable cover...

Item # 704555

December 08, 1900

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 8, 1900  The color cover has a very displayable print showing the Wise Men on camels and noting this is the: "Christmas Number 1900". 
Inside has some Christmas-themed prints including: "The Santa Claus of the Sea" "The Christmas Possum" which is by A.B. Frost; "Making Toys for the Christmas Trade" which is a series of  6 photos; "This Chimney Well Filled Means A Merry Christmas To All!"
The "Christmas Supplement" is included as well and contains 7 full page color prints as well as a great, color doublepage centerfold.
The complete 52 page issue, nice condition.

Category: Harper's Weekly