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Short-lived newspaper with an interesting title...

Item # 704429

June 03, 1709

THE BRITISH APOLLO, OR CURIOUS AMUSEMENTS FOR THE INGENIOUS and subtitled: "To Which are Added the Most Material Occurrences Foreign and Domestick". Published in London, and "Perform'd by a Society of Gentlemen" as noted in the masthead June 3, 1709.

* Uncommon publication
* Short-lived newspaper

This newspaper existed for less than 4 years. Readers were invited to send in questions on any subject whatsoever, and the editors would contrive to provide answers, which took most of the first half of each issue. The balance of the issue was devoted to poetry, snippets of news, announcements of new books, and various advertisements.
An interesting & curious title for a newspaper, complete in 4 pages, 13 by 8 inches, very nice condition.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's