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Reporting the War of 1812...
Reporting the War of 1812...
Item # 703094
June 14, 1814
THE WAR, New York, June 14, 1814 Among the reports on the war are: "Affair At Oswego" "From Chesapeake Bay" "Skirmish At Accomack" "Steam Frigates" "The Age of Revolutions" "Conduct of Bonaparte at the Time of His Abdication" "Latest From the Lakes" "Affair At Sandy Creek" and more.
Four pages, 9 by 11 1/4 inches, archivally rejoined at the spine, water stains throughout.
This is a fascinating, short-lived newspaper, having begun in 1812 for the exclusive purpose of reporting on the War of 1812 (hence the title) with no advertisements. When the war ended, so did this newspaper.
Category: War of 1812