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Jeff Davis in flight to the South... On the Lincoln assassination... G.A. Custer...

Item # 702440

May 07, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, May 7, 1865  

* Closing events on the Civil War
* Abraham Lincoln assassination plot

Some fine front page heads on events at the end of the Civil War, including reports on Lincoln's assassination. Column heads include: "THE FLIGHT OF DAVIS" "He Was at Charlotte, N.C., on the 25th" "He Left in a; Hurry that Day, Bound for Texas" "Possibility of the Capture of Davis & His Train" "Jeff Promises at Charlotte Soon to Have a Larger Army than Ever in the Field".
Also: "The Assassination" "Flight Of Sanders and Tucker" "They Are Trying to Escape from America" "Documents of the Conspirators" "Our Late President - Letter of President Lincoln" is from 1862 & is signed: A. Lincoln.
Page 2 has a lengthy letter from George A. Custer headed: "Maj.-Gen. Custer on the Punishment of the Rebel Leaders".
Four pages, slightly irregular at the blank spine, nice condition.

Category: The Civil War