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Boston almanac for 1780...
Boston almanac for 1780...
Item # 701104
January 01, 1780
* 18th century American almanac
* Revolutionary War era
A Pocket Almanac for the Year ofd our Lord 1780...fourth of American Independence, Calculated for trhe Use of the State of Massachusetts Bay in New-England, Boston, printed by T. & J. Fleet.
A wonderful almanac for during the Revolutionary War, complete in apprise. 40 pages. Each month has a blank leaf upon which notes were penned by the owner, presumable a minister as many entries are religious in nature.
This is in wonderful condition for an almanac (most quite worn as used heavily), with what appears to be a period wrapper upon which's is penned "178). Measures 3 1/4 by 5 inches.
Category: Documents & Broadsides