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From the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg...

Item # 700737

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July 02, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, July 2, 1863  

* Battle of Gettysburg begins
* General George Meade
* Gen. Robert E. Lee

The first column heads on the front page tell of the early reports of the Battle of Gettysburg, which was fought July 1-3.
The heads include: "THE REBEL INVASION" "Defeat of Stuart's Cavalry in Three Fights" "The Rebels Driven from Westminster to Hanover by Gen. Gregg" "Their Defeat at Hanover by Gen. Kilpatrick" "Their Loss 400 men & Six Pieces of Artillery" "A Supposed Heavy Battle Between Gens. Meade and Lee" "Rapid Cannonading Heard at Harrisburgh Last Evening" "Probable Position of the Main Rebel Army".
Several of the news datelines are July 1 and contains some sketchy, early reports of events near Gettysburg. Actually better reports are found in the latest dispatches as reported on the back page, with heads: "HIGHLY IMPORTANT" "A Heavy Battle in Pennsylvania" "The First & Eleventh Corps Engaged with Longstreet and Hill" "Gens. Meade and Reynolds in Command of Our Forces" "No Decisive Result at Last Accounts" "Our Troops Being Reinforced" "Death of Gen. Reynolds" "The Locality of the Battle Near Gettysburgh".
Complete in 8 pages, never bound nor trimmed so it folds out to one large sheet, two creases, nice condition.

Category: Yankee