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Barbarities of the British upon the Americans...

Item # 700452

August 14, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 14, 1813  Over 1 1/2 pages are taken up with: "Barbarities of the Enemy" with some gruesome detail including a listing which has: "Compulsory service of impressed American seamen on board of British ships of war...Massacre and burning of American prisoners surrendered to officers of Great Britain by Indians in the British service...Outrages at Hampton, in Virginia..." and more.
Over 7 pages are taken up with: "Events of the War" which includes a letter from Fort George; "Descent on Plattsburg" 'Copy of a letter from Major-General Harrison to the Secretary of War" dated at Seneca-Town & signed in type: Wm. Henry Harrison. There is also a nice "Naval" report concerning securing the return of the body of Capt. James Lawrence. Other war-related items as well.
Sixteen pages, 6 by 9 1/2 inches, nice condition.

As noted in Wikipedia, this title: "...(was) one of the most widely-circulated magazines in the United States...Devoted primarily to politics...considered an important source for the history of the period."

Item from Catalog 348 (released for November, 2024)

Category: War of 1812